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Published bySheila Marshall Modified over 9 years ago
WIGOS ACTIVITIES IN RA I (AFRICA) WIGOS Implementation Plan RA I Presented by Dr Mamadou Lamine BAH Former WMO RA-I President
A framework for integrating WMO observing systems and WMO contributions to co-sponsored observing systems, … for better planning, operating and delivering observations to meet user needs, to enable more efficient and effective service delivery. WIGOS includes: – Global Observing System (GOS) – WMO Hydrological Observing Systems – observing components of: Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) (surface-based and space-based sub-systems) Note: WIGOS is neither … nor … What is WIGOS?
WIGOS Timeline Congress 16 Congress 18Congress 17 Wigos – WMO Strategic priority WIGOS Pre-operational Phase WIGOS Concept WIGOS Framework WIGOS Operational 2016-2019
WIGOS Framework At its simplest, the WIGOS framework is about: Documenting and implementing standard and recommended practices and procedures in making and sharing observations, Coordination, collaboration and building partnerships for efficiency and effectiveness, Integration and interoperability in all senses, Timely delivery of observations that meet user needs in a way they can use them, Empowering and extending the reach of NMHSs, reinforcing their leadership and building partnerships with contributors & users, … … …
To oversee, guide and coordinate WIGOS To facilitate and support the operation of WIGOS To plan, implement and evolve WIGOS component systems To ensure supply of and access to WIGOS observations 1. Management of WIGOS Implementation 2. Collaboration with co- sponsors and partners 10. Communications and outreach 5. Quality Management 6. Standardization, interoperability & compatibility 7. Operational Information Resource 9. Capacity Development 3. Design, planning and optimised evolution 8. Data discovery, delivery & archival 4. Observing system operation & maintenance WIGOS Key areas
1. Management of WIGOS Implementation in RA I ActivityDeliverables Time Resp 1.1 R SR N Establish the Regional WIGOS Governance structure, including sub-regional responsible bodies, and technical groups for each subregions RA-I WIGOS Governance structure, incl. WGs established with TOR (see ANNEX 1, Figure 1)(see ANNEX 1, Figure 1) 2012 MG (L) 1.2 R SR N Provide an effective RA-I focal points at regional, sub-regional and national levels, to liaise with CBS, CIMO and other relevant TCs, WIGOS-PO on the implementation of WIGOS and EGOS-IP in the Region National and sub-regional Focal points at all levels are identified with special interest for CBS, CIMO 2012 PRs (L)
1 - Management of WIGOS Implementation in RA I (Cont’d) 1.3 R SR Develop and update the Regional WIGOS Implementation Plan for Region I (R-WIP-I), reflecting sub- regional priorities 1) Up-to-date RA-WIP-I, including: a) actions sheets from all subregions, b) actions specified at WIP for regional level, c) actions specified at EGOS-IP relevant to RA I 2012- 2013 RA1 TT- WIGOS (L) 1.4 R N Mobilize needed resources for supporting the WIGOS implementation in the Region and all subregions Appropriate resources are identified and available from Secretariat, subregions, partners, stakeholders and Members for supporting actions 2012- 2015 MG PRs (H) 1.5 R SR N Monitor and evaluate (M&E) WIGOS implementation activities Annual M&E reports; Problems are identified and sorted out timely 2012- 2015 G/WMO (L)
2. Collaboration with WMO and co- sponsored observing systems 2.1 R SR N Identify and engage key partner organizations (water, marine, agriculture, environment and research institutes, private sector, etc.) in implementation of WIGOS at regional, sub-regional and national levels MoUs and Agreements signed with regional, sub- regional and national partner organizations 2012- 2015 RA1 Pdt, PRs (H) 2.2 R SR N Establish working mechanisms with clear targets (such as data policies, MoUs, agreements) for collaboration in WIGOS implementation in the Region Established collaboration mechanisms; Increased number and amount of exchanged observations, with the partners at regional, sub- regional and national levels, based on MoUs and agreements. 2012-15 RA1 Pdt, PRs (H)
3. Design, planning and optimized evolution of WIGOS and its regional, sub-regional and national observing components 3.1 R Design and plan observing systems in the Region taking into account: a) The technical guidance as represented in the EGOS-IP and relevant observing systems IP; b) Recommendations by XV-RA-I session c) Observational Requirements expressed in GFCS-IP; d) Up-to-date users requirements for data, including international river basin authorities Optimized regional integrated observing system design plan taking into account partners requirements 2012- 2015 TT- WIGOS (H) 3.2 R Develop a design of new RBN, in close collaboration with CBS Design of a new RBN 2012-15 TT-WIGOS (H) 3.3 SR Based on the design of a new RBN, design and plan observing systems in sub-regions taking into account their priorities and requirements Optimized sub- regional observing systems design plans 2013-15 Sub-reg Reps in TT- WIGOS (M)
