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Transformational Education: Advancing the UW Extension Mission Margaret A. Bethel Director, MSU Extension March 2, 2004 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Transformational Education: Advancing the UW Extension Mission Margaret A. Bethel Director, MSU Extension March 2, 2004 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformational Education: Advancing the UW Extension Mission Margaret A. Bethel Director, MSU Extension March 2, 2004 3

2 Mission & Vision Statements MISSION UW-Extension extends the knowledge and resources of the University of Wisconsin to people where they live and work.VISION Wisconsin’s educational network for engaging people and their communities in positive change. change.

3 Remember when ……?

4 Consider the History of Consider the History of Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia Britannica Oldest English Language Encyclopedia 15 editions in 225 years Record sales in 1989 : $627 million Sold 117,000 copies @ $1300 each in 1990 Profitable in 19 of previous 20 years Heavily invested in specific sales approach

5 Then along comes...

6 Consider the History of Consider the History of Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia Britannica Emergence of CD Rom Encyclopedia CD adds graphics, sound and video CD is cheap to manufacture and store Britannica had losses of 4.6 mil in 1992 and $15 mil in 1993 Management looks for a buyer in the $400 – 500 mil range In 1995, CEO Peter Norton retires (Source: Blown to Bits, Evans & Wurster)

7 Knowledge Model University Knowledge Betterment of the Community Discovery Impact PreservationIntegrationApplication

8 Mission Vision Statements MISSION UW-Extension extends the knowledge and resources of the University of Wisconsin to people where they live and work.VISION Wisconsin’s educational network for engaging people and their communities in positive change.

9 The Engaged University Engagement Engagement is the partnership of university knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sectors; to enrich scholarship and research, to enhance curriculum, teaching and learning, to prepare educated, engaged citizens, to strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility, to address critical societal issues, and to contribute to the public good. Committee for Institutional Partnership – Big Ten Partnership, Nov. 2003 prepare educated, engaged citizens, to strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility, to address critical societal issues, and to contribute to the public good

10 An Educated Community / World What benchmarks can be established to define the land-grant university’s impact and results of it’s community-based mission and presence? What defines an educated community? How does one create an educated community?

11 So how have I been spending my program time? Generate a quick list of programs – major and minor for the last 6 mos. – list education programs and focused blocks of information that you have been involved in delivering. List the big headings in your plan of work … what you have committed to focusing on.

12 CONTENT RELATIONSHIP Scholarship of Discovery, Integration, Application of Knowledge low high Information Facilitation Transformational Education Content Transmission high PROCESS Educational Processes Adapted from Merrill Ewart Model, Process and Content

13 A continuous process of knowledge discovery, integration, application and reflection. The goal is not to accumulate more knowledge but to expand of the capacity to produce the desired results by applying knowledge. M. Bethel, 2003 Transformational Learning: Transformational Learning: ______ _____________________________ ________________ _______________________________________

14 Transformational Learning Process: Transformational Learning Process: Community Leadership Development “Leading” to Community Change COMMUNICATION!! Interlaced with facilitation and introduction of knowledge Problem Articulation Concept Formation Gathering Resources Experimentation/Testing Problem Solving

15 Questions & Experimentation Human Resources Facilitation Resources Learning Resources Shared Future Actualized Vision Leadership Transformational Education Process Strong bonds between and among learners. Refine the questions, develop the process, which is iterative in nature. Learn a little, build a little, test a little. Develop new questions. Incremental victories and payoffs. SCHOLARSHIP IN EXTENSION

16 Hierarchical Expert Model Helping Systems Win/Lose Professional Development Developmental, Critical Thinking Dedicated to Outcomes Learning and Discovery Processes Creating New Futures Professional and Personal Development Old Learning / New Learning / Leadership Models Leadership Models Old Learning / New Learning / Leadership Models Leadership Models

17 CONTENT RELATIONSHIP low high Information Facilitation Transformational Education Content Transmission high PROCESS Educational Processes Scholarship of Discovery, Integration, Application of Knowledge Educate for Community Action

18 Effective Transformational Educators: Be skilled in facilitation. Create opportunities and take risks. Have access to diverse opportunities for each group member to make contributions networks of knowledge, research, and human resources. Treat learners as equals; group members are differentiated by individual responsibilities and types of contributions to the group’s learning.

19 So how have I been spending my program time? Information Facilitation Content Transmission Transformational Education

20 Extension is highly skilled in understanding the communitycontext. Extension is highly skilled in understanding the community context.

