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Remote Data Entry Updates Lori Wangsness Kim Gallimore Lori Wangsness Kim Gallimore.

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Presentation on theme: "Remote Data Entry Updates Lori Wangsness Kim Gallimore Lori Wangsness Kim Gallimore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote Data Entry Updates Lori Wangsness Kim Gallimore Lori Wangsness Kim Gallimore

2 ANNOUNCEMENTANNOUNCEMENT Holding Bin was implemented on November 15 th. If changes are necessary a notification will be sent and additional documentation will be available here:

3 Cycle Data * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field data entry Do not use comment field for additional field data entry * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field data entry Do not use comment field for additional field data entry

4 Comment Box Comment field should be used with the Validated & Not Done buttons to justify your selection. Please DO NOT use the comment field for additional data entry.

5 Additional Field - Message If you receive this message and you do not know who the PAS is, please contact Vicki Brhyn @ (507) 266- 5350.

6 Cycle Data * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field data entry Do not use comment field for additional field data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field data entry Do not use comment field for additional field data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons

7 QUERYQUERY The Query button is used to flag the error, indicating you are gathering documentation to resolve the error.

8 Not Done The Not Done button is used when a test has not been completed and will never be done.

9 ValidatedValidated The Validation button is used to validate that the out of range data entered is correct. Example : Pt weight was entered as 310 lbs. You have verified that weight is correct. You would enter a comment indicating that pt is obese. If Validated is selected, you MUST include a comment in the comment box. Validated button is not appropriate for missing or select menu data.

10 Cycle Data * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field data entry Do not use comment field for additional field data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field data entry Do not use comment field for additional field data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered

11 Cycle/SequenceCycle/Sequence You can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered for the Measurement, NADIR/Adverse Event and Evaluation/Treatment Forms.

12 Cycle Data * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field Do not use comment field for additional field data entry data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field Do not use comment field for additional field data entry data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line

13 You can enter Study # and Subject # in the Study field and it move the Subject # over to the Subject field automatically. You can enter Study # and Subject # in the Study field and it move the Subject # over to the Subject field automatically.

14 Cycle Data * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field Do not use comment field for additional field data entry data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field Do not use comment field for additional field data entry data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field

15 Cycle Data * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field Do not use comment field for additional field data entry data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field Current Version Current Version * Tips & Techniques Do not use comment field for additional field Do not use comment field for additional field data entry data entry When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons When to use Query, Not Done and Validated buttons Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Can only have one Sequence per Cycle entered Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line Enter Study # and Subject # on Study line ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field ALWAYS use TAB key to move from field to field Current Version Current Version

16 Current Version The Current Version button is set by default to go to the most current form. We would prefer that you use this button.

17 New Functions/Features * Holding Bin

18 Holding Bin Facts * What is the Holding Bin? A mechanism to save partially completed forms. A mechanism to save partially completed forms. Example: You have started a form and are called to see a patient; you could save the form as work in progress to be completed later. Example: You have started a form and are called to see a patient; you could save the form as work in progress to be completed later. A means to temporarily store forms with error(s). A means to temporarily store forms with error(s). Example: Save forms with errors that need additional investigation to resolve the error(s). Example: Save forms with errors that need additional investigation to resolve the error(s). * What is the Holding Bin? A mechanism to save partially completed forms. A mechanism to save partially completed forms. Example: You have started a form and are called to see a patient; you could save the form as work in progress to be completed later. Example: You have started a form and are called to see a patient; you could save the form as work in progress to be completed later. A means to temporarily store forms with error(s). A means to temporarily store forms with error(s). Example: Save forms with errors that need additional investigation to resolve the error(s). Example: Save forms with errors that need additional investigation to resolve the error(s).

19 Holding Bin Facts - Continued * The Holding Bin will have one “Error List” that will summarize forms into these groups: My Work In Progress, Existing Errors (IE: greater than 7 days & less than 7 days) and Queries. List can be requested as individual, study or site specific. * Forms placed in the Holding Bin WILL NOT be removed from the overdue list. * The expected implementation date is November 15th, 2004. * The Holding Bin will have one “Error List” that will summarize forms into these groups: My Work In Progress, Existing Errors (IE: greater than 7 days & less than 7 days) and Queries. List can be requested as individual, study or site specific. * Forms placed in the Holding Bin WILL NOT be removed from the overdue list. * The expected implementation date is November 15th, 2004.

20 New Functions/Features * Holding Bin New Form Buttons New Form Buttons * Holding Bin New Form Buttons New Form Buttons

21 New Form Buttons

22 Save As: Complete or Work in Progress

23 Holding Bin Status Forms placed in the Holding Bin, will be displayed in orange.

24 Close Form

25 Close Form - Warning Message

26 New Functions/Features * Holding Bin New Form Buttons New Form Buttons Validating Validating * Holding Bin New Form Buttons New Form Buttons Validating Validating

27 New Validating Box

28 Potential Errors Found

29 New Functions/Features * Holding Bin * New Form Buttons * Validating * Save As Work In Progress * Holding Bin * New Form Buttons * Validating * Save As Work In Progress

30 Work In Progress

31 New Functions/Features * Holding Bin * New Form Buttons * Validating * Save As Work In Progress * Cancel Save & Resolve Errors Now * Holding Bin * New Form Buttons * Validating * Save As Work In Progress * Cancel Save & Resolve Errors Now

32 Cancel Save & Resolve Errors Now If selected the data will not be saved and you will be redirected to the 1 st error on the form.

33 New Functions/Features * Holding Bin New Form Buttons New Form Buttons Validating Validating Save As Work In Progress Save As Work In Progress Cancel Save & Resolve Errors Now Cancel Save & Resolve Errors Now File Menu Options File Menu Options * Holding Bin New Form Buttons New Form Buttons Validating Validating Save As Work In Progress Save As Work In Progress Cancel Save & Resolve Errors Now Cancel Save & Resolve Errors Now File Menu Options File Menu Options

34 File Menu Options

35 Unsaved Data - Warning Message

36 New Option Menu Item By default the Close on Save feature is set to “Yes”. If you wish to disable this feature, you will need to change selection to “No”.

37 File Menu Options\Buttons Removed * Refresh Data Menu Option * Reload Form Menu Option & Button * Print Button * Refresh Data Menu Option * Reload Form Menu Option & Button * Print Button

38 New View Option Error List options have been appended as follows: My Error List: Your errors across all studies & sites Study Error List: All errors for that study that you have authorization to access Site Error List: All errors across all studies for that site

39 39 New Error List Report Holding Bin Existing Errors Queries

40 40 New Error List Report Color Grid

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