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Sonya Horne: eLearning Designer The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership Monitoring and tracking PLP goals progress and achievement:

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Presentation on theme: "Sonya Horne: eLearning Designer The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership Monitoring and tracking PLP goals progress and achievement:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonya Horne: eLearning Designer The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership Monitoring and tracking PLP goals progress and achievement: Web-based opportunities

2 Session objectives: Learn about where to get more information. Create the outline for an ePortfolio. What would you put in an ePortfolio? Why would you use an ePortfolio? What is an ePortfolio? Sonya Horne eLearning Designer The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership.

3 Web-based tools? Tools and virtual environments that support your learning activities and enable you to do things you cannot do as well, or at all, without them. i.e. ePortfolios, Skype, Google Documents.

4 What is an ePortfolio? "An e-portfolio is a purposeful aggregation of digital items - ideas, evidence, reflections, feedback etc, which 'presents' a selected audience with evidence of a person's learning and/or ability." (Sutherland and Powell, 2007)

5 Why use an ePortfolio? Dynamic Accessed Online Collaborative –Work together –Feedback and discussion Reflective Individualised Learn transferable skills

6 Why use an ePortfolio? Users of ePortfolios become active learners because they assume ownership and control of their learning.

7 What do I put in my ePortfolio?

8 Plans: –What are my learning goals? –How am I going to achieve them? Make fortnightly entries: –What have I done in the past fortnight? –What have I found challenging? –If I haven’t done much – what else has come up?

9 What do I put in my ePortfolio? Multimedia: –Video classes at my school –Video’s which inspired me or changed my way of thinking –podcasts Resources: –Readings –Weblinks

10 What else do I put in my ePortfolio? –Performance agreements –Classroom observation documents –Presentations –Teaching aides –Professional registration –Other?

11 Mentor/Coaches role in an ePortfolio

12 Extends opportunity to support and challenge.

13 Mentors role in an ePortfolio Pose questionsProvide feedback Potentially link people (lead mentor/coaches) Make suggestions Recommend readings, websites, Offer resources you already have

14 What might it look like? Rob Clarke: participant in the First-time Principals Programme, The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership. –CV and online portfolioCV and online portfolio –Learning portfolio onlineLearning portfolio online

15 What might it look like? Carolyn Stuart: Mentor in the First-time Principals Programme, The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership. –Mentor dashboard: MyPortfolio toolMyPortfolio tool –First- time Principals TemplateFirst- time Principals Template

16 What might it look like? Stephanie Thompson: Trainee teacher –Wordpress ePortfolio of her progress towards New Zealand Graduating Teacher StandardsWordpress ePortfolio of her progress towards New Zealand Graduating Teacher Standards

17 Factors of ePortfolio Success 1.Have a clear purpose 2.Value input and discussion (formal and informal) 3.Select tools that are easy for you both to use 4.Learn to use the tool together 5.Use the ePortfolio frequently 6.Reflect on knowledge base

18 Examples for you to work on Wiki set up for you all to view and edit:

19 Session objectives: Learn about where to get more information. Create the outline for an ePortfolio. What would you put in an ePortfolio? Why would you use an ePortfolio? What is an ePortfolio? ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

20 Sonya Horne: eLearning Designer The University of Auckland Centre for Educational Leadership. Email: Skype: SonyaHorne Twitter: @SonyaHorne Contact details:

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