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Warm-up Start working on the study guide on your desk. It will go on page MM 26 of your notebook. Answers are on page MM 27 and must be in complete sentences.

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2 Warm-up Start working on the study guide on your desk. It will go on page MM 26 of your notebook. Answers are on page MM 27 and must be in complete sentences.



5 With Host... Your

6 100 200 300 400 500 George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe

7 Define inaugurated. (1) A 100

8 Inaugurated means to swear into office. A 100

9 What did Washington believe that U.S. foreign policy should be? (7) A 200

10 He said our foreign policy should be to avoid entangling alliances with other nations. A 200

11 What did Washington prove by sending the army to put down the Whiskey Rebellion? (5) A 300

12 He proved that he was willing and able to enforce the law. The federal government was stronger than during the Articles of Confederation. A 300

13 What did the Federalists believe? A 400

14 The economy should be based on manufacturing, rich & well educated men should rule, the federal government should be stronger than the states. A 400

15 Name three members of Washington’s original cabinet. (3) A 500

16 Vice President – John Adams Secretary of State – Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War – Henry Knox Attorney General – Edmund Randolph A 500

17 Which political party was John Adams in? B 100

18 John Adams was a Federalist. B 100

19 Who was John Adams’ Vice- President? B 200

20 His Vice-President was Thomas Jefferson. B 200

21 Which amendment of the Bill of Rights did the Alien and Sedition acts violate? B 300

22 They violated the first amendment of the Bill of Rights. B 300

23 Who were the American diplomats trying to see during the XYZ Affair? B 400

24 They wanted to see Charles Talleyrand, the French Prime Minister. B 400

25 What was made illegal under the Alien and Sedition Acts? B 500

26 Speaking out against the government or any government agency (like a judge during a trial). B 500

27 What was Jefferson’s vision for the nation? C 100

28 He envisioned a nation of small independent farmers. C 100

29 What city did Jefferson attempt to buy from Napoleon? C 200

30 He wanted to buy New Orleans. C 200

31 Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory to the USA? (21) C 300

32 He has not other colonies in the Western Hemisphere, he needed money to fund his war in Europe, and he did not have the man-power to protect the Louisiana Territory. C 300


34 Who died on the same day as Jefferson? C 400

35 Both Adams and Jefferson died on July 4, 1826. The fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence C 400

36 What were the three main purposes of the Lewis and Clark Expedition? C 500

37 Create maps of the Louisiana Territory, make friendly relationships with Native Americans, and find an all water route to the Pacific Ocean. C 500

38 What is impressments? D 100

39 Impressment was kidnapping of American sailors to work of British ships. D 100

40 Who were the War Hawks? What did they want? D 200

41 War Hawks were westerners who wanted to go to war with England. They wanted to gain control of Canada and stop Native American resistance. D 200

42 List three effects of the War of 1812. D 300

43 Increase in manufacturing, weakened, Native American resistance to American occupation of the Northwest Territory, and increased patriotism. D 300

44 What were Lowell Mills? D 400

45 Lowell Mills were textile mills that combined the spinning and weaving in one building. D 400

46 What role did Dolley Madison play in the War of 1812? (30) D 500

47 She saved the Declaration of Independence and a painting of George Washington from being destroyed as she fled Washington DC. D 500

48 Did James Monroe practice nationalism or sectionalism? E 100

49 Monroe was a nationalist. E 100

50 What did the Monroe Doctrine say? E 200

51 It said that the USA would not tolerate any European interference in the Western Hemisphere. E 200

52 What did Spain the USA disagree about? E 300

53 They disagreed about how Florida should be policed (USA wanted to stop Seminole raids and run away slaves). E 300

54 Why was the Monroe Doctrine written? E 400

55 Several Latin American countries had won their independence from Spain and Portugal and the USA didn’t want other European countries to help Spain and Portugal keep their colonies. E 400

56 What did the U.S. gain after the Adams-Onis Treaty? E 500

57 Florida became part of the USA. E 500

58 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

59 Four of the first five presidents owned slaves. Which president never owned slaves? Click on screen to continue

60 John Adams Click on screen to continue

61 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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