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DO NOW List the three types of Learning Styles we discussed in our last class. Describe each learning style. (How does each learning style prefer to.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW List the three types of Learning Styles we discussed in our last class. Describe each learning style. (How does each learning style prefer to."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW List the three types of Learning Styles we discussed in our last class. Describe each learning style. (How does each learning style prefer to learn?) In your own words, define “intelligence”.

2 Multiple Intelligences
“The question is not ‘How smart are you?’ It’s ‘How are you smart?”

3 Intelligence: “An ability to solve problems and/or create products.”
Dr. Howard Gardner

“The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults.”

5 It has been claimed by some researchers that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Simply put: Some people are better at understanding some things than others.

6 We all have our strengths…
For some of us it is relatively easy to understand how a flower grows-but it is immensely difficult for us to understand and use a musical instrument.

7 Maybe music is your thing, and football is definitely not…
For others music might be easy, but playing football is difficult.

8 Your Brain works like a Kaleidoscope
                                                                            Identifying Multiple Intelligences helps define the kaleidoscope of strengths within each person.

9 Think about your favorite classes in high school so far
Think about your favorite classes in high school so far. What do they have in common? Write down 3 things your favorite classes all have in common. Let’s discuss… 4/25/2017

10 Who is intelligent?


12 The Multiple Intelligences are:
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence - “word smart” Logical-mathematical Intelligence - “number/reasoning smart” Visual/Spatial Intelligence - “picture smart” Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence - “body smart” Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence - “music smart” Interpersonal Intelligence - “people smart” Intrapersonal Intelligence - “self smart” Naturalist Intelligence - “nature smart”

13 Can you define intelligence?
Toni Morrison Linguistic Intelligence Skilled with words “The Word Player” 1993 Nobel Prize Winner 1988 Pulitzer Prize Winner Wrote Novels, Plays, and Essays 1993 Nobel Laureate in Literature who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality. Background Born: 1931, Lorain, OH, U.S.A Residence: U.S.A the Pulitzer Prize in Novels The Bluest Eye. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1970 Sula. New York: Knopf 1973 Song of Solomon. New York: Knopf 1977 Tar Baby. New York: Knopf 1981 Beloved. New York: Knopf 1987 Jazz. New York: Knopf Plays Dreaming Emmet (performed 1986, but unpublished) Essays Playing in the Dark-Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Harvard University Press Racing Justice, Engendering Power: Essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas and the Others on the Constructing of Social Reality. Ed. and introduction Toni Morrison, Chatto and Windus 1992.

14 Can you define intelligence?
Albert Einstein Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence Skilled with numbers & reasoning “The Questioner” TIME magazine’s most important person of the century. “…Only recently Canadian researchers, probing those pickled remains, found that he had an unusually large inferior parietal lobe--a center of mathematical thought and spatial imagery--and shorter connections between the frontal and temporal lobes…” TIME Magazine’s most important person of the century He had an unusually large inferior parietal lobe--a center of mathematical thought

15 Can you define intelligence?
Milton Caniff Spatial Intelligence Skilled with pictures & images “The Visualizer” October 22, 1934: Debuted cartoon in the Daily News (as a daily strip) and it's success propelled Caniff forever into the eyes of the American public. Born February 28, 1907 this Hillsboro, the Ohio native graduated from Ohio State University in Moving to New York City in 1932 he secured a job with the Associated Press Syndicate and created his first strip, "The Gay Thirties", a single panel strip. In 1933 he created his first popular character in "Dickie Dare", an adventure strip featuring a small boy. The following year, when Captain Joseph Patterson was looking for an artist/writer to create a new adventure strip fro the Daily News, he tapped Caniff, who in turn created "Terry & the Pirates", and the rest is history. Terry was an immediate smash hit when it debuted on October 22, 1934 (as a daily strip, the Sunday page first appeared in December), and it's success propelled Caniff forever into the eyes of the American public. v

