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1 1 ECHO Extended Services February 15, 2007. 2 Agenda Review of Extended Services Policy and Governance ECHO’s Service Domain Model How to…

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 ECHO Extended Services February 15, 2007. 2 Agenda Review of Extended Services Policy and Governance ECHO’s Service Domain Model How to…"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 ECHO Extended Services February 15, 2007

2 2 Agenda Review of Extended Services Policy and Governance ECHO’s Service Domain Model How to…

3 3 Extended Services Background What are “Extended Services” –“Services” - functional capabilities offered by the community –“Extended” – because they are not native to ECHO –Published to the ECHO Registry Functional Summary – What does ECHO do with them? –Register – Service Providers register the services –Activate – ECHO operations review and activate them. –Find – Users find the services using the UDDI inquiry API or Extended Services Viewer –Retrieve – Users can get the services to view their details –Update – Service Providers can update their services –Delete – Service Providers can remove their services

4 4 Extended Services 8.0 Capabilities Full CRUD for Extended Service Entities –Create –Read –Update –Delete Allow for combined Service Interface/Implementation WSDL –Single registration sequence Initial brokering of services –Invocation Service

5 5 Extended Services 9.0 Additional Capabilities Event Management –Publication of events for changes in the registry Examples: New Service Interface, Service Deleted, Service Updated, etc. –Ability to subscribe to those events –Notification upon event occurrence Event Summary –New Dataset –Updated Dataset –Deleted Dataset –New Service –Updated Service –Deleted Service Based on WS-Eventing & -Notification

6 6 Policy and Governance Policy drives how an organization uses the tools available to them. –To protect the organization’s interests ECHO is a partnership between NASA and ECHO participants NASA has the responsibility to ensure that what it publicly represents is legitimate and appropriate ECHO policy practices –Registered partners may publish Form sent to ECHO Operations team NASA approval –Two-phased Publication Registration & Activation

7 7 Registration & Activation Pattern

8 8 ECHO’S Service Domain Model Provider

9 9 Extended Services Entity: Web Service Interface Defines a web service API Defined in WSDL file Hosted within ECHO system –Centrally managed interfaces encourages standardization and reuse within community Reusable between provider organizations Example: – Common Subsetting interface – Common Access service interface (OPeNDAP) – WMS service

10 10 Extended Services Entity: Web Service Implementation An executable web service hosted by an ECHO Service Provider Defined in a WSDL file –Contains at least one service element May implement interfaces registered in ECHO. – By importing interface WSDL from ECHO hosted location. Examples: –An application-specific service (OPeNDAP Query adaptor) –A predictive model –Specific WMS server

11 11 Extended Services Entity: Web Service GUI A user interface for a web service. Provides a way for human to interact with a web service. Includes name, description, and access point Associated with implementations and interfaces registered in ECHO. Examples: – ECHO Query Client – Domain Specific User Client for subsetting

12 12 Extended Services Entity: Advertisement A way to advertise a service that is not a real Web Service. Includes name and description of service and an access point. Example – Service for expert advice on a specific application area – Ability to drop sensors in the Chesapeake Bay

13 13 Categorization and Classification Categorization –Process of creating categories or types Classification –Process of assigning objects within categories

14 14 Taxonomies A way of classifying extended service entities in ECHO. Have a tree like structure. –Root of the tree is the taxonomy. –Leaves and nodes on the tree are taxonomy entries A taxonomy entry is a name and value pair. –Values are unique in a taxonomy.

15 15 Virtual Taxonomies This is a type of taxonomy that is populated by ECHO automatically. They behave and look to the user like a regular static taxonomy.

16 16 Existing Taxonomies in ECHO nasa-ECHO:Dataset – The primary input type dataset taxonomy – Should be used to classify services where the dataset is the primary input to the service – Is a virtual taxonomy – As new datasets are added to ECHO this taxonomy grows Contains: – Each Provider – Collections for that provider

17 17 Existing Taxonomies in ECHO nasa-ECHO:Dataset Example data

18 18 Existing Taxonomies in ECHO nasa-ECHO:ServiceType – This is a categorization scheme of kinds of services from a functional perspective. It is comprised of other taxonomies defined by external organizations. Currently contains: ISO 19119 (OGC) –Specific OGC subgroups OPeNDAP

19 19 Existing Taxonomies in ECHO nasa-ECHO:DataFormat – This is a categorization scheme based on the format of Earth Science data. It is similar to a mime-type classification scheme. Currently contains Complex Graphical

20 20 Classification within ECHO Service Partners classify their service offerings –Upon Publication –Updates as needed Classification is not required –But very useful Multiplicity –Classify to zero or more Taxonomies –Classify to zero or more nodes within a Taxonomy

