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Writing an Outstanding College Admissions Essay Make It Personal!

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Presentation on theme: "Writing an Outstanding College Admissions Essay Make It Personal!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing an Outstanding College Admissions Essay Make It Personal!

2 Your Primary Goals  Make your essay stand out by making it unique  Make your admissions officer want to meet you

3 Accomplishing the Goal…  Do your research…  Majors/programs  Factors that draw you to campus  Mascot/school colors  Liberal or conservative  Address how the experience/incident adds to your ability to succeed in college  Stay away from controversial topics and avoid direct persuasion

4 Tell a Story Only YOU Can Tell  Specific event that changed the way you think or allowed you to “walk in someone else’s shoes”  One person who helped shape your character  Specific challenge that demonstrates who you are, what you value and your character  Answer the question/ prompt completely

5 Consider…  Explain, expand or emphasize what you “look like” on paper  EXPLAIN a low grade, weakness in a subject area or less challenging course choices  EXPAND by filling in a “hole,” e.g. lack of community service or lack of leadership experiences  EMPHASIZE an experience that points to your strengths, character or ability to adapt and learn

6 First Impressions  You have 10 seconds to make a good impression so begin with a(n):  Rhetorical question  In medias res scenario…dramatic action  Shocking statement  Challenge of conventional wisdom  Contrasts~ “There are two types of students…”  Confession  Lesson learned

7 Pearls of Wisdom  Give yourself ample time to write and review  Walk away and let it “ripen”  Show maturity by applying past learning to the future  ADD VOICE !!!  Watch your tone: whiney, maudlin, accusatory or boastful  If you don’t have fun writing the essay, your reader won’t have fun reading it

8 The Final Touches  Read your essay out loud…does it sound right?  Ask yourself  “What does this essay prove?”  “Does it communicate what I intended?”  “Does this sound like me?”  Proofread, then proofread again  Ask an adult to read it and give you feedback

9 Avoid the Pitfalls  Retelling the story of your education; remember they have your transcript in front of them  “ The Trip” and how you grew  A fluffy list of things to tell your reader you are a nice person  The Miss America scenario- how you will work for world peace  The Athlete and Jock scenario- how you learned to be a team member and how you handle defeat in a mature way

10 Previous Prompts  “ Tell us about an experience that a transcript does not reflect: your passions and commitments, your hopes, a personal challenge, a hardship overcame or the cultural awareness you’ve gained.” ~ University of Washington

11 Previous Prompts  “Select a creative work that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the impact the work has had on you.” ~ NYU

12 Recap  Communicate your excitement and passion  First impressions count: explain, expand and emphasize  Allow plenty of time to write, re-write and proofreading  Make the admissions officer want to meet you!

13 Ready, Set Go…  “You are pure potential.” We believe in you! Here’s your chance to SHINE!

14 Gratitude and Questions  Thank you to CHS teacher Linda Kimball for her guidance and generous contributions on this topic and presentation

15 Contact Information Leontina Liebe, School Counselor Office in 800 wing 833-5750 X. 78215

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