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The AGORA Approach Report 2008 to the IFIP GA in Milano TC3 has played a major role in proposing and creating the AGORA Approach. It is now an IFIP initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "The AGORA Approach Report 2008 to the IFIP GA in Milano TC3 has played a major role in proposing and creating the AGORA Approach. It is now an IFIP initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 The AGORA Approach Report 2008 to the IFIP GA in Milano TC3 has played a major role in proposing and creating the AGORA Approach. It is now an IFIP initiative as part of the new IFIP Strategy. The AGORA Initiative, an element of the process of revitalisation of the IFIP strategy, aims at implementing a dynamic methodology for initiating cooperation projects on Lifelong Learning with many different stakeholders. It is providing a methodical concept of action where contextual local efforts are connected to each other and contribute to generic common knowledge about Lifelong Learning in a synergetic manner.

2 AGORA planning group Jan Wibe, TC 3 chair Bernard Cornu, TC 3 secretary Raymond Morel, IFIP Councillor and member of IFIP Board. Involved in the panning and implementation of AGORA are also Tom van Weert, Mike Kendall, Johannes Magenheim and Barbara Kedzierska.

3 Information about AGORA on the IFIP web site

4 WIKI-bowl- SEOUL or

5 1. Collaborative environment of type WEB 2.0 2. Modification of the organisation 0. Invariants to explicite 3. Competencies & Know-how 4. Gouvernance 5. Piloting the processes inside the organisation (cybernetics) 6. Communication 7. Actions for accompagnying the changes - Empowerment 8.......................... SEOUL 2.0 first draft of a generic model usefull for IFIP 2.0 RM->PC-Seoul AGORA/2.05.07

6 Ateliers and Studios The core of the AGORA Approach is the concepts of Ateliers and Studios: The Ateliers function is to generate generic knowledge based on the implementation experience in different local contexts, called Studios. In the Atelier the local experiences are brought together to learn from. Generic knowledge developed from these experiences in the Atelier will help the local studio implementation. In some cases studio ’ s would be implementations that national computer societies realise in their national environment. The Atelier can be realised as part of normal IFIP TC activities, bringing together TC-members and national computer society professionals. Basically an Atelier is a community of interest.

7 Generic Structure in AGORA - Projects The following figure may illustrate one of the fundamental concepts of AGORA : The “ Studios-Atelier ” Methodology

8 Let’s walk a bit in the AGORA web site to understand the philosophy of this IFIP Initiative : 2006 Poitiers 2007 Seoul and Addis Ababa 2008 Krakow, Kuala Lumpur and Milano 2009 New-Delhi, Bento Gonçalves, Hanoi ISSEP & IwE 2008 IFIP Agora Initiative Raymond MOREL (IFIP - SATW - SEM) For some nice cartoons

9 Information about AGORA on the TC-3 web site






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