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Dr. Tibor Kovács Head of Department North Great Plain Regional Development Agency 29. September, 2005. Partnership in Programming in the North Great Plain.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Tibor Kovács Head of Department North Great Plain Regional Development Agency 29. September, 2005. Partnership in Programming in the North Great Plain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Tibor Kovács Head of Department North Great Plain Regional Development Agency 29. September, 2005. Partnership in Programming in the North Great Plain Region

2 The NDP II: tasks and regional participation in the 2007-2013 period (on the basis of the 1076/2004. Government decree) 4 main objectives of programming: 1. Developing social and economic cohesion, cohesive society 2. Developing knowledge based and renewable society 3. Ensuring conditions to competitive economy 4. Ensuring conditions to sustainable development On the basis of the government decree „regions take part in programming with the same importance as the sectors” theoretically the same rights, BUT from the financial side of programming, the regions are in significantly disadvantegous position!

3 The NDP II: consensus-based strategy wide-scale partnership(?) 2007-13 – runs through more governmental periods. Practical to create social-political consensus, because it runs through three governmental periods (1 programming and 2 implementation) it has strong impacts on the national budget It has impacts on the distribution of national supports and its institutional system it is practical to involve the most important social-economic partners into strategical decision-making determining the country’s development

4 The question of independent Regional Operational Programs According to recent opinions all regions will have independent Regional Operational Programs (ROP). BUT: the financing of the OPs will presumably be monofund- type the question of the separate ERDF- and ESF- type ROPs, that is: -seven ERDF-type ROP and one ESF-type TOP? -seven ERDF- and seven ESF-type, that is totally 14 ROP? -or something else?

5 Regional programming network in the North Great Plain Region The resources for regional programming are narrow the NGP RDA initiated the establishment of a regional programming network („Virtual Programming Network” with 120 participants). The network was established in the autumn of 2004 thanked to the outstandingly high social activity. Programming is being carried out in eight regional thematic workgroups (TWG), with 8-12 experts in each.

6 Organizational hierarchy of regional programming Dr. Ferenc Debreczeni director, NGP RDA OTH Dr. Tibor Kovács Head of Department (+ István Lakatos, JNSZ) (László Buzás Deputy Director) (+ Krisztina Galuska, HB) (Gabriella Balogh Deputy Director) (+ Filepné Dr. Nagy Éva, SZSZB) Márta Fábián Etelka Sebestyén Zoltán Hij Erika Maczik Activ e societ y Healthy society Smart society Dynamic settlement environme nt Competitive economy Livable environme nt Catchin g-up country Information society Judit Berki REGIONAL WORKGROUP

7 Regional (partner)organizations legitimizing the programming documents 1. According to the 1076/2004. (VII.22.) government decree in each region a Regional Workgroup (RWG) must have been established. It happened in the North Great Plain Region as well; the RWG has 47 members. Main participants: -Sectoral representatives -Social-economic partners -Representatives of professional organizations (chambers) -Representatives of science and research Main tasks: -Giving professional opinion on and accepting the prepared programming documents and presenting them to the Council -Operating the regional partnership 2. The Regional Development Council as the final ratifier

8 Healthy Society Active Society Smart Society Competitive Economy Dynamic Settl. Env. Livable Environ. Catching- up country Information Society National Sectoral Themait Workgroups (not operating now) North Great Plain Regional Development Agency: regional representation in the TWGs REGIONAL WORKGROUP Healthy Society Active Society Smart Society Competitive Economy Dynamic Settl. Env. Livable Environ. Catching- up country Information Society Regional Thematic Workgroups Expert opinion Regional Development Council

9 The socialization of the regional plans Expert groups in the North Great Plain (8 thematic workgroups, regional workgroup – participating about 120 experts) Territorial section (counties, micro-regions): - involving the 3 county development agencies - 27 micro-regional meetings together with theROP 3.1.3. program (partnership-building) The working committees of RDC Sectoral, professional organizations (economy, transport, agriculture, tourism, health-social, education-employment, environmental protection) Tools: e-mail, Internet (+ TV, radio, newspaper)

10 What is missing? Shortcomings: -Lack of information, the „unplanned planning” (at country level) -Partnership is not continuous (mainly with the micro- regions it is incidental) (at country and regional level) -Contacts with the participants of economic life is very weak (or there are no contacts at all) (at regional level)

11 The region’s strategic (thematic) objectives Further development of competitive, market-driven and innovation oriented economy built on the strategic position of the region (“Dynamic region”) Development, preservation and sustainable utilization of the region’s natural and environmental systems, and handling the environment as value. („Eco-region”) Providing the opportunity for healthy life and utilizing the relating endogene potential. („Healthy region”) Developing market-led and innovation-oriented agricultural verticum based on the region’s competitive advantages („Agricultural-region”) Decreasing the territorial imbalances in the region, enhancing the social cohesion and widening the employment. („Opportunity providing and closing up region”)

12 Hungary and the North Great Plain in 2015 boring welfare or the welfare’s boredom… and in 2050 ecological model-state…

13 (but until) still not enough!!!

14 Thank you for your kind attention! Our contacts: North Great Plain Regional Development Agency H-4028 Debrecen, Simonyi Str. 14. Tel.:+36 52/524-760 Fax.: +36 52/524-770 E-mail:

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