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Copy Right Laws and Rights. “Who owns what?” author owns the work Except when contracted under work-for-hire— employer owns the work Other ownership.

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Presentation on theme: "Copy Right Laws and Rights. “Who owns what?” author owns the work Except when contracted under work-for-hire— employer owns the work Other ownership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copy Right Laws and Rights


3 “Who owns what?” author owns the work Except when contracted under work-for-hire— employer owns the work Other ownership includes collaborative works

4 Rights as a Copy Owner The owner of the work has the right to do the following: to make copies distribute display and perform the work

5 Copy Right Management The work will be used Disclosure of work and purpose Proper citations Penalties: work without permission: 150,000. or more

6 Using Copy Right For Education The Teach Act passed in 2002 educators may use: images, films, movies or still life with out permission. However, must be limited amounts of information. Also, educational institutions must be accredited

7 Steps for accessing work Contact owner of work Copyright Clearance Center Copyright Licensing Agency

8 Websites for Copyright laws and Pictures (Gerbils) /01/plagiarism.jpg (Bart Simpson) /01/plagiarism.jpg /announce-copyright2.jpg (copy right for educators) /announce-copyright2.jpg content/copyright.jpg

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