21 21 How To… What is available to use ECHO Extended Services –APIs –Documentation –Tools Extended Services Scenarios –Register as a Service Provider –Publish a Web Service Interface –Publish a Web Service Implementation –Publish a Web Service GUI –Publish an Advertisement –Classify an offering –Update an offering –Delete an offering

22 22 Using Extended Services API’s available for all capabilities –Operational System –Currently available in ECHO Testbed wsdl/v9/ExtendedServicesService.wsdl wsdl/v9/ExtendedServicesService.wsdl Extended Services Client tool –GUI for all management functions (CRUD) –Currently available in ECHO Testbed Extended Services Viewer –Navigation tool to discover services –Operational System –Currently available in ECHO Testbed

23 23 ECHO Tools – Extended Services Client Tool for Service Partners Registration Publishing Services –Any type –Classification Manage Organizational contacts Full CRUD

24 24 ECHO Tools – Extended Services Viewer Discovery and Navigation Tool for Services Registry Each Categorization Scheme represented by a tree Details of selected node presented in the right-hand panel

25 25 Create an ECHO User Account Click the "Sign Up" button. This will start the "ECHO Sign Up Wizard", guiding you through the process to create an ECHO User Account.

26 26 Create an ECHO User Account

27 27 Create an ECHO User Account

28 28 Create an ECHO User Account

29 29 Create an ECHO User Account

30 30 Create an ECHO User Account

31 31 Create an ECHO User Account

32 32 Create an ECHO User Account

33 33 Create an ECHO User Account

34 34 Register as a Service Provider Goal –As an organization, offer your capabilities to the broader EO community Prerequisites –Register as a User –Login as User Once logged in to ECHO using the ECHO Extended Services Client, Select the "Transaction" button corresponding to the Registration Service. Then select "Submit Provider Application". This will start the "Submit a Provider Application Wizard".

35 35 Register as a Service Provider

36 36 Register as a Service Provider

37 37 Register as a Service Provider

38 38 Register as a Service Provider

39 39 Register as a Service Provider

40 40 Register as a Service Provider

41 41 Register as a Service Provider

42 42 Register as a Service Provider In the “Additional Information” text area, provide the ECHO user account name that you would like associated with this provider or contact ECHO Ops @ echo@killians.gsfc.nasa.g ov to have them associate your ECHO user account with the ECHO Service Provider. echo@killians.gsfc.nasa.g ov

43 43 Register as a Service Provider At this point your organization has been registered, but not activated. ECHO Operations has been notified of your registration and will review the application. Once they approve your application, you will be notified via email sent to the email address you supplied above.

44 44 Register as a Service Provider Once you are notified that your ECHO user account is associated with an ECHO Service Provider you can begin to register your Extended Service. The next time you login, you will notice your Service Provider name listed in the “Provider” drop-down box.

45 45 Publish a Web Service Interface Under the “Transactions” for Extended Services you must register your Interface, Implementation, GUI or Advertisement service. ECHO Ops will then review your registration and notify you of your status.

46 46 Publish a Web Service Interface Goal –Offer a standard interface which can be used by multiple organizations. Prerequisites –Be a registered User –Your organization is a Registered Service Provider –Login, with your provider context set to a Registered Service Provider –Have the Web Service Interface defined in a.wsdl file

47 47 Publish a Web Service Implementation (using a Web Service Interface) Goal –Offer a Service for access by the community Prerequisites –Be a registered User –Your organization is a Registered Service Provider –Login, with your provider context set to a Registered Service Provider –Have the Web Service Implementation defined in a.wsdl file –Reference a published Web Service Interface

48 48 Publish a Web Service GUI Goal –Offer a GUI which provides a human interface to a published Web Service, for access by the community Prerequisites –Be a registered User –Your organization is a Registered Service Provider –Login, with your provider context set to a Registered Service Provider –Reference a published Web Service Interface or specific Web Service Implementation

49 49 Publish an Advertisement Goal –Offer a capability which is not a Web Service, to the EO community Prerequisites –Be a registered User –Your organization is a Registered Service Provider –Login, with your provider context set to a Registered Service Provider

50 50 Classify an offering Goal –Enable better discovery by classifying your offering in one or more taxonomies –Can be done in registration, or by updating Prerequisites –Be a registered User –Your organization is a Registered Service Provider –Login, with your provider context set to a Registered Service Provider –A registered service offering has been (or is being) published

51 51 Classify an offering

52 52 Classify an offering

53 53 Update an offering Goal –Change the information representing a published service offering Prerequisites –Be a registered User –Your organization is a Registered Service Provider –Login, with your provider context set to a Registered Service Provider –A registered service offering has been (or is being) published –Have the GUID of the service to be updated

54 54 Delete an offering Goal –Remove a published service offering Prerequisites –Be a registered User –Your organization is a Registered Service Provider –Login, with your provider context set to a Registered Service Provider –A registered service offering has been (or is being) published NOTE: ECHO will “take ownership” of an interface which has dependent implementations and/or GUIs.

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