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Biology 9/2/11 Write your first and last name on the front of the notecard. On the back, answer these questions. One sentence each: 1.LIKE - What do you.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology 9/2/11 Write your first and last name on the front of the notecard. On the back, answer these questions. One sentence each: 1.LIKE - What do you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology 9/2/11 Write your first and last name on the front of the notecard. On the back, answer these questions. One sentence each: 1.LIKE - What do you like about science? 2.STRUGGLE - What do you struggle with in science? 3.LEARNER - Do you think you are a visual, verbal, or kinesthetic (learning by doing) type of learner? 4.GRADE - What grade do you hope to get? When finished, read syllabus.

2 Biology 9/2/11 Finish name cards and questions 1.LIKE - What do you like about science? 2.STRUGGLE - What do you struggle with in science? 3.LEARNER - Do you think you are a visual, verbal, or kinesthetic (learning by doing) type of learner? 4.GRADE - What grade do you hope to get?

3 Room, Syllabus and Rules Room Tour Review Rules Explain Hall Passes Review syllabus. Take home for your parents to write and sign. Return by next Friday for 10 points! Watch video and explain “Say something nice…” Look for people showing RESPECT! Pass “Say something nice…” around

4 Biology 9/6/11 On your Entry Task Answer Sheet “TUESDAY” What are the three big ideas of science? List 3 topics we will study in biology this year. How much is this “entry” task worth? When finished, look at the words on the Biology tree. Choose TWO things you are curious about.

5 Grow your learning goals… On your leaf/acorn, write your name. Write one topic you are interested in learning on the front. When you have reached that learning goal, you will “harvest” these and answer 5 questions (worth 5 points) Repeat process on another leaf/acorn. When finished, hold up both leaves/acorns.

6 Safety Rules and Contract Show fire extinguisher Show MSDS Show emergency exit Goggles Review, sign, detach and return bottom portion to Ms. Maring.

7 Biology 9/7/11 Entry Task - WEDNESDAY 1.Describe 2 safety rules we will follow in the science classroom. 2.Describe 2 unsafe activities in the science classroom or lab setting. Consequences? 3.When is your syllabus due? When finished, choose another topic and write it on a leaf with your name. REMEMBER – each “harvested” leaf is worth 5 extra credit points!

8 SEATING CHART Move to the outside with your things. Quietly moved to assigned seat. Stay in your assigned seat today. If you have an individual concern, please see me before or after school. People may be moved if they cannot see or focus in their new spot.

9 Set up notebook Notebook – name and grade inside front cover. Number pages front and back. Page 1 – fold hotdog. Top – TABLE OF CONTENTS. Number down column on left. Number down column on right. Page 2 – classroom matrix FROM LAST WEEK Page 3 – safety rules FROM TUESDAY Page 4 – safety cartoon FROM TUESDAY Page 5 – fold hotdog. Number 1-36. For each, write down what is wrong in the “What not to do Laboratory.” When finished, come up to choose bin. THEN – work on your T-shirt until the end of class.

10 Biology 9/8/11 Entry Task – THURSDAY Explain 3 connections you have made regarding RESPECT – Self, Others, Property – All staff, all students, all time. NOTE: These could be from Tuesday’s respect tour, or our class, or another class, or the assembly video. When finished, work on your safety cartoon answers on page 4 and 5 of your notebook.

11 Safety Cartoon Work on your safety cartoon answers on page 5. I will call each table up to assign storage bins.

12 Biology 9/9/11 Entry Task – FRIDAY Fill in any answers you are missing from the week. Help each other Is your safety homework (cartoon answers) complete? #1-36 Finish it, for another point! When finished, say something nice. TURN IN YOUR SYLLABUS!!!

13 Say something nice… Write down a specific person who you have noticed respecting self, others, property. I’ll read them all and draw one for a prize.

