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A Digital Field Trip Using Microsoft Photo Story 3 Larissa Keller MEDUC 611.

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Presentation on theme: "A Digital Field Trip Using Microsoft Photo Story 3 Larissa Keller MEDUC 611."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Digital Field Trip Using Microsoft Photo Story 3 Larissa Keller MEDUC 611

2 Description:  Over the course of several class periods, the students will select at least 4 digital pictures to use in a Microsoft Photo Story document. Then the students will write and narrate a dialogue to accompany the digital story.

3 Materials Needed:  Dialogue for narration, paper, pencils  Assignment Rubric  Digital pictures from camera and/or shared folder  Microsoft Photo Story 3  Computers  Headphones / Microphone

4 Objectives: Students will write, narrate, and create a digital story of their spring fieldtrip using Microsoft Photo Story. Standards: Standard 4.0 Writing Indicator: Compose oral, written, and visual presentations that express personal ideas, inform, and persuade. Objective: Write to express personal ideas using a variety of forms, such as journals, narratives, letters, and reports.

5 Procedures: Day 1 In class Introduce students to their assignment using the spec sheet and assignment rubric. Model how to use/insert pictures into a new Photo Story document. Demonstrate how to save work. In lab Students will work on selecting and inserting pictures into Photo Story. Students will write a title for each picture and record it on their activity sheet. Students will save their projects (nametourstory).

6 Procedures: Day 2 In class Students will write narration to go along with the pictures they have chosen. Students will peer edit/revise dialogue. Model for students: a.How to open an existing Photo Story document. b.How to add narration. c.How to save work. In lab Students will begin to work on adding their narration.

7 Procedures: Day 3 In class Go over any technology concerns students may have. In lab Provide time for the students to finish their projects.

8 Closure: Provide time for students to share their digital stories.

9 Modifications: I might consider allowing students to work in pairs or cooperative groups.

10 Rubric The Photo Story must have: Outstanding 4 digital pictures of fieldtrip landmarks inserted. An accurate narration for each photo. Satisfactory 4 digital pictures of fieldtrip landmarks inserted. A narration for each photo (most of them accurate). Needs Improvement Less than 4 pictures of fieldtrip landmarks. Less than 2 accurate narrations.

11 Spec Sheet:

12 How to add pictures to your story:

13 How to add titles to your story:

14 How to narrate your story:

15 How to add background music:


17 How to save your story:

18 Final Project: Project3.wp3

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