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Communities- shared space, shared organisational structure and shared identity.

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Presentation on theme: "Communities- shared space, shared organisational structure and shared identity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communities- shared space, shared organisational structure and shared identity

2 What is a Community?

3 Population Use of Census to estimate population Indigenous  English Settlement  Federation  Multiculturalism Post war saw an increase in population due to refugees from WWII Population measured by: 1.Natural Increase- number of deaths-numbers of births 2.Net overseas migration- total permanent migration of people to Australia – the total permanent leavers from Australia

4 Ethnic Composition First fleet migration Convict migration Gold rush migration WWII  refugee migration Increase in ethnic make up of the population Currently- Asian and Pacific migration due to regional ties

5 Types of Migration Assisted migration Family migrants Business migrants Skilled migrants Student migrants Refugees and Asylum Seekers

6 Population Distribution Unevenly distributed 85% of Australia’s Population lives along the coast Australia’s population density is 2.6 people per square kilometre Population centered in urban areas (cities)

7 Age and Gender Patterns Ageing population due to lower death rates and longer life expectancy and a decline in fertility rates Government responses include baby bonuses, health and aged care facilities

8 Indigenous Communities Young population People distributed in remote areas Poor demographics education Issues include –, health and unemployment Reponses to these issue by- media, government funding, land rights and native title, NGO’s, individuals and individual communities


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