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Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Hell Eternal Heaven Definition:- came back to life after death.

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Presentation on theme: "Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Hell Eternal Heaven Definition:- came back to life after death."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Hell Eternal Heaven Definition:- came back to life after death.

2 Hindu Teaching on Life after Death 1 Atman Eternal 2 Moves on Ladder Reincarnation 3 Up/Down Karma 4 Judged Dharma (duty) 5 Cycle of Samsara 6 Moksha Brahman Definition: Hindu word for soul. Definition:- Continues forever Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Dharma Eternal Moksha Samsara Definition: continuous cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Definition: enlightenment. Breaking out of Samsara and joining with Brahman Definition: actions which can be good or bad and affect your afterlife.

3 Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Image Wrong Commandments

4 Hindu Teaching on Euthanasia/ Suicide 1 Life Sacred Atman 2 Gift from Brahman 3 Brahman decides 4 Bad Karma Against Ahimsa 5 Brahman decides 6 Offer support Definition:-Something which is holy. Definition:- non-violence Definition:-Soul Definition:- actions

5 Definition:- Funeral Ceremonies Definition:- Ceremony which happens by the grave side. The body is lowered into the ground EXAMPLE:- Holy songs. For example, The Lord is my Shepherd

6 Hindu Funeral Rites 1 Washed Dressed New clothes 2 Flowers Scents 3 Cremated by river Atman released and purified 4 Funeral Pyre Special woods and spices 5 Eldest Son Priest-special Prayers 6 Ashes collected River Ganges Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Pyre Cremated Ganges Son

7 Definition:- God is 3in1 Definition:- All powerful Definition:- All loving Definition:- Everywhere/ Always present Definition:- All knowing Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Omnipresent Omnipotent Father Designer

8 Hindu Teaching on Nature of God 1 Trimurti 2 Brahma Creator 3 Vishnu Preserver Protector of world 4 Shiva Destroyer 5 Brahman Supreme Spirit 6 Avatars of Vishnu Eg. Krishna Rama Fit the following words into the diagram above:- Destroyer Brahma Krishna Preserver

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