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CHAPTER TWO Characteristics of RM

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1 CHAPTER TWO Characteristics of RM
Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

2 Learning Objectives What is a relationship?
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Learning Objectives What is a relationship? Relationship Marketing (RM) Vs. Transactional Marketing (TM) Definition and main components of RM The main aim of RM Applicability to different markets Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

3 Relationship Management in Banking Industry

4 Source:

5 What is RM? “An alternative strategy to the traditional marketing mix approach, as a means of obtaining sustainable competitive advantage and the best way to retain customers in the long run.” “The processes involved and how far within the micro and macro environments of a company relationship marketing should be applied are under debate, and will continue to be for some time to come.” Little & Marandi, 2003

6 What is RM? Marketing, in relational terms means:
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM What is RM? Marketing, in relational terms means: “To establish, maintain and enhance relationships with customers and other partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of the parties involved are met. This is achieved by mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises.” Gronroos 1997 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

7 CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM
What is a relationship? “..just merely a series of transactions where supplier & buyer do not really know each other does not constitute a relationship.” “..voluntary repeat business between a supplier and a customer where the behaviour is planned, cooperative, intended to continue for mutual benefit and is perceived by both parties as a relationship.” Little & Marandi 2003 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

8 Stakeholders Internal markets Influence markets Customer markets
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Stakeholders For RM to be successful, a long term and mutually trusting & committed relationship with other stakeholders is also required. Internal markets Influence markets Customer markets Referral markets Employee markets Supplier markets Christopher, Payne & Ballantyne 1991 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

9 Transactional marketing (TM)
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Transactional marketing (TM) Focus on single sale Orientation on product features Short time scale Little emphasis on customer service Limited customer commitment Moderate customer contact Quality primarily a concern of production Based on Christopher et al 1991 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

10 Deciding who to have a relationship with…….
Table 2.1 :Textbook, Gronroos, 2000

11 Relationship Marketing (RM)
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Relationship Marketing (RM) Focus on customer retention Orientation on product benefits Long time scale High customer service High customer commitment High customer contact Quality is the concern of all Conditions: the nature of the service, the consumer & the situation Characteristics of nature: importance, variability, complexity & involvement Industry: Banking, insurance & hairstyling services Based on Christopher et al 1991 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

12 Movement of salad tomatoes through a traditional marketing system, Dominican Republic, 1975

13 CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM
What is true loyalty? “A customer’s willingness to continue patronising a firm over the long term, purchasing and using its goods and services on a repeated and preferably exclusive basis, and voluntarily recommending the firm’s products to friends and associates.” Lovelock et al 1999 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

14 Characteristics of RM (Gronroos,1996)
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Characteristics of RM (Gronroos,1996) Long term orientation, win-win situation is the key feature, collaboration & creation of mutual benefits Commitment and fulfillment of promises ie:DHL service Customer share, not market share ie: private bankers Customer lifetime value (note that maintaining customer can be expensive, so long-term customers should be carefully selected) Two-way dialogue & communication (treat customers as strategic partners built via networking & interaction) Customisation (traditional marketing of ‘one size fits all’ no longer applies; RM creates value added services & products – but how???) Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

15 Approaches to customisation
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Approaches to customisation Collaborative (used when customers cannot easily articulate their requirements, and where size, fit, functionality, performance are highly desirable features.) Adaptive (ie: interchangeable mobile phone cover) Cosmetic (ie: printing of customer’s name or logo on a standard product like T-shirt) Transparent (a situation where unique goods or services are offered to customers without informing them explicitly that the offering has been customised ie: e-catalogue clothing retailer. Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

16 The RM-TM continuum RM TM Low customer anxiety High customer anxiety
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM The RM-TM continuum RM TM High customer anxiety High degree of contact Importance of confidence, social and special benefits Customers in favour of relationships Low customer anxiety High contact unnecessary Standard product Customers not seeking relationships Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

17 Levels of RM Tactical (tools for promotion)
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Levels of RM Tactical (tools for promotion) Strategic (customer are tied in by a mixture of legal, economic, technological, geographical and time bonds) Philosophical (focusing on customer needs and operating from a genuine customer orientation platform, concentrating on customer relationship life cycle) Palmer 1996 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

18 Benefits of RM Suppliers Customers Added value Increased loyalty
CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM Benefits of RM Suppliers Added value Increased loyalty Cross-selling (customer share) Premium pricing Lower promotional costs Customers High quality service Customised products Reduced anxiety Feeling valued Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

19 CHAPTER 2 – Characteristics of RM
Disadvantages of RM Loss of control – in resources, activities and intentions Indeterminateness – relationship are subjected to change via historical experience, present exchanges and future expectation Resource demand - investment and maintenance cost Preclusion of other opportunities – priortise the use of limited resources. Unexpected demands – linkage of networks bring with it obligations or expectation by others of specific behaviours. Belois 1998 Relationship Marketing Management Ed Little and Ebi Marandi Thomson Learning©

20 Stage one: Making the case for RM Stage two: Identifying critical RM
Relationship Marketing Management Stage one: Making the case for RM Stage two: Identifying critical RM success factors Stage three: Developing RM practices Planning Ethics Monitoring Implementing Stage four: Adapting to context-specific conditions

21 CASE You travelled to Hong Kong with your best friend. You book a 4 star hotel room via, an online hotel intermediary. Upon arrival at HAPPY HOTEL, you found out that the hotel was overbooked. The front desk staff explained that the system might have experienced temporary failure that led to the hotel overlooking your booking. YOU ARE VERY DISSAPOINTED. What is a relationship and how do you know if you are in one? Do you consider yourself in a relationship with HAPPY HOTEL? If you are the manager of HAPPY HOTEL what are the action steps should you follow, given that the situation happened already?

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