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KATY TUFTS OUTCOMES OF HIGHER EDUCATION FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY The Effects of Alternative Programming on Students’ Binge Drinking Rates Please click.

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2 KATY TUFTS OUTCOMES OF HIGHER EDUCATION FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY The Effects of Alternative Programming on Students’ Binge Drinking Rates Please click on the sound icon shown here throughout the presentation to hear audio.

3 Purpose To determine how often alternative programming events are attended by students in substitution of binge drinking. (Oglesby Union, 2014) “The University strives to instill the strength, skill, and character essential for lifelong learning, personal responsibility, and sustained achievement within a community that fosters free inquiry and embraces diversity” (Florida State University, 2014).

4 Defining the Assessment Alternative Programming: campus events held on weekend evenings during the hours of 7PM and 2AM in hopes of combating at-risk alternative activities such as binge drinking. Binge Drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages in a short period of time.  5 drinks for men over a two-hour period  4 drinks for women over a two-hour period (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014)

5 Background Research (Harvard, 2014) (Oglesby Union, 2014b)

6 Breakfast for a Buck (Oglesby Union, 2014)

7 Assessment Procedure Population  Estimated 500-700 students in attendance on average  Simple random sampling Sample Size  Estimated 200-300 students surveyed  5-7 percent sample error

8 Assessment Procedure Quantitative Data Collection Method  Survey in paper format  Recognition of student’s time  Promise of anonymity  Conducted monthly


10 Stakeholders Student Activities Center (SAC) staff Student Affairs departments and organizations Upper-level administration External stakeholders  Alumni  Family  City officials  Community members

11 Dissemination of Results Formal report  SAC staff 1-2 page report  Student Affairs departments and organizations Executive summary  Upper-level administration Online webpage  All stakeholders

12 Implementation of Results (1) Adaptation of the Student Activities Center’s mission statement to include “alternative programming” terminology. (2) Creation of a mission statement for Breakfast for a Buck and other alternative programming events. (3) Creation of a webpage displaying research results. (4) Further development of programs to include higher levels of engagement and incentive for attendance. (5) Development of a marketing campaign for alternative programs on campus. (6) Potential adaptation to university mission statement.

13 Limitations Representative of student body  Population Size  Demographics Promise of anonymity Inconclusive results


15 References Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Fact sheet- Binge drinking. Retrieved from Florida State University. (2014). About Florida State Gruley, B. (2003, October 14). How one university stumbled in its attack on alcohol abuse. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Oglesby Union. (2014a). Assessment. Retrieved from Oglesby Union. (2014b). Fridays at the union. Retrieved from Survey Monkey. (2014). Create survey. Retrieved from Upcraft, M.L., & Schuh, J.H. (1996). Assessment in student affairs. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass. Wechsler H., Kelley K., Weitzman E.R., SanGiovanni J.P., Seibring M. (2000). What colleges are doing about binge drinking: A survey of college presidents. Journal of American College Health, 48, 219–226. Wechsler H., Lee J.E., Kuo M., Lee H. (2000). College binge drinking in the 1990s: A continuing problem. Journal of American College Health, 48, 199–210.

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