14 Safety cartoon answers 1.Covered up first aid 2.Too many cords 3.No fire extinguisher 4.Spraying bug spray 5.No glasses/goggles 6.Head in fumes 7.Gas tank on floor 8.Drinking 9.Drinking chemicals 10.Coffee in lab 11.Tripping on cord 12.Wearing headphones 13.Gas on 14.Drawer open 15.Smoking 16.Sunglasses, barefeet 17.Stepping over cord 18.Climbing shelves 19.Flammable materials not stored properly 20.Leaking biohazards 21.Pouring chemicals down sink

15 22.Spilled chemicals 23.Gloves not on 24.Boxes blocking exit 25.Crack in door 26.Exit sign broken 27.Alarm blocked 28.Lock on MSDS 29.Fire extinguisher not in place 30.Boxes under emergency shower 31.Sucking on chemicals 32.Funnel left in container 33.Box exploding 34.Box upside down 35.Not looking where going 36.Hand on dangerous equipment Safety cartoon answers

16 Biology 9/12/11 Entry Task – MONDAY Week of 9/12-9/16 Is your syllabus turned in? Make a prediction – how do you think practicing a task will affect your performance? List the steps from the two “Practice Makes Perfect” sheet. Hint: these are the section headings. When finished, be ready with your partner and phone or watch to start the activity.

17 Practice Makes Perfect First, check if you have a watch or phone which can time 30 seconds. With your elbow partner, you will be timing how PRACTICE affects your ability to PERFORM A TASK. Leave the handout face up: “QUESTION”…. Read the entire procedure as a class. Begin with one partner performing task and other partner recording DATA. Practice 3 times. Switch roles.

18 Biology 9/13/11 Entry Task – TUESDAY Five people conducted “practice makes perfect.” Their scores were 11, 8, 22, 6, and 13. What was the average score? Show your work + correct answer = 3 points. Help each other. When finished, be sure “class data” is glued to page 6. Try to answer #1.

19 On page 6… Enter your “Practice Makes Perfect – class data” sheet on page 6. Share observations and record class data with Ms. Maring. Complete data analysis #1 with your partner. How does this relate to science? How does this relate to work ethic?

20 On page 6 and 7 On page 6 - Complete data analysis #1 with your partner. Enter a piece of graph paper on page 7. We will be creating a bar graph on page 7. Be tidy and use a ruler. Draw your axes. What will go on each axis? LABEL THEM. How tall should the Y-axis be? How many bars will we have? Write a title “How does practice affect performing a task.” With your partner, draw the bars to the correct height (average number reached). CONCLUSION: write your conclusion at the bottom of page 6.

21 Biology 9/14/11 Entry Task – Wednesday Please REWRITE to help make this impersonal and scientific: “So, Joey and I did this thing in science. First time, we got 5 as the highest. Second time, we got 7 as the highest. Third time, we got 8 as the highest.” (2 pts) DISCUSS and write answer– Why does a BAR GRAPH make more sense than a line graph to communicate our data? (1 pt) When finished, take out notebook and work on page 6 and 7.

22 Biology 9/15/11 Entry Task – Thursday Please REWRITE to help make this impersonal and scientific: “In the activity, “Practice Makes Perfect” first our number went up from 11 to 12, and then down to 10.” (3 pts) HINT – Use words like increase, decrease, average, students, etc. When finished, reread your data analysis and conclusion. Is it scientific and impersonal?

23 Completing “Practice Makes Perfect” Data Analysis: Describe the data scientifically and impersonally! Conclusion: ANSWER THE QUESTION: HOW DOES PRACTICE AFFECT ONE’S ABILITY TO PERFORM A TASK (use your data). By practicing a task, the average reached ___________________(increased or decreased) and then ________________. This shows practice _________________ (improves, does not improve) performance.

24 Further Investigative Questions? On the bottom of page 6, write one more question you are curious about. THIS FORMAT: How does_________________________ affect____________________________? Example: How does length of practice affect highest number reached? (30 seconds, 45 seconds, or 60 seconds)

25 CONGRATULATIONS! You have just completed your first scientific investigation in Biology using the scientific method!! We’ll be doing this again, so, what are the steps of the scientific method?

26 On page 9… Enter the “Designing an Investigation” page and keep it forever What steps are on the sheet? Look down the left column.

27 Biology 9/16/11 Entry Task – FRIDAY What are the steps of the scientific method? Are you missing any answers on this entry task sheet? Help each other fill in any missing answers. When finished, open notebook to page 10.

28 Watch one scientist conduct an investigation… As you watch, put your finger on the steps of the scientific method on your orange sheet. Now we’ll take a few notes… Then we’ll throw paper airplanes. Am I kidding?

29 RULES ALL airplanes will be left in this room with Ms. Maring. NO horseplay with scientific equipment: model planes, meter sticks, etcetera. EVERYONE will record data and participate. ONE person per team will be the thrower as a scientific control.