16 Can you define intelligence?
Cy Young                                   Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence Physical skill “The Mover” Got the nickname "Cy" because of his cyclone-like fastball. Made his major league debut at the age of 23 for Cleveland against Chicago. In that debut, he pitched a three-hitter and won the game He pitched for 22 years and won 511 games which is still a record today. He also holds the record for most losses in a career with He holds the major league record for innings pitched with 7,356. FULL NAME: Denton True Young BORN: March 29, 1867 Gilmore, Ohio DIED: November 4, 1955 Newcomerstown, Ohio SUMMARY Height: 6'2" Weight: 210 Threw: Right Position: Pitcher Got the nickname "Cy" because of his cyclone-like fastball. Made his major league debut at the age of 23 for Cleveland against Chicago. In that debut, he pitched a three-hitter and won the game He pitched for 22 years and won 511 games which is still a record today. He also holds the record for most losses in a career with He holds the major league record for complete games with He holds the major league record for innings pitched with 7, He is fourth on the all time list for shutouts with He won 20 or more games in sixteen seasons. He won 30 or more games in five seasons. He started 40 or more games eleven times in his career.

17 Can you define intelligence?
Doris Day Musical Intelligence Skilled with melody & rhythm “The Music Lover” She took singing lessons, and got jobs singing with bands in the 1940s, including Bob Crosby. She later appeared with Frank Sinatra and Artie Shaw on "Saturday Night Hit Parade." She first appeared on film in 1948, in "Romance on the High Seas," when Betty Hutton was unable to do the part. Her most memorable films during this period were probably "Calamity Jane" (1953), Alfred Hitchcock's remake of "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (1956), in which she appeared with Jimmy Stewart and sang what was to become her trademark song, "Que, Sera, Sera," and 1957's "The Pajama Game," the Broadway hit. Born Doris Mary Ann von Kappelhoff in Cincinatti, Ohio on April 3, 1924, she had originally hoped to be a ballet dancer, but that dream died when she was seriously injured in an automobile accident and was hospitalized for a year at the age of 14, just after winning a talent contest as a dancer. But she didn't let that stop her. She took singing lessons, and got jobs singing with bands in the 1940s, including Bob Crosby and Les Brown. She later appeared with Frank Sinatra and Artie Shaw on "Saturday Night Hit Parade." She first appeared on film in 1948, in "Romance on the High Seas," when Betty Hutton was unable to do the part. She lent her talents to a string of Warner Brothers light musical comedies from 1949 to 1955, including "It's a Great Feeling," "My Dream Is Yours," "Tea for Two," "The West Point Story," "Lullaby of Broadway," "On Moonlight Bay," "April in Paris," "I'll See You in My Dreams," "By the Light of the Silvery Moon," "Lucky Me," and "Young at Heart." Her most memorable films during this period were probably "Calamity Jane" (1953), Alfred Hitchcock's remake of "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (1956), in which she appeared with Jimmy Stewart and sang what was to become her trademark song, "Que, Sera, Sera," and 1957's "The Pajama Game," the Broadway hit that featured brilliant choreography by Bob Fosse.

18 Can you define intelligence?
James A. Garfield Interpersonal Intelligence Skills of social understanding “The Socializer” Garfield himself became the "dark horse“ presidential nominee. By a margin of only 10,000 popular votes, Garfield defeated the Democratic nominee, Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock. He was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in Fatherless at two, he later drove canal boat teams, somehow earning enough money for an education. He was graduated from Williams College in Massachusetts in 1856, and he returned to the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute (later Hiram College) in Ohio as a classics professor. Within a year he was made its president. At the 1880 Republican Convention, Garfield failed to win the Presidential nomination for his friend John Sherman. Finally, on the 36th ballot, Garfield himself became the "dark horse" nominee. By a margin of only 10,000 popular votes, Garfield defeated the Democratic nominee, Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock.

19 Can you define intelligence?
Helen Keller Intrapersonal Intelligence Skills of self-knowledge “The Individual” Meet Helen Keller, a woman from the small farm town of Tuscumbia, Alabama who taught the world to respect people who are blind and deaf. Her mission came from her own life; when she was 1 1/2, she was extremely ill, and she lost both her vision and hearing. It was like entering a different world, with completely new rules, and she got very frustrated. By the time she was 7, her parents knew they needed help, so they hired a tutor named Anne Sullivan. Meet Helen Keller, a woman from the small farm town of Tuscumbia, Alabama who taught the world to respect people who are blind and deaf. Her mission came from her own life; when she was 1 1/2, she was extremely ill, and she lost both her vision and hearing. It was like entering a different world, with completely new rules, and she got very frustrated. By the time she was 7, her parents knew they needed help, so they hired a tutor named Anne Sullivan.

