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THE CDIO APPROACH TO ENGINEERING EDUCATION: 3. Designing and Integrating Design-Implement Experiences November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CDIO APPROACH TO ENGINEERING EDUCATION: 3. Designing and Integrating Design-Implement Experiences November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CDIO APPROACH TO ENGINEERING EDUCATION: 3. Designing and Integrating Design-Implement Experiences November 2007


3 SESSION THREE OBJECTIVES Give examples of design-implement experiences in representative CDIO programs Summarize lessons learned about design-implement experiences Explain the rationale for design-implement experiences

4 DESIGN-IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCES Design-implement experiences are instructional events in which learning occurs through the creation of a product, process, or system that Is developed and implemented to a state in which it –Can demonstrate that it meets requirements –Identifies potential improvements Varies from basic to advanced with increasing levels of complexity May focus on Conceive, Design, Implement, or Operate, or any combination of these stages

5 EXAMPLE: NEW PROJECTS EVERY YEAR... (Courtesy of KTH-Royal Institute of Technology)

6 …THE SAME LEARNING OBJECTIVES As a result of the course, students will be able to Work in a project setting in a way that effectively uses the knowledge and efforts of all group members Explain mechanisms behind progress and difficulties in such a setting Communicate engineering - orally, graphically, and in writing Analyze technical problems from a holistic point of view Solve technical problems that are incompletely stated and subject to multiple constraints Select and use appropriate engineering methods and tools Make estimates and appreciate their value and limitations Pursue their own ideas and realize them practically Make decisions based on acquired knowledge Assess the quality of their own work and that of others Design-implement experiences provide the framework to support students in their achievement of these learning objectives.

7 BEST PRACTICE CDIO Standard 5 -- Design-Implement Experiences A curriculum that includes two or more design- implement experiences, including one at a basic level and one at an advanced level Design-implement experiences Add realism to the curriculum Illustrate connections between engineering disciplines Foster students’ creative abilities Are motivating for students

8 Sequencing PBL Experiences The learning sequence is not necessarily the same as the sequence of the process in the professional engineering environment Sequence for levels of complexity in problem structure type of solution number of people required length of time SEQUENCING DESIGN-IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCES

9 LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY #1 Structured problem Known solution Individual solution Same problem for all students Short time frame Building a model airplane from a kit (Courtesy of MIT)

10 LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY #2 Structured problem Known solution Team solution Same problem for all teams Short time frame Building a model rocket from soda bottles and straws (Courtesy of the United States Naval Academy)

11 LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY #3 Complex problem Solution can be known or unknown Team solution Different problem for each team Several weeks or months Courtesy of Linköping University Building an electrical robot

12 LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY #4 Complex problem Unknown solution Team solution Single problem solved by multiple sub-teams More than one term long Courtesy of KTH Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operating a Sub-Skimmer

13 WHAT LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY? Model Racing Car (Courtesy of Queen’s University Belfast)

14 WHAT LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY? A Domestic Recycling Device (Courtesy of Queen’s University Belfast)

15 ACTIVITY: DISCUSSION Describe at least one basic and one advanced design- implement experience in your curriculum. Read the findings of a survey of design-implement experiences, found in the Handbook. Compare these findings with your own experiences with project-based courses.

16 INTEGRATING DESIGN-IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCES INTO THECURRICULUM Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 (Courtesy of Chalmers University of Technology)

17 GUIDELINES FOR INTEGRATING DESIGN-IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCES (1) Planning Before the Course  Start well in advance  Provide training for all instructors and staff in the purpose, conduct, and evaluation of design-implement experiences  Plan a cycle of renewal for projects  Provide dedicated spaces for all phases of the project  Create links with disciplinary courses and other project courses  Build on earlier design-implement experiences

18 GUIDELINES FOR INTEGRATING DESIGN-IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCES (2) Designing the Project Task  Involve the product or process customer to motivate students  Clearly define the learning objectives  Teach and assess the learning objectives through project deliverables  Choose an appropriate level of complexity  Have multiple paths between the start and the end to stimulate creativity  Include personal, interpersonal, and product, process, and system building skills

19 GUIDELINES FOR INTEGRATING DESIGN-IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCES (3) Course Execution  Carefully consider team size  Plan for checkpoints to track progress  Include assessment tasks at an early stage  Include self-evaluation of project success  Include adequate training in the use of tools and equipment

20 ACTIVITY: DISCUSSION In what ways would you modify current design- implement experiences or create new ones in light of the ideas discussed here? How would you integrate them into your curriculum?

21 ACTIVITY: RATING THE CHALLENGES What are the main challenges to designing and integrating design- implement experiences in your program? CHALLENGE A BIG CHALLENGE A MODERATE CHALLENGE NOT SO DIFFICULT Assessing success in products separately from success in learning Finding projects that are at the right level -- complex, but within students’ ability to succeed Finding appropriate teaching and assessment methods for project-based courses Enhancing faculty competence in design- implement skills and in new teaching roles Providing relevant experiences in a cost- effective way

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