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1 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Reinventing Learning Support: Developing a Shared Virtual Enquiry.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Reinventing Learning Support: Developing a Shared Virtual Enquiry."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Reinventing Learning Support: Developing a Shared Virtual Enquiry Service Sue White Chair, The Northern Collaboration and Project Co-Lead University of Huddersfield, UK Liz Jolly Secretary, The Northern Collaboration and Project Co-Lead Teesside University, UK

2 2 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Outline Background Rationale Methodology Evaluation Challenges Benefits Moving Forwards Hadrian’s Wall by quisnovus a6sDeg-7KuqKC-7KuqZf-7KquLc-pbrbR3-pbqSzf-khtjvk-7KCmCm-oWyKE-7Piay-cFRhp5-2QAuzx- 56Y6ar-7Kqu3v-62njy1-62njoJ-mSjzjc-62njYy-62i6da-62i66i-62njGd-62njQo-56pGr8-6KbzBS-62i7bk- 62nkbj-6K7xzK-m3ZtRi-56pAqx-d4A5x-4LWYZT-4fdNAG-m2eM8B-4f9Po6-62nj5G-61Z8fJ-Heki-eZ2C4- 4fdN8Y-eZ5nw-moTCgi-4fdMa9-4fdLSY-4f9Nkp-4fdMUG-4fdLFj-4f9N54-4fdMzA

3 3 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Background The Northern Collaboration (NC) new consortium of 26 University libraries in the north of England in the UK Aim To explore new models of service delivery within a collaborative environment The Angel of the North

4 4 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Rationale Aims of the project: to enhance the student experience to provide a cost- effective, real-time out- of-hours enquiry service to explore the benefits and challenges of working collaboratively Previously no collaborative academic library usage in UK Door, Durham Cathedral

5 5 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Methodology: Pilot Partnership with OCLC Ethos Successful co-operative experience in USA and UK Participants Seven institutions: Cumbria, Durham, Huddersfield, Leeds Beckett, Newcastle, Salford, Teesside Huddersfield Railway Station by Mikey

6 6 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Methodology: Pilot Operation ‘OCLC’ out of hours service model combined with bespoke model Queries answered by US librarians Policy pages supplied by NC members Pilot commenced May 2013 Manchester Town Hall Image:

7 7 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Evaluation 1 Case Studies Statistics Take up relatively low Majority of enquiries 17.00 to 00.00 and 07.00 – 09.00 40% enquiries ‘professional librarian’ enquiries Importance of promotion Roof of the Winter Gardens [Sheffield] by Neuroticcamel vb4H3-wCn8H-vb4DK-d9XWhJ-7cVnkG-xzwAV-aipWuz-3crhwC-3crgDh-2Qq6b5- 3crh9N-5prqhW-bq8MWr-3cmSec-3cmRPX-7YxMYf-vb4EX-7YefFs-9jBBNs-9jBDmw- 9jBCPf-9jBDZC-9jByTJ-9jBGPq-9jBBjf-7YxMEb-9jytsZ-9jyyRc-an2Dw6-4YLooG- arHpyi-9jytqv-9jyvPg-3tcArv-9jyA2e-9jByKu-9jytyz-9jBDhy-9jytJZ-9jBF9o-9jBAE3- 9jBFvm-9jBAg3-23ij8-7YefCQ-SfLev-agihQH-cVJK3-xzwB8/

8 8 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Evaluation 2 User satisfaction survey 75% respondents satisfied with answer 81% would use the service again Costs per enquiry Using QP, average cost £10/€13.4 In-house costs would range from £311 - 416 /€416-556 depending on grade of staff Transporter Bridge and Temenos scuplture, Middlesbrough

9 9 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Challenges Enhancing the student experience Quality Cultural issues Value for money optimizing investment promotion Collaborative working Communication Cultural issues Liverpool Three Graces from the Docks by KevinJump 492/in/photolist-pM9W1

10 10 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Benefits 1 Enhancing the student experience Overwhelmingly positive feedback Service highly valued where used Offering new services Particularly valued by part time and distance learners Tyne bridges, Newcastle

11 11 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Benefits 2 Value for money Clear financial benefit: subscription versus annual salaries of staff Valued by senior institutional managers Collaborative working Strategic level Operational level Staff learning and development opportunities County Arcade Victoria Quarter Leeds by michael_d_beckwith

12 12 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Moving forward Operationalisation of service 18 NC members Improve usage Service is unique in UK Development of national service Further development of strategic partnership with OCLC The Citadel [Carlisle] by Chrispixone n/photolist-bN399g-bN39Vn

13 13 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Outline Background Rationale Methodology Evaluation Challenges Benefits Moving Forwards Hadrian’s Wall by quisnovus a6sDeg-7KuqKC-7KuqZf-7KquLc-pbrbR3-pbqSzf-khtjvk-7KCmCm-oWyKE-7Piay-cFRhp5-2QAuzx- 56Y6ar-7Kqu3v-62njy1-62njoJ-mSjzjc-62njYy-62i6da-62i66i-62njGd-62njQo-56pGr8-6KbzBS-62i7bk- 62nkbj-6K7xzK-m3ZtRi-56pAqx-d4A5x-4LWYZT-4fdNAG-m2eM8B-4f9Po6-62nj5G-61Z8fJ-Heki-eZ2C4- 4fdN8Y-eZ5nw-moTCgi-4fdMa9-4fdLSY-4f9Nkp-4fdMUG-4fdLFj-4f9N54-4fdMzA

14 14 EMEA REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 2015 OCLC EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONAL COUNCIL Contact Details Sue White Liz Jolly Director of Computing Director, Library and Library Services and Information Services University of HuddersfieldTeesside University Huddersfield, UK Middlesbrough, UK HD1 3DH TS1 3BA @liz_jolly


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