4. Integrated Observing System Operation and Maintenance 4.1 R Collect and compile examples of best practices and technical documentation Availability of technical documents and best practices 2012-13 TT-WIGOS + WMO Sec (L) 4.2 R SR Establish a regional/sub-regional repository of guidance and technical documentation Repository available to Members 2012-15 TT-WIGOS + WMO Sec (M)
5. Integrated Quality Management 5.1 R Examine current quality management practices being used in the Region, including calibration of instruments for surface-based observations Availability of status report on the current quality of management practices 2012-13 TT-WIGOS + WMO Sec (L) 5.2 R Establish mechanisms and systems to improve, monitor and document the quality of observations from the WIGOS Regional observing components at all stages of data processing Established mechanisms for improved quality of observations at all levels 2012-15 TT-WIGOS +Members + WMO Sec (H) 5.3 R Ensure, where possible, traceability of observations to the international standards (such as International System of Units (SI)), focusing initially on surface pressure, temperature, precipitation and humidity Traceable observations 2012-15 TT-WIGOS + RICs + WMO Sec (H)
5. Integrated Quality Management (Cont’d) 5.4 R Progressively achieve compliance of all RICs with international standards Compliance of RICs 2012-15 Resp Members (RICs) (H) 5.5 R Achieve the functionality of RICs and RRCs in all five sub-regions RICs and RRCs fulfil their mandates 2012-15 Resp Members (H) 5.6 R Enhance support by RICs to Members and encourage Members to work with RICs and RRCs Established mechanisms for collaboration between RICs, RRCs and Members 2012-15 RICs Members (M) 5.7 R Achieve, through collaborative effort of Kenya, Morocco and South Africa full functionality of the RMIC Operational RMIC 2012-15 S. Africa Morocco Kenya (M)
5. Integrated Quality Management (Cont’d) 5.8 R Ensure that surface-based sites that are needed for calibration/validation of satellite data are specified List of surface-based sites for calibration/validation of satellite data 2012-15 TT- WIGOS (M)
6. Standardization, System Interoperability and Data Compatibility 6.1 R Implement the siting classification throughout the Region Siting classification implemented 2012-15 Members (H) 6.2 R SR Establish mechanisms for monitoring of compliance with WMO standards at regional and sub-regional level with WMO standard; More WMO standards are implemented at the national level 2012-15 TT- WIGOS WMO Sec Members (H) 6.3 R SR Encourage Members to generate and provide metadata (to WIR-OSCAR) Metadata generated 2012-15 TT- WIGOS WMO Sec Members (H) 6.4 N Achieve migration to TDCF in the Region Migration completed 2012-14 Members (H)
7. The WIGOS Operational Information Resource 7.1 R Develop and maintain a regional metadata database and a web portal to contribute to the WIR-OSCAR Operational regional/sub regional WIR 2012-15 TT-WIGOS WMO Sec (H) 7.2 R Encourage Members to provide and share up-to-date communication and outreach information through the WIR Up-to-date information available 2012-15 Members WMO Sec (M)
8. Data discovery, delivery and archival 8.1 R N Encourage Members to be designated as WIS DCPCs or GISCs; Ensure Members to establish WIS NCs Members designated as DCPCs / GISCs; NCs established 2012-15 Members WMO Sec (H) 8.2 N Encourage Members to share data and metadata via WIS, including from institutions other than NHMSs Enhanced availability of data and products 2012-15 Members WMO Sec (H)
9. Capacity development 9.1 R SR Identify the needs for new Regional Centres of Excellence (RICs, RRCs, RMICs, RTCs) At least one RIC in each Sub-region approved by RA I 2012-15 TT-WIGOS PRS WMO Sec (M) 9.2 R SR Define TORs of these Centres for strengthening the regional capacity on WIGOS Operational RICs 2012-15 TT-WIGOS PRS WMO Sec (M)
9. Capacity development (cont’d) 9.3 R N Prove assistance to Members to establish/enhance institutional mandates and policies that enable effective implementation, operation and management of observing systems by Members Established/enhanced institutional mandates and policies for effective implementation, operation and management of observing systems by Members 2012-15 WMO Sec RA1 MG PRs (M) 9.4 R N Prove assistance to Members to fill the existing gaps in the design, operation and maintenance of WIGOS observing systems, including both the infrastructure and human capacities development Gaps in the WIGOS observing systems of Member countries are identified and filled 2012-15 RA1 MG TT-WIGOS WMO Sec Members TCs (M)
10. Communication and outreach 10.1 R SR N Utilise communication strategies developed by ICG- WIGOS and material provided by WIGOS-PO to raise awareness and commitment to WIGOS in the Region Effective communication and outreach for WIGOS across the Region by presentations and side events at regional high level events. 2012-15 RA1-Vice Pdt RA1 MG WMO Sec (L) 10.2 R SR N Develop communication and outreach material of RA I with a special focus on policy- makers Communication and outreach material of RA I is available through appropriate means (WIR, RANET, forums, etc.) 2013 WMO Sec WMO Reg Offices Members (L)
