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Online Gaming.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Gaming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Gaming

2 Questions Does anyone play games? What games do you play?
Do you talk to other players when you play these games?

3 Questions What do you like about the games you play?
What do you not like about the games you play?

4 What can go wrong? What can go wrong when you are playing games with other people? Can you think of any examples? Has anyone ever been rude to you online?

5 Griefing Some people enjoy annoying other people on purpose. This could be sending nasty messages to you on an online game. It could be making fun of a photo or video you put online.

6 Griefing “Griefing” is the act of irritating and angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering. Griefing has become a serious problem for server administrators who want to let people build in peace

7 Minecraft Griefing

8 Trolling “A troll” is a person who makes trouble on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people. They might post nasty messages in an online community or a chat room, forum blog or other site.

9 A Story... Jane and Samantha are in a coffee shop. Jane has just told Samantha that her dog died that morning. As the two women talk, a man rudely interrupts them and says:

10 A Story... “I hate dogs and their owners, I am really glad that your dog has died. That means there is one less scrawny mutt walking the streets. And I bet you cried when it died? You’re pathetic, it’s just a dog! I wish all dogs and their stupid owners would just go and die, you make me sick!”

11 Think... Do you think what the stranger said was ok?
How do you think Jane & Samantha would react? How would you react if someone did this to you?

12 Activity: Scenarios Listen to the examples and think about how we could stay safe. Think about what you would do in each situation...

13 John plays World of Warcraft and meets another player through chat.
The player asks John to help him kill a dragon

14 What should John do?

15 Mike is playing Call of Duty in a team of 16 people.
Some of the players on his team are calling him a ‘loser’ because his score is really low

16 What should Mike do?

17 Emma is playing Candy Crush on. her phone. She sees a message pop
Emma is playing Candy Crush on her phone. She sees a message pop up offering her 10 free lives if she clicks on an advert link.

18 What should Emma do?

19 Joe plays Minecraft and has spent a long time building a castle in the game.

20 Another player sets fire to Joe’s. castle and changing everything he
Another player sets fire to Joe’s castle and changing everything he has built. What should Joe do?


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