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Notes on the Causes of Species Extinction

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Presentation on theme: "Notes on the Causes of Species Extinction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes on the Causes of Species Extinction

2 Holocene Extinction Event

3 Holocene Extinction Event
6th mass extinction Some natural causes such as deglaciation, natural climatic shifts, natural rate of extinction Main cause is….

4 Holocene Extinction Event
6th mass extinction Some natural causes such as deglaciation, natural climatic shifts, natural rate of extinction Main cause is humans. HOW?

5 Invasive (introduced) Species

6 Housecats??? 60 million in U.S.
Kill over 200 million birds per year (conservative estimate)

7 Habitat Destruction 85% of old growth forest in U.S. is gone. (some 2nd growth, some other uses)

8 Habitat Fragmentation
Breaking large ecosystems into smaller ones can lead to extinction.

9 Overexploitation Why is our overall fish catch 50% less now than in 1950?

10 Guns + Animals = Good??? Money from every hunting license goes to buy wetlands - Habitat Preservation!!! Over $430 million annually.

11 So, how are we doing? Since 1972, we’ve de-listed (saved) 7 species
Currently have 1,233 species on the Endangered Species List in U.S.

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