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Unit 2: Faith Journey & Sacramental Life Learning Goals: Success Criteria I will understand what a “symbol” means. I will understand the function of symbols.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: Faith Journey & Sacramental Life Learning Goals: Success Criteria I will understand what a “symbol” means. I will understand the function of symbols."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: Faith Journey & Sacramental Life Learning Goals: Success Criteria I will understand what a “symbol” means. I will understand the function of symbols and signs in our own lives I will understand the function of symbols and signs in the 7 Sacraments. -Class Note, explain Mike’s Star and Mr. Bear, and think of a symbol in your life -Logo game (to emphasize the difference between a sign and a symbol) -Chart and class discussion

2 What is a sign? A sign is a general term referring to any object that represents something else. What is a symbol? A symbol is a sign that operates on many levels (physical, spiritual, etc.) and it can have more than one meaning. (For example: Fire that can represent both warmth and destruction) Sometimes, a symbol’s meaning and physical appearance are interwoven. For example, water is a symbol of baptism partly because it cleans and purifies. Rituals = Symbolic Actions!! Rituals are concrete, visible (and often times) repeated actions that have symbolic meaning for a group or community.

3 How do symbols operate in a general way? We don’t realize the influence of symbols!!  

4 Read “Mike’s Star” Answer the following questions: 1)List 5 things the star represents in Mike’s life? 2)How can this symbol help him through life? 3)Mike’s father gave him a symbolic “thing”. What “symbolic action” did Jesus give his followers? 4)Why do you think Jesus chose an “action” instead of “thing”? Mike’s Star

5 Watch “Full House” Season 2 Disc 3 “Goodbye Mr. Bear” episode as a class. Answer: 1)What was so significant about “Mr. Bear”? 2)Why do you think a replacement (even if it looks the same), is not good enough? 3)Do you possess anything that means as much to you as “Mr. Bear” meant to Stephanie? (If you do, what is it and why is it important to you?) Mr. Bear


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