20 Can you define intelligence?
Sacagawea Naturalistic Intelligence Skills of making connection to elements in nature “The Outdoorsman” Sacajawea was born about 1790 in what is now the state of Idaho. She was one of the "Snake People," otherwise known as the Shoshone. Her name in Hidatsa was Tsi-ki-ka-wi-as, "Bird Woman. In Shoshone, her name means "Boat Pusher." She was stolen during a raid by a Hidatsa tribe when she was a young girl and taken to their village near what is now Bismark, N. Dakota. Some time afterward the French-Canadian trapper and fur trader, Charbonneau bought Sacajawea and her companion, Otter Woman, as wives. When her husband joined the expedition at Fort Mandan in the Dakotas, Sacajawea was about 16 years old and pregnant. The expedition spent the winter at Fort Mandan and Sacajawea's baby, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, was born on Feb. 11 or 12, He was also given the Shoshone name, Pomp, meaning First Born. The expedition resumed the westward trek on April 7, Their route was along the Missouri River, west to the mountains. On May 14, 1805 an incident occurred which was typical of the calmness and self-possession Sacajawea was to display throughout the journey. The incident was recorded in the diaries because of it's significance to the success of the expedition. On that day, the boat Sacajawea was in was hit by a sudden storm squall. It keeled over on it's side and nearly capsized. As the other members of the crew worked desperately to right the boat, Sacajawea, with her baby strapped to her back, busied herself with retrieving the valuable books and instruments that floated out of the boat. They had been wrapped in waterproof packages for protection and, thanks to Sacajawea's courage and quick actions, suffered no damage. Contrary to popular opinion, Sacajawea did not serve as a guide for the party. She only influenced the direction taken by the expedition one time, after reaching the area where her people hunted she indicated they should take a tributary of the Beaverhead River to get to the mountains where her people lived and where Lewis and Clark hoped to buy horses. On August 15, 1805 Sacajawea was re-united with her tribe, only to learn that all her family had died, with the exception of two brothers and the son of her oldest sister, whom she adopted. One of her brothers, Cameahwait, was head chief of the Shoshone. The Shoshone chief agreed to sell the party the horses they needed for the trek through the mountains. He also sketched a map of the country to the west and provided a guide, Old Toby, who took them through the mountains and safely to the Nez Perce country. where they resumed river travel. Throughout the expedition, Sacajawea maintained a helpful, uncomplaining attitude of cheefulness in the face of hardship. This was so remarkable that it was commented on by all the men who kept diaries. There is one record of her complaining, however. While wintering on the Columbia River before starting their journey back to the east, nearby Indians reported that a whale had washed up on the beach about 35 miles from the fort. Sacajawea said that she had traveled a long way to see the great waters and, now that a monstrous fish was also to be seen, she thought it "very hard" that she could not be permitted to see it, and the ocean too. Captain Clark took a party of two canoes, including Sacajawea and her husband, to find the whale and possibly obtain some blubber. By the time they arrived there was nothing left but the skeleton, but they were able to buy about 35 pounds of blubber. After the expedition was over in the summer of 1806, Sacajawea, her husband and son remained at Fort Mandan where Lewis and Clark had found them. In August 1806, Captain Clark wrote to Charbonneau and invited him to come to St. Louis and bring his family, or to send Jean Baptiste to Clark for schooling. Charbonneau and Sacajawea accepted the offer and lived near St. Louis for a time. In March 1811, however, Charbonneau sold his land back to Clark and returned to the Dakotas with Sacajawea. Their son remained in St. Louis in the care of Cpt. Clark, who was the Indian Agent of the Louisiana Purchase at that time. What became of Sacajawea after leaving St. Louis? There are two widely varying stories, with no proof of either. The first is that she died on Dec. 20, This information came from the records of John C. Luttig, the clerk at Ft. Manuel, SD who wrote: "This evening the wife of Charbonneau, a Snake squaw, died of a putrid fever. She was a good and the best woman in the fort, aged about 25 years. She left a fine infant girl." It is a fact that, in March 1813, John Luttig returned to St. Louis with a baby whom he called "Sacajawea's Lizette." In August 1813, he applied to be her guardian, as well as that of a boy called "Toussaint," but the court record shows his name crossed out and Cpt. William Clark's written in. Jean Baptiste Charbonneau was often called Toussaint. John Luttig died in 1815. Shoshone oral tradition says that Sacajawea did not die in 1813, but instead, wandered the west for a few years and eventually returned to her tribe on the Wind River Reservation. Tradition says she died there on April 9, 1884, a venerated and influential member of the tribe, and is buried between her son, Jean Baptiste, and her sister's son, Bazil, whom she adopted. There is a monument over the grave on the Wind River Reservation, of the woman called Sacajawea. Many people who were living at the time wrote and told that it was she who traveled with Lewis and Clark to the great water and that the woman who died at Fort Manuel was another wife of Toussaint Charbonneau. There is no record of what became of Lizette. There is a baptismal record in Westport, MO for Victoire, daughter of Joseph Vertifeuille and Elizabeth Carboneau. It is not known if this was Lizette Charbonneau, Sacajawea's daughter or not. Jean Baptiste Charbonneau lived at least until His life can be traced through various records of explorers and fur traders up until that time. He was said to be a remarkable man; superior as a guide and trapper, but also well-educated and conversant in French, German and Spanish as well as his native Shoshone. He was with Prince Paul of Wurttemberg on his travels of the American West in 1823, and returned with him to Germany where he stayed for several years, returning in 1829. He was with Jim Bridger in 1832, with Kit Carson in 1839 and in charge of a fur-trading party in 1842 when they met Charles Fremont. He was included in George Frederick Ruxton's book, "Life in the Far West" as one of the important fur traders of that time. He was with Lt. Abert on an exploration down the Canadian River and with Col. Philip Cooke and his troops from New Mexico to California. In 1866 he started for the gold fields in Montana and Idaho, but is said to have died on Cow Creek near the present town of Danner, Oregon in Shoshone oral traditions, however, say that he returned to his tribe during that time and was re-united with his mother, Sacajawea where he lived until his death in 1885. Related Web Sites Lewis & Clark The PBS companion web site to the film by Ken Burns Lewis & Clark Trail sponsored by Heritage Trail, Inc. Roster of Lewis & Clark Expedition List of the men who accompanied Lewis & Clark. For comments or questions please Tawodi. Return to Native Americans Page Sacagawea was a Lemhi Shoshone woman who helped the Lewis and Clark Expedition achieve each of its chartered mission objectives exploring the Louisiana Purchase.

