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What does the root word MAL mean?. Word Study Words malevolent malaria malapropism malediction malicious malefactor malodorous malignant malady malpractice.

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Presentation on theme: "What does the root word MAL mean?. Word Study Words malevolent malaria malapropism malediction malicious malefactor malodorous malignant malady malpractice."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the root word MAL mean?

2 Word Study Words malevolent malaria malapropism malediction malicious malefactor malodorous malignant malady malpractice

3 Definition: Having bad feelings toward someone or something, spite, hatred Sentence: All of my failures in life made me malevolent towards those who were successful.

4 Definition: A word used in the wrong way, usually with humorous results. He had to use a fire distinguisher. Dad says the monster is just a pigment of my imagination. Isn't that an expensive pendulum round that man's neck? Good punctuation means not to be late. He's a wolf in cheap clothing. "Don't" is a contraption..

5 Definition: Desiring harm to someone or something else. Sentence: It was really malicious of her to go behind Cory’s back and tell everyone her business.

6 Definition: Smelling bad Sentence: There is a malodorous swamp behind my house that always smells like wet feet.

7 Definition: A bad health condition, a disease Sentence: An adult malady is kidney stones, which is very painful.

8 Definition: illness believed to be spread by bad air, actually spread mosquitoes. Sentence: When malaria struck my town, the schools were closed and everyone had to stay inside so they didn’t get bitten by a mosquito.

9 Definition: Bad speech; A curse Sentence: The malediction of Snow White could only be removed by the kiss of a prince.

10 Definition: A person who breaks the law; a villain Sentence: The malefactor spent two years in jail for robbing a bank.

11 Definition: Bad or harmful; causing death Sentence: Many people survive having malignant tumors because of all of the technology and medicine we now have.

12 Definition: Performing one’s duty in a bad or wrong way Sentence: We filed a malpractice suit against the doctor when it was found that tools were left in my mom’s lungs.

13 classify (verb) Definition: to arrange in categories by shared qualities or characteristics Sentence: In language arts, we classify words by parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

14 differentiate (verb) Definition: to recognize what makes something or someone different Sentence: When studying irony in Dunk, we differentiate between verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony.

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