21 Nobody understands community context better than Extension! This is our niche. We are part of the community and have immediate access to people and resources. We are part of the experience, part of the solution and will be invested /affected by the outcome. We know the good, the bad and the ugly. We are the lighthouse !!

22 Identify trigger events, education and leadership development opportunities Organize stakeholders and leaders and secure resources and partnerships Understand, articulate and bolster local capacity Provide issue-focus, but not be issue-bound Honor community heritage, circumstance Insure involvement of diversity - race, ethnicity, gender, age, social class, occupation, etc. Needed skills in assessing the communitycontext. Needed skills in assessing the community context.

23 We are the lighthouse !! “Universities have an important obligation to people far beyond the borders of our campuses. We are stewards of knowledge that can serve as an important beacon, but only if that knowledge is dispersed and shared freely with everyone who seeks it.” Kevin Reilly Chancellor, UW-Extension at the Outreach Scholarship conference, 2003

24 “…in the next century we will have to become much more skilled at creating leaders. Without enough leaders, the vision, communication, and empowerment that are at the heart of transformation will simply not happen well enough or fast enough to satisfy our needs and expectations.” On Transformational Leadership: John Kotter, Leading Change

25 Transformational education in the community context is about building leaders for that community around issue content. Mastering content knowledge and building group leadership capacity occur simultaneously. On Transformational Leadership:

26 Question existing assumptions and values. Venture beyond existing blinders and comfort zone. Move from fear of circumstance to courage and optimism about the changes that can be made. Move from conformity to reformation. Extension as Transformational Community Leaders: Adapted from: “ Transformative Learning and Counselor Education”, 2002 Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D

27 Move from making a living to making a difference. Move from self-interest to community / global concerns. Move from competition to cooperation. Move from individualism to collective efforts. Extension as Transformational Community Leaders: (CONT’D) Adapted from: “ Transformative Learning and Counselor Education”, 2002 Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D

28 Educated Community/World Leadership & Values Skills / Workplace Preparation Global Knowledge … Improve quality of life, best practices and economic strength … Strengthen commitment to democracy/ diversity … Strengthen citizen participation and civic responsibility to improve outcomes for community members … Globalize perspectives and contacts Educated Person Adapted from MSU University Outreach and Engagement The land- grant university has a special commitment to engage its faculty, instructional and research resources to the betterment of the state. Civic Engagement

29 Additional Thoughts on Leadership: Some people are born leaders, but there are not enough of them to go around. Leadership cannot be taught, but it is essential that it is learned. BUILDING LEADERS WHO CAN PRODUCE CHANGE!

30 Embracing Transformational Education Embracing Transformational Education Shared Future Actualized Vision Leadership systems changes What are the organizational systems changes necessary to support more work at the transformational level?

31 UWEX Professional Development CONTENT low high Core Competencies high AOE / Dept. Content Related Professional Development Technology Training PROCESS Change Leaders

32 CONTENT high PROCESS high low FacilitationTools ResearchBasedPrograms Transformational Education Information Management Systems Information Management UWEX Ed Technology Systems

33 CONTENT high PROCESS high low FacilitationTools Transformational Education Tools Information Management System UWEX Ed Technology Systems ResearchBasedPrograms Information Management Information Management Systems Fact Sheets Bulletins Statistics Demo. Local Inform. Shared Work Space Digital Visuals Reports Internal Info. AOE Programs Forms Reg. Systems Data Bases State Nat’l Links Research Reports Partner Agencies Newsletters Media Teaching Tools

34 CONTENT low high Facilitation Content Transmission Information Management Systems Interactive Technology Transformational Education PROCESS CODEC Interactive On Demand Learning Broad Band TV Prof. Dev. Consultations Problem Solving E- Committees Forums Groups UWEX Educational Technology

35 Administrative Structures Reporting, Evaluation Educational Technologies Budget Communication and Marketing Other What kinds of systems changes are needed to move more programs to a transformational level at UWEX? Program Development Personnel / Hiring Evaluation / Tenure Professional Dev. Diversity Education Extension Councils Staff Coverage Plans

36 Self Test for Extension Transformational Leaders Articulate a clear, powerful, transformational agenda. Are highly effective at gaining the agreement and commitment of other people. Are teachers who facilitate the learning of others to implement a larger transformation and shared vision. “A Call for Transformational Leadership: Essay and Leadership Self Assessment”, Gary Stokes Transformational leaders

37 Self Test for Extension Transformational Leaders (CONT’D) Create a critical mass of leadership around a vision by skillfully nurturing the growth and development of other leaders. Learn about themselves and new content as they carry out their transformational work. Have stamina, endurance and fortitude and realize the journey never truly ends. “A Call for Transformational Leadership: Essay and Leadership Self Assessment”, Gary Stokes Transformational leaders

38 So, what is the vision for transformational education and leadership in Extension? All Extension staff members have educational initiatives represented by programs conducted at the transformational level. All Extension staff members will possess and utilize a blend of content and facilitation skills that enhances their ability to be effective transformational leaders.

