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Jared Gelb Camp Ramaquois

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1 Jared Gelb Camp Ramaquois

2 Don’t do everything for your staff. There’s a difference between role modeling something and actually doing it. You’re not a general staff member; you’re a leader.

3  Everyone runs a “quality” staff orientation, but what happens once camp starts? Do you ever take the time to train your staff again?!?  Just staff meetings? Or training ?  What topics could you cover?  How often can you do this?  What are some reasons why you don’t?  What are some reasons that you should?

4  Run the same training session(s) multiple times per day/week  Get other people to run it.  You don’t need to do everything yourself!  Show a video! (Everyone loves a movie!)  Pick fun/interesting topics.  Make them staff-centered, not YOU- centered!

5  Communicate your expectations!  Speak about them, put them in writing, repeat them over and over again.  Expect a lot from your staff.  By setting high expectations, we can help staff rise to new levels of achievement.  Care must be taken to inspire and encourage, while avoiding pressure.

6 The best way to manage expectations is to: 1.Under-promise and over-deliver 2.Set short-term goals 3.Have staff commit in a public setting 4.Use message repetition to communicate clarity 5.Have regular meetings with TWO-way communication, listen, and make changes when necessary 6.ALWAYS communicate what is not possible and WHY 7.Be positive 8.Don’t fear inevitable incidents; just respond promptly to them

7 What are some employee management tips for creating and sustaining employee engagement?  Give freedom to staff to perform their tasks.  Listen to your staff. Learn from them.  Be honest…you’ll likely get honesty back.  And be honest about your shortcomings or mistakes.  Make them feel supported by…supporting them.  Praise people. Do it immediately and as publicly as you can. Be specific.  Show you care about them as people.  Communicate openly and clearly. Explain your rationale.  Avoid “because I said so.”


9  When you speak with them, don’t talk in generalities. Be specific !  Give multiple, concrete suggestions for changes. Be specific !  Move past casual meetings, make them more formal. Bring in a 3 rd person.  Set some short-term goals.


11 What are some things that YOU do? Suggestions?

12 Jared Gelb Camp Ramaquois Pomona, NY

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