30 On page 9: What are the steps of the Scientific Method? What is the first step? What happens after the question? 1.Asking an investigative question. It should be written in this format: How does_______________ affect______________? 2.Make a prediction or HYPOTHESIS!

31 Can I change the question into a hypothesis? Try it! Yes! Take the “how does” for the “if” part. Put the “affect” line for the “then” part. Add a scientific reason. If__________________ ___________________ Then_______________ ___________________ Because_____________ ___________________. On page 9: What are the steps of the Scientific Method?

32 On page 10 Example: Write a question and hypothesis for this scenario: Jane and Gypsy are curious whether temperature makes soap bubbles pop faster. Investigative Question: How does_______________ affect______________? If__________________ ___________________ Then_______________ ___________________ Because_____________ ___________________.

33 Biology 9/19/11 Entry Task – Monday Turn this scenario into an investigative question, in the format “How does _________ affect ___________?” Bill and Sandy wonder if summer heat causes the ripening of tomatoes. When finished, paste the paper airplane investigation onto pages 11 and 12. Read it. Curious about the tomato question? ANSWERANSWER

34 On page 11 and 12 Enter the “Investigating Flight Distance with model airplanes” sheets. Which wing shape do you think will fly furthest? Write your hypothesis! Ms. M will assign groups and flight zones. Conduct experiment and collect data – MEASURING IN CENTIMETERS!!! Sit down to share data.

35 Metric vs. the American Measurement System In your head, add up 36 inches plus 36 inches. Now add up 100 centimeters plus 100 centimeters. Which was easier? Metric is based on TENS (not 12) which makes it easier to convert. Use meter sticks appropriately!

36 RULES ALL airplanes will be left in this room with Ms. Maring. NO horseplay with scientific equipment: model planes, meter sticks, etcetera. VOLUME – quiet and conversational—no yelling. EVERYONE will record data and participate. ONE person per team will be the thrower as a scientific control. Nominate THROWER, two MEASURERS, DATA Manager – checks if data is recorded in all data tables.

37 Biology 9/20/11 Entry Task – Tuesday Change the question, “How does summer heat affect the ripening of tomatoes?” into a hypothesis. (Look at your orange sheet or notes!) If_____________________________________ Then__________________________________ Because________________________________. When finished, check that everyone in your group has the data from yesterday. Reclaim your plane and prepare for flight.

38 Complete the 3 trial flights and record all data. Calculate your team’s average. Share class data. Complete Data Analysis. CONSTRUCT A BAR GRAPH FOR page 13. Write conclusion – include data as evidence. Write down your next question. Paste your rubric on page 14 and see if you would get all 12 points! On page 12, 13 and 14

39 Biology 9/21/11 Entry Task – Wednesday Change this question into a hypothesis: How does amount of sleep affect drowsiness in teenagers? Remember to use “If, then, because”!! ANSWER When finished, begin working on graph on page 13. Ms. M NOTEBOOK CHECK today – – 1 point for having notebook, – 1 point for working productively in time given, – 1 point for having airplane data table and hypothesis complete.

40 Hypothesis If____________________________________ Then_________________________________ Because_______________________________ ____________________________________.

41 Complete pages 12-14 NOTEBOOK CHECK today – 1 point for having notebook, 1 point for working productively in time given, 1 point for having airplane data table complete. Complete data table averages. Complete Data Analysis. CONSTRUCT A BAR GRAPH FOR page 13. Write conclusion – include data as evidence. Write down your next question. Paste your rubric on page 14 and see if you would get all 12 points! When finished, show Ms. Maring your work.

42 Biology 9/22/11 Entry Task – Thursday What do the 3 bars on your bar graph represent? What is an appropriate label for the Y-axis? What is an appropriate label for the X-axis? When finished, complete your data analysis, conclusion and next question.

43 Today… Complete your model airplane investigation on pages 11-14. Estimate your points using page 14. Fix things you may have missed. Show Ms. Maring your work so that your score can be recorded. When finished, work on measuring worksheet.

44 Biology 9/26/11 Entry Task – Monday Take out last week’s entry task and be sure it is complete. Have a tablemate add up your points for the week – 12 points possible!! Identify the manipulated and responding variables in this question: “How does amount of time exposed to air affect oxidation (turning brown) of apples?”

45 Our conclusions… Please look at page 12. A conclusion should: – Answer the original question. – Say whether your hypothesis was supported by the data (or not!) – Include data (aka NUMBERS) as evidence of your conclusion. – Be scientific and impersonal How is yours? Have your elbow partner check it. Please leave your notebook in your bin so that I can record grades!!!

