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Access all registration through the Padua homepage:

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Presentation on theme: "Access all registration through the Padua homepage:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Access all registration through the Padua homepage:

2 Class of 2013Registration Jan. 30 - Feb. 2 Signed forms due to Guidance Feb. 6 Class of 2014Registration Feb. 6 - Feb. 9 Signed forms due to Guidance Feb. 13 Class of 2015Registration Feb. 13 - Feb. 16 Signed forms due to Guidance Feb. 21

3 2 step process this year: 1. Academics/Course Registration 2012-2013 Complete 2 forms: a. All Grades Electives Course Preference Sheet b. Course Registration Form for your class 2. Login to NetClassroom through the “Check Grades” portal to electronically select your courses. Academics/Course Registration 2012- 2013

4 Complete your Course Registration Form. Return to Guidance by Deadline Note Deadlines Registration Tutorial available for PowerPoint

5 All students must complete and submit the Elective Course Preference Sheet to Guidance by the deadline for their class.

6 You may get this message when you open the registration forms. Click “OK” and the form should open in Adobe.

7 Another Adobe message may appear. Click “OK” to proceed

8 Read and discuss this form with your parents before completing and printing. Complete the registration process even if uncertain of your return next year. Complete personal information fields and bubble all relevant statements. Note Deadline dates.

9 Class of 2013 Form

10 Class of 2014 form

11 Class of 2015 Form


13 1. Place your cursor in a text box and type the information requested. Bubble “4 Yr. Studio Art" if it applies to you.

14 Padua’s Graduation Requirements are listed at the bottom of the Electives sheet. For your specific requirements, login to NetClassroom and check Student’s Grades/Graduation Requirements. Rank your top 10 elective choices


16 Login to NetClassroom through the Check Grades portal. 1.NetClassroom is only supported by Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox 2.Make sure your pop-up blockers are disabled. 3.Login information is available from Mrs. Brizius at

17 The Graduation Requirements found in Student’s grades will list the courses you have completed and what you need to graduate. Check here to see what you need to graduate.

18 Change to Details of Requirements to see a list of your completed courses and remaining requirements


20 Use the course registration and elective forms you completed earlier as references.



23 Do not use browser back, forward or refresh arrows.

24 Select course from each drop-down menu that applies to you. Some courses have been preselected in the grid below.

25 Review courses selected in each line and in the grid before submitting

26 You can delete a course from the grid if you make a mistake or change your mind. Click on this little cell to select the course you want to delete. Click “Delete” after selecting the course. An empty line = no course selection on that line


28 You must click “Submit” to complete the process. Important: Review courses selected in each line and in the grid below before submitting.

29 You must complete the process in one login.

30 You must complete this registration by the end date for your grade.

31 Make an appointment to see your counselor if you have any questions or problems with registration. All MedTrackMr. Daniel Grade 9Mrs. Daniel Grade 10-12: A-GOMr. Shuman GR-NMs. DiLisi O-ZMrs. Sidoti

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