21 MI Checklist Preliminary assessment 8 Intelligences
Synchronizing your checklist Application … next

22 Linguistic If you have strong linguistic intelligence you might learn better by Reading Memorizing Playing word games (Scrabble, Anagrams, Password) Making up rhymes, puns Using the internet

23 Logical/Mathematical Learner
If you have strong logical-mathematical intelligence you might learn better by Recording information systematically Setting up experiments (“What if…?”) Playing strategy games (Chess, Checkers) Analyzing data Asking logical questions Using the internet

24 Spatial Learner If you have strong spatial intelligence you might learn better by Studying pictures Watching videos Using visual, tangible aids Doing mazes, puzzles Making predictions Using the internet

25 Bodily/Kinesthetic Learner
If you have strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence you might learn better by Doing role plays Constructing physical examples Exercising while reviewing Visiting museums, institutions, parks Asking logical questions Using the internet

26 Musical Learner If you have strong musical intelligence you might learn better by Listening to recordings Talking to yourself Making up songs Mentally repeating information Reading aloud Changing tempo

27 Interpersonal Learner
If you have strong interpersonal intelligence you might learn better by Studying in groups Comparing information with others Interviewing experts Relating personal experiences Being a teamplayer Doing cooperative projects

28 Intrapersonal Learner
If you have strong intrapersonal intelligence you might learn better by Avoiding distractions Establishing personal goals Playing solitary games Setting own pace Working alone Relating personal experiences

29 Naturalistic Learner If you have strong naturalistic intelligence you might learn better by Studying outside Learning in the presence of plants & pets Relating environmental issues to topics Smelling, seeing touching, tasting, Observing natural phenomenon


31 Tricky Questions

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