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Task Force Progress Report, 08.10.2015 TaskForce Name: TaskForce 07. Quality/cost management S. Poryazov MCM 4 of EU COST Action IC1304 Workshop, Lovran,

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Presentation on theme: "Task Force Progress Report, 08.10.2015 TaskForce Name: TaskForce 07. Quality/cost management S. Poryazov MCM 4 of EU COST Action IC1304 Workshop, Lovran,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Force Progress Report, 08.10.2015 TaskForce Name: TaskForce 07. Quality/cost management S. Poryazov MCM 4 of EU COST Action IC1304 Workshop, Lovran, Croatia, October 8-9, 2015

2 2. TF leader and participants, expressed interest Stoyan Poryazov (TF leader) Ivan Ganchev Emiliya Saranova, Tadeusz Czachorski Tihana Grbac 2

3 3 Field of Research: Cost/Quality management of overall service networks, based on telecommunication and computer networks, with emphasize on networks with quality of service guarantees. 3. Description, including main research challenges

4 Research objectives 4 Investigation and development of performance and management conceptual, mathematical and simulation models, including parameters of users’ behavior, technical characteristics and the socio- economic environment; Investigation and modeling of dependences between cost and quality; Research on correspondent indicators and methods for their estimation, prediction and forecasting.

5 4. Progress (1/2) 5 4.1. An integrated Network Performance Model, of telecommunication network, with quality of service guarantees including human factors and technical characteristics, and allowing prediction of values of key QoS indicators, is proposed. These predictable indicators include: Traffic Relative Cost, of the one paid erlang, from Service Providers’ point of view; Cost/Efficiency Ratio; Cost/Effectiveness Ratio.

6 4. Progress (2/2) 6 4.2. Models and computer programs for these indicators prediction are developed and numerical results are presented.

7 5. Outlook 7 The name of the Taskforce has to be change to: Cost/Quality management, following the results received. Investigation and development of: Other overall service network Cost/Quality indicators, models and computer programs, and comparisons among indicators; Overall service network QoS and QoE indicators, from users’ perspective.

8 6. Publications, presentations and meetings 8 S. Poryazov, I. Ganchev, E. Saranova. Price/quality integrated modelling of cloud-based composite services performance. Workshop organized by EU COST Action IC1304 and ITC 27, Ghent, Belgium, September 11th, 2015. S. Poryazov, E. Saranova. On the Cost/Efficiency and Cost/Efficacy ratios in telecommunication service systems with QoS guarantees. MCM 4 of EU COST Action IC1304 Workshop, Lovran, Croatia, October 11th, 2015. These presentations are submitted to ACROSS web- site and are under consideration in open international journals.

9 9 THANK YOU Questions and remarks are welcome

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