10. Communication and outreach (cont’d) 10.3 R SR N Communicate WIGOS benefits using all possibilities, such as COFs, AMCOMET Workshops & side events at regional, sub-regional and national levels for promoting WIGOS 2012-15 RA1 Members w/ support WMO Sec (L) 10.4 R SR N Convene WIGOS implementation awareness meetings for PRs at sub- regional level PRs have clear understanding of WIGOS and are aware of their roles in implementation of WIGOS 2013 RA1 MG WMO Sec (L)
Road Map Pre-Operational phase (2012-2015) Information gathering (inventories) Setting up of institutional frameworks Human Capacity development at all levels Preparation of National WIGOS/ WIS Templates Training of national WIGOS/ WIS coordinators/ focal points Design of web portals for trouble shooting and updates
Road Map Operational Evolution Phase: 2016-2020 WIGOS being operational at national level during above period Setting up of National Data Centres (collection, formatting, quality control and archiving) Establishment of National Theme Committees (agriculture, water, transport, energy, health, communication, etc) as per national priorities and challenges Design of expert systems for early warning and service delivery Support systems fully capacitated (e.g. maintenance, training, awareness)
Risks and Assumptions All Task Force Members will be diligent enough to provide necessary sub-regional inputs Sub-regional priorities may be too complex and varied to use umbrella approach (e.g., political considerations) Necessary budgetary requirements will be available (resource mobilisation strategy is vital) Task Force on WIS is active
Guiding call For WIGOS to succeed in Africa (RA I), commitment begins with me, commitment begins with you and your government, commitment begins with all of us! WMO and RA I will continue play their part. Let our nations deliver!
Collaboration with WMO Members within the Region is critical important: Proverb: –If you want go fast, go alone; –if you want go far, go together !!
Decisions by Cg-17 Regional Associations are requested to: Assign high priority to the implementation and further development of WIGOS in their Regions Update their R-WIP accordingly; Strengthen their role in managing and supervising the implementation and further development of WIGOS; Coordinate WIGOS implementation with the implementation of WIS and other WMO key priorities in their operating plans and work programmes;
Decisions by Cg-17 Collaborate on the development of the concept, and establishment of the Regional WIGOS Centres; Provide regional support to Members in accordance with the Regional WIGOS Implementation Plan and in a response to their requests (subject to availability of resources or funds);
Decisions by Cg-17 Continue to promote capacity development, communications and outreach activities to assist Members in the implementation of WIGOS;
XVI-RA I guidance It is desirable to: strengthen and enhance partnership ( 4 “C” ) through Region-wide organizations or sub- regional groupings overseeing the observing systems. advance regional technical infrastructure to meet the regional WIGOS requirements translated into R-WIP
4 “C” stands for –Collaboration –Cooperation –Coordination –Communication at regional, sub-regional levels for the mutual benefit for all Members … “I win, you win, we all win …”
Regional Basic Networks Issue: reduced availability of RBSN data, especially upper-air data with a negative impact on the quality of medium-range forecast products over all Regions, not just over Region I itself; RA should: – assist Members in the implementation and operation of RBSN/RBCN stations; –implement a Regional Basic Observing Network when a concept is approved;
Plan for WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (PWPP) Objective of the WIGOS Pre-operational Phase 1.To build on and strengthen the WIGOS framework to deliver a fully operational WIGOS in 2020; 2.To place increased emphasis on regional and national activities. Five priority areas 1.National WIGOS implementation 2.WIGOS Regulatory and Guidance Material 3.WIGOS Information Resource 4.WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System 5.Regional WIGOS Centres
Conclusions WIGOS to be implemented by Cg-18, but achieving full operation and compliance will be ongoing process; WIGOS, with its strong and evolving foundation, will: Enable WMO to assist and guide Members, in context of all WMO priorities (DRR, GFCS, etc.) Enable RAs to support and evolve observing and service capacities with their Region Empower Members to design, evolve and sustain integrated observing systems that meet national needs; and To reinforce their national mandate and leadership, under WIGOS, WIS and WMO banners
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