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5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status1 CALICE Status Paul Dauncey Imperial College London For the CALICE-UK groups: Birmingham, Cambridge, Imperial,

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1 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status1 CALICE Status Paul Dauncey Imperial College London For the CALICE-UK groups: Birmingham, Cambridge, Imperial, Manchester, RAL, UCL

2 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status2 Study calorimetry for a future linear collider Both electromagnetic (ECAL) and hadronic (HCAL) ECAL studies are for Si-W tracking calorimeter HCAL studies are for analogue scintillating tile or digital (small cell) made with RPC’s, scintillating tiles or GEM’s Big collaboration already… 150 people, 24 institutes, 8 countries (including Europe, US and Asia) DESY is a member (CALICE grew out of TESLA TDR studies) …and still expanding 6 institutes have joined since the last LCUK meeting FNAL have also approached the collaboration Informal agreement on collaboration with SLAC/Oregon Recent summary of status written for DESY PRC in October Can find from CALICE-UK page The CALICE collaboration

3 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status3 Major aim is beam test ECAL 20  20  20cm 3 30 layers of tungsten 9720 Si diode pads with analogue readout HCAL 1  1  1m 3 38 layers of iron 15000 5  5cm 2 scintillator pads with analogue readout, OR 350000 1  1cm 2 RPC, scintillator or GEM pads with digital readout Timescale is short mid 2004 – mid 2005 CALICE beam test

4 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status4 UK project (finally!) approved in Dec 2002 Funding only for two full FY’s, not the three requested Funds up to March 2005; cannot complete beam test or do analysis! Can reapply to extend in ~18 months Equipment fund sufficient to build ECAL electronics We will design and build VME boards and DAQ system for beam test Hope to use same boards for HCAL readout (analogue and digital) Full effort request granted for engineering from Rutherford Laboratory New engineer (Adam Baird, RAL) has now joined the project One RA post for two years at Cambridge For simulation work, the other part of the UK involvement Travel money for the two FY’s CALICE-UK approval

5 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status5 Two sets of studies going on Jet resolution is major driver for fine-grained calorimetry Simulation indicates required 30%/  E is achievable using energy flow… …but simulation needs to be verified Hadronic interactions known to be difficult to model Compare Geant3/Geant4/Fluka predictions Birmingham and Cambridge groups Beam energy spread will be significant Luminosity will need to be known as a function of  s Bhabha rate is high and (obviously) depends directly on luminosity Measure  s for each event from acollinearity angle of e + and e – Could use tracker only but need very high efficiency at low angles UCL group CALICE-UK simulation studies

6 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status6 Expect EM response to be modelled well Use beam test configuration for studies Direct comparison to data when available Agreement is reasonable after tuning Low energy cut-offs Production of  -rays Geant3/Geant4 electron comparisons

7 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status7 Did not expect hadronic response to be as good Pion beam agreement also pretty reasonable after same tuning Comparable to (better than?) electrons Geant3/Geant4 pion comparisons

8 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status8 Protons show much worse agreement Small nucleon component in all jets Causes almost all of small discrepancy in pion jets Importance of using proton test beam Not previously recognised Data may be different from both models! Geant3/Geant4 proton comparisons

9 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status9 Effort from several groups in ECAL readout electronics Imperial, Manchester, UCL Following approval, RAL TD became involved; brought experience of CMS tracker Significant knowledge of design of Front End Driver (FED) Readout board for CMS silicon tracker Around 500 boards needed for whole tracking system FED architecture close to proposed CALICE board Data gathering and control almost identical Actual data input technology very different; CMS use fibre FED design is quite advanced Physical board layout complete, firmware designs in progress Two “final-specification” prototypes received two weeks ago and currently undergoing tests Will now use FED as a starting point for CALICE CALICE-UK electronics work

10 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status10 Original proposed system 15 readout boards Each handles digitisation of 2 layers 1 trigger board Holds off further triggers until readout complete 1 test board (not shown) For testing cable connections of readout board Readout board most complex part Each cable handled by slave FPGA Whole board controlled by master FPGA

11 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status11 FED board compared to readout board Master  BE +VME; very similar Slave  FE; need to rewrite firmware ADCs, etc; totally different

12 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status12 Ideally Keep everything to the right Redo everything to the left FED is bigger More £ per board More channels per board also Total cost approximately the same Saving is on schedule and effort FED layout

13 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status13 ECAL electronics schedule JFMAMJJASONDJFMAM Prototype 2 boards Design Layout Fabrication and assembly Testing, including VFE prototype tests Production 9 boards Redesign Layout Fabrication and assembly Testing 2003 2004

14 5 February 2003Paul Dauncey - Calice Status14 CALICE as a whole is still growing Dominating the LC calorimetry community CALICE-UK is finally approved Not everything we wanted (yet) Will keep us going for the next two years Simulation studies producing useful results Indicating the importance of proton beams Ensures beam test will be sensitive to most critical issues Electronics getting close to producing hardware Now based on CMS FED board; cost neutral but less effort needed Should have prototypes this summer, final boards early in 2004 CALICE summary

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