46 Metric Measuring Look at a meter stick. What are the littlest lines? How many millimeters per centimeter? How many centimeters on the meter stick? How many millimeters per meter? TRICK QUESTION: How many meters per meter stick? ;P PLEASE MEASURE WITH SUPERIOR ACCURACY! Complete the metric measuring worksheet. You may work with a partner. You will turn this sheet in to the assignment box after we review answers.

47 Biology 9/27/11 Entry Task – Tuesday Please look at your grade sheet. List any assignments your are missing. What was your goal for a grade on Day 1? Are you meeting your goal? If not, what could you change to improve? TOUR of Ms. M’s Website When finished, say something nice Please try to make your comments specific to one person AND about respectful behavior (not “looks”).

48 PLEASE MEASURE WITH SUPERIOR ACCURACY! Try moving the decimal point instead of counting lines Complete the metric measuring worksheet. You may work with a partner. You will turn this sheet in to the assignment box after we review answers. Metric Measuring

49 Biology 9/28/11 Entry Task – Wednesday How many centimeters would 25 mm be? How many millimeters would 0.909 m be? How many meters in a kilometer? When finished, please finish the pink sheet or help someone who is not done.

50 Biology 9/29/11 Entry Task – Thursday Start with 1.34 m. How many cm is it? How many mm is it? If 10 years is a decade, how much of a meter do you think a decimeter is? Hint – it is smaller than cm. When finished, start on blue sheet “Measuring Volume in Metric.” REMINDER: PLEASE LEAVE NOTEBOOKS IN BINS THIS WEEK.

51 Where do our notes start? What is included in the materials and procedure part? On page 10! A list of ALL materials needed. A numbered list of ALL the STEPS, including safety, the manipulated variable (changed) and the responding variable (measured), at least 3 trials, and reminder to record data. On page 15: What are the steps of the Scientific Method?

52 What goes in the data part? A data table with all the measurements labeled. A graph. Data Analysis – scientific and impersonal. Conclusion and further investigative question. On page 15: What are the steps of the Scientific Method?

53 Measuring Volume in Metric To help you get started, some information and questions for you… Complete the yellow sheet with a partner. You may carefully get water from the back 3 lab stations and then return to your seat. NO HORSEPLAY. When instructed on your sheet, raise your hand to ask Ms. M for cubes. CLEAN-UP: return all cubes to Ms. M. Dump all water in a sink and return your measuring equipment to the front lab station.

54 Biology 9/30/11 Entry Task – Friday Change 2.45 m to cm. Change 1450 mm to cm. How much water in mL would a cube with a volume of 216 cm 3 displace? When finished, say something nice about someone you’ve noticed working hard or focusing in school

55 QUIZ TUESDAY Scientific Method – finish notes today. Metric Measuring – length and volume. I will return your notebooks and measuring worksheets on Monday. On Monday we will study for the quiz together! AFTER NOTES – please put notebooks in bags to go home with Ms. M!!

56 Measuring Volume in Metric To help you get started, some information and questions for you… Complete the blue sheet with a partner. You may carefully get water from the back 3 lab stations and then return to your seat. NO HORSEPLAY. CLEAN-UP: return all cubes to Ms. M. Dump all water in a sink and return your measuring equipment to the front lab station.

57 Biology 10/3/11 Calculate the volume of a cube with sides measuring 40 mm. (Hint: convert to cm first). What amount of water in mL would be displaced by that cube? Please use calculators But also show your work. EXTRA CREDIT POINT: How much water would the light green rectangular prisms displace?

58 Today’s Work Airplane grades are not official until Friday! I will recollect notebooks then and enter grades!! Please FIX anything I circled!! Check means good. If you have circled items, you have homework this week. FINISH NOTES Play Jeopardy!

59 Biology 10/4/11 Entry Task – Tuesday Look at your Airplane Investigation page. Think of a “500 level” jeopardy question about the scientific method. When you trade for grading, have your partner try to answer it. When finished, keep out notebook and prepare for jeopardy.

60 Jeopardy! FIRST – has everyone turned in the blue sheet? You must answer as a question, “What is….?” There will be 2 teams (selected randomly). The teams will take turns. Briefly consult and choose a category and point value. “We’ll take scientific method for 200, please.” Consult and have spokesperson announce the question by the end of the song.

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