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Skimming Argument writing - MELTCenter publication2.

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2 Skimming Argument writing - MELTCenter publication2

3 Scanning Scan through the article attached and underline proper names of countries, companies and people (if any) Argument writing - MELTCenter publication3

4 True or False? 1. Due to a peak in production, there might be a risk of oil resources scarcity and this affects the price. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication4

5 True or False? 2. We will soon run out of oil sources due to the rate at which people are consuming this resource. 3. A number of factors will ensure that oil resources will not soon run out. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication5

6 True or False? 4. There is disagreement among experts with regard to death of Stone Age. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication6

7 True or False? 5. The only reason for lack of petrol is the scarcity of sources. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication7

8 True or False? 6. UK petrol consumers follow a much consistent consumption pattern in comparison with their American counterparts. 7. There is evidence suggesting that UK will run out of oil in the short term. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication8

9 True or False? 8. A significant number of factors have led the oil prices to soar. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication9

10 True or False? 9. A rise in oil prices ensures the adoption of alternative fuels and technologies. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication10

11 True or False? 10. Diesel sales are expected to rise due to the fact that they are cheaper for consumers. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication11

12 True or False? 11. Current economic situation would hinder the use of energy efficient vehicles. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication12

13 True or False? 12. Production of high- fuel consuming vehicles would benefit car companies in funding the research for their energy efficient product s. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication13

14 True or False? 13. Ensuring use of green sources would be possible without governments’ investments. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication14

15 Creating Template: Cause-Effect- Result Find examples of these structures which help create link in writing: (this) means… (this) suggests… …which might imply… ….will prompt…. …could lead to…. ….cause…. Therefore….. Argument writing - MELTCenter publication15

16 Future Prediction: Will Present simple (active – passive) Present continuous Be + infinitive Argument writing - MELTCenter publication16

17 Understanding text organization – Planning The main factors influencing oil market The factors which could facilitate production of energy efficient cars Argument writing - MELTCenter publication17

18 Revising text organization Y X Factor Leads to/causes/results in Argument writing - MELTCenter publication18

19 Question Streets should see less of gas burning cars and more energy efficient vehicles need to be introduced by car manufacturing companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Argument writing - MELTCenter publication19

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