39 So, what is the vision for transformational education and leadership in Extension? Extension councils are made up of transformational leaders who emerge from our program efforts and will develop a vision for community transformation that drives the content of strong Extension programs. Our AoEs are learning teams, working at the transformational level in program development, discovery, invention and reflection to engage communities across the state in change and transformation.

40 UW Extension Creates Community Mosaics of Transformational Leaders Bring leadership together in communities around common values Bring leadership together in communities around common values. Youth Agricultural Producers Volunteers Business Leaders Civic Leaders Agencies and Schools Families

41 WE CAN! Go Out and Be BRILLIANT!!!

42 Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6 Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7 Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8 Community-based Environmental Education Environmental stewardship is routinely ranked as a top education need whenever county leaders are asked to prioritize local issues. Citizens can apply an environmental stewardship perspective to every and all community development activities. ERC initiatives to strengthen citizen understanding, appreciation and skills include the biannual ENVIRONMENT catalog, the Community Environmental Assessment Fact Sheet Series, and the annual Growing Communities-Greening Communities Educational Teleconference Network and many other environmental management programs provided by ERC staff. Links ENVIRONMENT Catalog ENVIRONMENT Catalog Local Land Use Planning and Zoning Schedule Local Land Use Planning and Zoning Schedule EPA/Cooperative Extension Partnership Project Series Supporting Community-Based Environmental Education - Discussion Paper Summary, No. 1Supporting Community-Based Environmental Education - Discussion Paper Summary, No. 1Supporting Community-Based Environmental Education - Discussion Paper Summary, No. 1Supporting Community-Based Environmental Education - Discussion Paper Summary, No. 1 Leadership Roles for Cooperative Extension - Building Partnerships for Strong Communities, No. 2Leadership Roles for Cooperative Extension - Building Partnerships for Strong Communities, No. 2Leadership Roles for Cooperative Extension - Building Partnerships for Strong Communities, No. 2Leadership Roles for Cooperative Extension - Building Partnerships for Strong Communities, No. 2 Linking to US EPA - A County Extension Guide to the EPA, Region 5, No. 3Linking to US EPA - A County Extension Guide to the EPA, Region 5, No. 3Linking to US EPA - A County Extension Guide to the EPA, Region 5, No. 3Linking to US EPA - A County Extension Guide to the EPA, Region 5, No. 3 Leadership Roles for US EPA - Forging Solutions for Sustainable Communities, No. 4Leadership Roles for US EPA - Forging Solutions for Sustainable Communities, No. 4Leadership Roles for US EPA - Forging Solutions for Sustainable Communities, No. 4Leadership Roles for US EPA - Forging Solutions for Sustainable Communities, No. 4 Linking to Cooperative Extension - A US EPA Guide to Cooperative Extension in Region 5 States, No. 5Linking to Cooperative Extension - A US EPA Guide to Cooperative Extension in Region 5 States, No. 5Linking to Cooperative Extension - A US EPA Guide to Cooperative Extension in Region 5 States, No. 5Linking to Cooperative Extension - A US EPA Guide to Cooperative Extension in Region 5 States, No. 5 Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6Building Capacity - Educating for Community Action, No. 6 Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7Building Capacity – From Transferring to Transforming, No. 7 Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8Building Capacity – Community-Based Environmental Education in Practice, No. 8 Comparing USDA Cooperative Extension and US EPA/Guide to Pamphlets, No. 9Comparing USDA Cooperative Extension and US EPA/Guide to Pamphlets, No. 9Comparing USDA Cooperative Extension and US EPA/Guide to Pamphlets, No. 9Comparing USDA Cooperative Extension and US EPA/Guide to Pamphlets, No. 9 Complete set of pamphletsComplete set of pamphletsComplete set of pamphletsComplete set of pamphlets © 2004 by Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Resources:

43 When you think, think BIG !!

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