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This incentive improves productivity, rewards innovation and encourages moderate risk taking Profit Motive.

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Presentation on theme: "This incentive improves productivity, rewards innovation and encourages moderate risk taking Profit Motive."— Presentation transcript:

1 This incentive improves productivity, rewards innovation and encourages moderate risk taking Profit Motive

2 This requires companies to give consumers important information about the products or services they offer Public Disclosure Laws

3 The business cycle illustrates fluctuations in this economic indicator GDP (gross domestic product)

4 This figure is evidence of a healthy economy when it falls between 4 percent to 6 percent Unemployment Rate

5 The study of a nation’s economic behavior Macroeconomics

6 Government promotes economic strength when it allows citizens to participate in law making through this method. referendum

7 Henry Ford is credited with introducing this method of mass production. Assembly line

8 By tracking where the country is in the business cycle economists are able to do this. Make predictions

9 In order to maintain confidence in the economy, the government takes this measure to make sure milk products are available to all. Price controls (Regulating financial institutions is the other way government makes sure the economy is stable and secure.)

10 This legislation led to the creation of universities for the mechanical arts and agriculture The Morill Acts of 1862 and 1890

11 Even though innovation leads to the growth of the economy, it can also lead to some workers being replaced with new technology. This situation is called……….. obsolescence

12 This is provided by the public sector when the benefit to each individual is less than the cost each would have to pay for it. Public Good (Also, the total benefit to society is greater than the cost to society)

13 The basic facilities that are necessary for a society to function infrastructure

14 Even though I don’t have to pay for police protection when I visit the city of Chicago, they have to provide me with the same protection they provide to their own citizens. What am I? Free rider

15 That noisy low flying jet we heard yesterday during school is an example of what? A negative externality

16 Food stamps, subsidized housing, and free legal assistance are examples of this type of good/service. In-kind benefit

17 George W. Bush established this in order to provide federal funds to religious organizations that provide social services Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

18 In order to maximize human potential, our government, through organizations like the EEOC, prohibits discrimination in the work place. What principle of a free market economy does this illustrate? Legal equality

19 The principle that allows people to enter into agreements with each other without government interference is called this. Free contract

20 This principle of free enterprise involves individuals and firms answering the three key economic questions. Voluntary exchange

21 This results in different degrees of success in a free market economy Open opportunity

22 This part of the constitution ensures just compensation when government takes private property for public use. Fifth Amendment

23 This amendment requires state governments to adhere to the fifth amendment principle of just compensation for taking private property for public use. The Fourteenth Amendment

24 To promote economic growth in the private sector, the government can either cut taxes or what? Increase spending

25 A situation where the free market system cannot make sure that all who benefit, pay for a good or service, requiring that the government provide it. Market failure

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