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Ashley Eng Lauren Gregory Sari Luciano Kevin Perdriere Justin Sanches Ashley White Jehan Yakoo.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashley Eng Lauren Gregory Sari Luciano Kevin Perdriere Justin Sanches Ashley White Jehan Yakoo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashley Eng Lauren Gregory Sari Luciano Kevin Perdriere Justin Sanches Ashley White Jehan Yakoo

2 Discrimination  What is Discrimination?  Where does it come from?  Where do we see it?  What is being done to prevent it?

3 Civil Rights Act of 1964  Title VI Prohibits discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal funding  Title VII Prohibits discrimination by employer Prohibits discrimination based on association 1970s  sexual harassment = sex discrimination Supplemented with legislation prohibiting pregnancy, age, and disability discrimination

4  4erEI 4erEI

5 Affirmative Action  A set of actions designed to eliminate existing and continuing discrimination, to remedy lingering affects of past discriminations, and to create systems and procedures to prevent future discrimination.

6 Affirmative Action  Amendments: XIII XIV XV  Brown vs Board of Education

7 Affirmative Action  Reverse Discrimination ?  Court case: Regents of the University of California vs Bakke

8 Affirmative Action in Schools  Generally means giving preferential treatment to minorities in admission to universities  Originally designed to correct historical discrimination

9 Arguments For Eliminating Affirmative Action in Schools Leads to reverse discrimination Lowers standards of accountability needed to push students or employees to perform better Condescending to minorities to say that affirmative action is needed in order to succeed It would work towards a color blind society Admissions would be based solely on effort

10 Arguments against Eliminating Affirmative Action in Schools Diversity is desirable but won’t always occur if left to chance Discourages segregation within schools Students starting at a disadvantage need a boost Draws people to areas of study and work that they may have previously not considered Helps eliminate certain stereotypes Needed to compensate minorities for centuries of oppression

11 Opposition to Affirmative Action  Argument that affirmative action is another form of discrimination.  Residual ramification of past injustices through affirmative action is not just.  Devalues accomplishments of recipients.  Unqualified applicants acceptance into programs results in eventual failure.  Increased racial tension.

12 Support of Affirmative Action  Addresses past discrimination and enhances discrimination  The end justifies the means  Affirmative action is needed since organizations inherently favor whites.  The African American Policy Forum

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