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Chapter 5 – Cell Growth and Division. The cell cycle is the regular pattern of growth for cells and has 4 main phases 3.Gap 2 (G 2 ) More growth Another.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 – Cell Growth and Division. The cell cycle is the regular pattern of growth for cells and has 4 main phases 3.Gap 2 (G 2 ) More growth Another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 – Cell Growth and Division

2 The cell cycle is the regular pattern of growth for cells and has 4 main phases 3.Gap 2 (G 2 ) More growth Another check point 1.Gap 1 (G 1 ) - longest Normal functions Cell increases in size More organelles made 2. Synthesis (S) Synthesizes (makes) more DNA 4.Mitosis (M) Mitosis divided cells nucleus Cytokinesis divides cytoplasm 2 identical daughter cells result

3 Cells divide at different rates depending on needs Example: Cell TypeApprox. Life Span Skin Cell2 weeks Red Blood Cell4 months Liver Cell300-500 days Intestine – internal lining 4-5 days Intestine – muscle and other tissue 16 years Nerve cellAs long as you live

4 Cell size is limited by 2 main things: DNA, and nutrient/waste movement The cell has to have enough DNA to run the cell Surface area and volume have to work together to get food in and waste out

5 Chromosome – long continuous thread of DNA Histone – group of proteins Chromatin = chromosome + histone Chromo copied during S phase Chromatid – ½ of duplicated chromo Centromere - holds 2 halves together Telomeres - on end of chromo to keep from attaching

6 Cell division = dividing to form two “ daughter cells ” Must go through “interphase” (G 1, S, G 2 ) first

7 3.Anaphase Chromos split up Spindles pull to opposite sides 1.Prophase- longest Chromos condense Nuclear envelope breaks down Centrioles move to sides Spindles show up 2. Metaphase - short Chromos line up Spindle attach to centromeres 4.Telophase New envelopes form at each end Chromos disperse Spindles break up Mitosis is where the cell is actually dividing




11 last step of cell cycle Cytokinesis = division of cytoplasm Animal cells get “pinched in” Plant cells form a cell plate


13 Regulating the cell cycle is important External regulators = outside of cell  Speed up/slow down cycle Ex. Growth factors/hormones Ex. Cell-to-cell contact

14 Ex. Kinases & Cyclins Internal regulators = inside the cell  help double check cell cycle

15 Apoptosis = programmed cell death Depending on the situation some cells need to die  Their parts usually get recycled

16 Cancer = uncontrolled cell division forms tumors Benign = usually harmless Malignant = bad HPV

17 Asexual reproduction is similar to mitosis Ex. Binary fission

18 Multicellular organisms have lots of specialized cells Blood cells carry oxygen Muscle cells help move Skin cells help prevent infection

19 Levels of organization in multicellular life 1. Cells 2. Tissues – cells working together

20 3. Organs – tissues working together 4. Organ system – organs working together


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