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1 Project 3 The Kumquat Society Conference. 2 Conference Registration In this project you will write a program to handle a conference registration. The.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Project 3 The Kumquat Society Conference. 2 Conference Registration In this project you will write a program to handle a conference registration. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Project 3 The Kumquat Society Conference

2 2 Conference Registration In this project you will write a program to handle a conference registration. The program will display a form by which the user will enter registration information for a conference attendee. The program will compute the registration fee and display information that might be printed on a name tab.

3 The Blank Form

4 Form Filled In

5 Registration Fee

6 Registration Information

7 Clear Form

8 Input Validation Verify Title selected First Name and Last Name not blank If Member Member number must be a postive integer If Speaker or Non-member Member number must be blank If any input not valid display an error message. Allow user to try again. Don't clear the inputs.

9 No Title Selected

10 No First Name

11 No Last Name

12 No Member Number

13 Invalid Member Number

14 Member Number for Non-member

15 15 Implementation Specifications Define a class, Registration_Record, to hold all registration information. Knows how to compute registration fee. Use appropriate type for each field. String for text Decimal for money int for member number In the same file, above the class definition, define an enum for Registration_Type. Values: Member Speaker Nonmember

16 16 Implementation Specifications When the user clicks OK on the main form Create a Registration_Record object with information entered on the form. Pass the object to a method that shows the Registration Fee message box. When the user clicks OK on this message box, Show the Registration Complete message box. When the user clicks OK on this message box, or clicks Cancel on any form, Reinitialize the form.

17 17 Appearance Make your forms look approximately like those shown in this presentation. Find your own kumquat image.

18 18 Things to Check Main Form Title All user input controls defined correctly All labels Image OK and Cancel buttons Appearance similar to example in assignment

19 19 Things to Check Registration Fee MessageBox Registration fee computed and shown correctly Title OK and Cancel Buttons Icon Registration Complete MessageBox All registration info shown correctly Title OK Button (only) Icon

20 20 Things to Check Source Files Form1.Designer.cs Form1.cs Form1.resx Program.cs Registration_Record.cs Class Registration_Record defined correctly Registration Type enum defined Fields Constructor Method to compute registration fee Accessor Methods

21 Things to Check All kinds of invalid inputs handled correctly.

22 22 Ground Rules You may work with one other person. OK to work alone if you prefer. If you do work as a pair Both members are expected to contribute. Submit a single program. Both members should understand the program in detail. Do not share your work with other students. Before or after submitting the project. OK to discuss the project. Do not copy any other student’s work. Don’t look at anyone else’s program.

23 23 Ground Rules Except for code posted on the class web site Do not copy code from the Internet or any other source. Do not ask for help on an Internet forum. Write your own code.

24 24 Submission Project is due by 11:59 PM, Wednesday night, Feb 2. Deliverables: Project Folder (zipped) Zip the entire project folder and submit a single file. Instructions on following slides. DO NOT use RAR Be sure to click Submit after attaching your file. If you work with another student, include both names in the assignment comments. Other student submit comment only with both names.

25 25 Zipping the Project Folder

26 26 Zipping the Project Folder Submit

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