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Thermal Energy Transfer Notes

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1 Thermal Energy Transfer Notes
21 JAN 15

2 Starter: Iced Soda After coming inside on a summer day, Trina poured her friends, Jack and Darlene, a glass of soda. The soda was warm, so Trina added some ice to the soda in the glasses. After several minutes, Trina and her friends noticed that the soda was cold, but the ice was gone. Trina asked Jack and Darlene what they thought made the soda get cold. Which idea do you think best explains how the soda became cold?

3 Starter : I agree with______ because _________________________.
Trina said, “I think the heat moved from the soda to the ice.” Jack said, “I think the cold from the ice moved to the soda and the heat from the soda moved to the ice, so it was a two way move!” Darlene said, “I think the cold from the ice moved to the soda to make it cold.” Starter : I agree with______ because _________________________.

4 Substances are made of small particles (atoms)

5 which are in constant motion.

6 + = The total energy of the particles in a substance is called thermal energy

7 Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy.

8 Why do you think it is a form of kinetic energy?

9 As the particles in a substance move faster the amount of energy increases and so does the temperature.

10 The amount of thermal energy is measured with a thermometer.

11 Thermal energy can be transferred from place to place.

12 We can predict which way the energy will move.

13 Thermal energy moves from the greatest amount of energy (warmest) to the lowest energy (coolest).

14 The energy will continue to move until it reaches equilibrium.
Energy Movement

15 This means both objects will have the same amount of energy or temperature.
Energy Movement

16 Which way does the thermal energy move?

17 The thermal energy moves from warm to cool.

18 There are three ways thermal energy can be transferred.

19 Conduction Convection Radiation

20 Conduction… Thermal energy transfers when two objects or particles touch.


22 Convection…

23 In gases and liquids (fluids), thermal energy is transferred through the fluid by convection.

24 The fluid circulates in a manner such that the warmer material rises and the cooler material sinks.


26 Radiation… Thermal energy can be transferred through empty space.

27 This method of heat transfer occurs in space, the atmosphere, and from light.

28 Examples of Radiation

29 Convection, Conduction and Radiation

30 Convection, Conduction and Radiation

31 Application: Decide if the description is convection, radiation, or conduction
1. hot water rises and cold water sinks 2. stir frying vegetables 3. a spoon in a cup of hot soup becomes warmer

32 Connection: Ice Cube Race
Each group will have a 100 ml ice cube baggie You will have 5 minutes to transfer as much energy as you can to your ice cube (to melt it). You can use conduction, convection or radiation on your ice but the bag must remained sealed. At the end of 5 minutes, measure the amount of water formed, using a graduated cylinder.

33 Connection and Exit: How much water did you have at the end of 5 minutes? What did you do to your baggie to help melt the ice? If you could repeat the experiment, what would you like to try this time?

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