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WELCOME TO US HISTORY Mrs. Blackburn. ABOUT ME  Graduate of University of Memphis, 2006  Endorsed to teach English, Social Studies, and Library Media.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO US HISTORY Mrs. Blackburn. ABOUT ME  Graduate of University of Memphis, 2006  Endorsed to teach English, Social Studies, and Library Media."— Presentation transcript:


2 ABOUT ME  Graduate of University of Memphis, 2006  Endorsed to teach English, Social Studies, and Library Media  10 th year teaching  Married for 10 years in March –Shane  2 kids – Ethan and Norah (4 and 7 months)  Love to travel, read, and watch sports

3 US HISTORY  Post Reconstruction to Present  Critical Thinking Test – no longer just knowing the dates  Requirement for Graduation  Supplies Pen/pencil Notebook with folders or Binder with paper

4 SYLLABUS  Classroom Rules: Be nice. Respectful…no unkind words to each other or myself Tell the truth. Be honest about where you are in the class, what you have done, etc. Be on time. I give tardies. 5 tardies per 9 weeks = ISS Clean up. Pick up all trash and materials when you leave the class. We are guests. Work hard. Do your best work every day. Ask questions when you don’t understand.

5 TEACHER WEBSITE (You will use the website for missed assignments, notes, reminders, etc.)

6 CONSEQUENCES  Positive – merits and extra points Teacher will be open to class suggestions if appropriate.  Negative – demerits (1 st offense), phone calls (2 nd offense or repeat offense), and parent conferences (3 rd offense)

7 CLASSWORK POLICY  If a student is absent, they are expected to call a friend or check the website. All handouts given will be posted on the website. The school handbook policies regarding classwork and absentees will be followed.  LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

8 EXTRA HELP  Are you having trouble? Tutoring will be available to those who ask. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays until 3:30 or 3:45

9 RETURN SYLLABUS FOR FIRST GRADE Due by Tuesday, August 11 th


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