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Please take EVERYTHING off of your desk except for something to write with and the blue handout. VOCAB TEST TIME!

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Presentation on theme: "Please take EVERYTHING off of your desk except for something to write with and the blue handout. VOCAB TEST TIME!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take EVERYTHING off of your desk except for something to write with and the blue handout. VOCAB TEST TIME!

2 When you are finished with your test: Please cover your test sheet with the blue writing handout. Carefully read over the entire document- selecting one of the three options. Circle your first choice

3 Turn in Order Test on Top Vocab #1 Vocab #2 Vocab #3 Vocab #4 Staple together! Smile!!!

4 More Philosophy: “If more women were in power, they wouldn’t let wars break out…Women can’t be bothered with all this fighting. We see war for what it is--a matter of broken bodies and crying mothers” (Smith 196). AGREE? DISAGREE? “ ‘If you eat, you should cook’. These ideas came from America…but had they made the Americans any happier? Surely there had to be some limits to all this progress, all this unsettling change “(196). How does this put Botswana culture/mind set into perspective? Do we need to put our expectations aside?

5 Notice how diction (word choice) reveals attitudes of characters: “Dr. Maketsi clicked his tongue in mock disapproval. ‘I have come about a real problem,’ he said. ‘Not just a little question of wives’” (197).

6 Nostaligia “She knew the railway station slightly….tucked in lightly” (215). “Mma Ramotswe did not want Africa to Change…No thank you” (215).

7 More on diction and setting Pages 222-223 What words help to define the mood (atmosphere) of the land where the witchdoctor lives? List at least 10 words and then tell me the mood that is revealed. Remember: tone= feelings of character mood= feelings of atmosphere

8 End of Novel Discussion On page 220: Mma Ramotswe transfers the problem of the twins from Botswana to South Africa- why does she do this? Were you satisfied by the ending? Why would Alexander McCall Smith choose to end this way? Final thematic examples???

9 Writing!!! Selecting a method! Still struggling with formal writing? PLEASE select Option 1 or 2!!!! Creative Writing is extremely challenging…do NOT think this is the easy way out. Select an Outline template… perhaps take both and return one at the end of class.

10 HOMEWORK??? Come in next class with a definite essay/writing idea/outline method. Next class: Outlining and more on quote set up!

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