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 By using reason alone, discovered natural laws ◦ gravity  Began the belief that the world was orderly, predictable  Influenced scientists, artists,

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2  By using reason alone, discovered natural laws ◦ gravity  Began the belief that the world was orderly, predictable  Influenced scientists, artists, writers, and philosophers  “enlightened thinkers” ◦ They had seen the “light” ◦ Asked difficult questions, searched for the truth

3  Are there natural laws?  What’s the best form of government?  Used logic and reason to “philosophize” about the different forms of government

4  Wrote Leviathan  According to Hobbes, people used to live without govt. and at some point decided to sacrifice freedom to a government  Order was more important than freedom  Believed that absolute power was needed to maintain order in a society ◦ Had to follow the ruler even if they ruled poorly ◦ Thought people would abuse each other without governnment’s power

5  Wrote:  An Essay Concerning Human Understanding - 1894 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding  Two treatises of government - 1821 Two treatises of government  The Harvard Classics - 1910 The Harvard Classics  Thought_society had a contract w ith its people  Believed people would act reasonably and born with 3 rights: ◦ Life, property, and liberty ◦ Govt should protect those rights ◦ People have a right to freedom

6  Studied the Romans & govts of his day  Published his studies  Thought best monarchies used their wealth& power to help community  Virtue held a republic together

7  People originally only did good things- eventually started behaving badly  Opposite of Hobbes  “man is born free-but everywhere he is in chains”  Peasants =kings & nobles  No one should have special privileges  “general will– majority rule

8  Paris-center of Enlightenment  Salons-meeting places for wealthy women to discuss these ideas  Voltaire-writer of plays, poetry, histories, etc ◦ Criticized wealthy ◦ Jailed twice for writing about French monarchy ◦ Agreed to disagree with people- defended freedom of speech  Diderot-wrote the 1 st encyclopedia ◦ Spread enlightened ideas

9  Fredierick the Great- Prussia ◦ Rejected divine right ◦ Fought prejudice, improved court system ◦ Banned torture (except for treason) ◦ Gave farmers seed-rebuilt barns ◦ Name from Voltaire  Empress Maria- Theresa -Austria ◦ Tried to change old customs ◦ Established schools for kids aged 6-13 ◦ Improved serf’s lives ◦ Wanted better educated workforce

10  baroque & classical music ◦ Bach ◦ Handel ◦ Mozart Writers Swift-Gulliver’s Travels  Dafoe-Robinson Crusoe

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