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Being digital – creating a win-win situation for the visually impaired and publishers.

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Presentation on theme: "Being digital – creating a win-win situation for the visually impaired and publishers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being digital – creating a win-win situation for the visually impaired and publishers

2 US ebook wholesale rev. (Mio. $)

3 ‚In 2015 Random House US will generate 50 % of turnover with ebooks‘ (Handelsblatt citing RH CEO)



6 34.000 titles in Braille 1.2 mio books in print

7 15.000 audio books 1.2 mio books in print

8 4.200 titles in large print 1.2 mio books in print



11 Common Issues Formulae Graphs Image/text combinations Complex layouts Tables

12 Rethinking the way content is created managed published delivered

13 ------------- XML for typesetting e-book XML (e.g ePub) Web XML (XHTML) Manuscript Artwork Tagging Processing Transformation Print e-book Web publication Graphs Content DB Processing


15 ePUB 3.0: new features Layout improvements Rich media and interactivity Global languages Accessibility improvements HTML 5 support


17 Barriers Different types of content / delivery platforms Digital workflows have to be implemented (technical problems, costs) Digital Rights Management (DRM) Copyright issues (eg text-to-speech) Tech capabilities of publishing staff

18 Accessibility – a win-win-game Stronger lobbying is needed to convince publishers of the benefits of accessible publishing for ALL readers and their WHOLE business Digitisation moves visually impaired readers from a niche market to mainstream consumers Accessibility helps publishers in generating future-proof content structures

19 Follow me on Twitter


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