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Automated vehicles on public roads Marieke Kassenberg.

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1 Automated vehicles on public roads Marieke Kassenberg


3 On public roads No steering wheel No brake pedal No driver ? WEpods A world first

4 From Railway Station Ede/Wageningen to Wageningen University At the WUR: Driving on the campus 25 km/h The WEpod

5 Future mobility for everyone Roadsafety Boost regional economy And also: Spatial planning in cities Road capacity Pollution issues Why do we do this?

6 Initially: From and to trainstations and airports On carparks, (university) campusses and industrial sites Then developing to: Small villages And eventually In the complex situation of big cities  In the city to complement PT and replace the car  In the countryside to complement the car and replace PT Where will it happen? “The right combination of high capacity PT and self driving ride sharing vehicles will lead to 65% less cars in cities” (quote from UITP congress)

7 The businesscase Lower exploitation  no driver Better punctuality  no oversleeping driver Increasing road capacity  safe tailgating Traffic safety  health costs Europe: 500 cars/1000 inhabitants; 51% of low income households have no car.

8 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Full automation High automation Conditional Automation Partial Automation Assisted Non- Automated Private luxury Vehicle sharing system Technology

9 Digital map Localization Camera’s Radars Laser scanners Ultrasonic sensors Operator Technology

10 Technical reliability Behaviour of other road users Behaviour/emotions of passengers Behaviour/emotions of residents The definition of a driver Data and data safety Legal issues Ethical dilemma’s … Challenges

11 Planning 25 Februari 2015 Approval by PS November 2015 Start testing May 2016 Start transport of passengers June 2016 End of pilot 1st phase July 2016 Start 2 nd phase Interreg project? 20?? end 2 nd phase

12 Consortium Projectteam Spring innovation management

13 JOIN THE COMMUNITY! Register at

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