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Treasure Trove Tribune Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Sharpening skills for success! Week 9 Field Trip Expectations Attached to this newsletter you.

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Presentation on theme: "Treasure Trove Tribune Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Sharpening skills for success! Week 9 Field Trip Expectations Attached to this newsletter you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treasure Trove Tribune Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Sharpening skills for success! Week 9 Field Trip Expectations Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1.Weekly Progress Report 2.Your student’s graded work from the week 3.ELA Home Connection Page, detach and use to study spelling words and reading concepts 4.Please note that the end of the term is Oct. 28 and no 1 st term work will be accepted after that date. 5.Your child may make revisions to their “Changing World essay using Utah Compose. I have reviewed my child’s work, and progress report. ___________________________________________________ Parent Signature Student Self Assessment Write (Y) for yes, (A) for Almost and (N) for No ____1. I can multiple 1 digit by 3 to 4 digit numbers using multiple strategies ____2. I understand how to use clues to determine the theme of a story ____3. I have started my rock collection and will have it completed on/or before Oct. 29 ____4. I can name the characteristics of a dramas ____5. I can name 3 sedimentary rocks Name______________#___ Students had a wonderful, yet exhausting time on the Red Butte Garden Field Trip. However, it is important that it is understood that field trips are an extension and enrichment of our curriculum. This privilege will be denied students that have poor decision making skills, and their behavior causes safety concerns. Students will also forfeit the proceeding field trip if they request to be checked out upon the return of a field trip. Our learning day will continue after each and every field trip. It is imperative that students understand that they are Doxey Dragons and “we blaze a trail of excellence.. in each and everything we do.” Thank you for your support in promoting excellence! Thank you to our parents that came along as chaperones, we cannot do it without you! Please email any pictures you are willing to share.

2 Read the article about ecosystems and then complete this crossword puzzle. Learning about our earth we have written essays, created clay models and drawn hot magma chambers.

3 ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 9 (Detach and Keep)  Write a definition for each vocabulary word ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

4 Practice Using your spelling words in a sentence. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Comprehension Skill Main Idea and Key Details

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