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State of Connecticut English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards ConnTESOL Information Session

2 Why new standards? The current Connecticut English Language Learner Framework (2005) is based on 1999 TESOL standards, which have since been updated in 2006. There is a demand for English Learners to participate more fully in the curriculum and develop language and content at the same time to align with Office of Civil Rights and Department of Justice guidelines. The Federal government is asking for updated English Language Proficiency Standards MAF Handout A list of participants in the committee and FAQ as reference only pgs. 4-7 CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

3 ELPA 21 Standards Developed by:
Understanding Language Initiative of Stanford University National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) of the University of California, Los Angeles; National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) of the University of Minnesota; Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) WestEd MAF- Where they come from, How Marie worked with CCSSO CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

4 Balance of Elements Guiding Principles CELP Standards
Correspondence to Connecticut Core Standards Supporting documents Megan- Hand- out A p. 2-3 Guiding principles pps. 4-5 in CELP Standards Document focus on GPs 1,2, 3 CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

5 The CELP Standards Megan Handout A p. 1 on pg. 7 in CELP Standards Document Standards 1 through 7 involve the language necessary for ELs to engage in the central content-specific practices associated with ELA & Literacy, mathematics, and science. They begin with a focus on extraction of meaning and then progress to engagement in these practices. Standards 8 through 10 home in on some of the more micro-level linguistic features that are undoubtedly important to focus on, but only in the service of the other seven CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

6 CELP Proficiency Descriptors
For each grade level band there are set of descriptors for each CELP Standard that explain to teachers and other service providers what an English Learner is able to do at the five proficiency levels. Each proficiency descriptor was reviewed by the CT ELP Standards committee to determine both its developmental and linguistic appropriateness. Refer to pgs in the State of Connecticut English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards (2015) draft document. Handout B pps in the CELP Standards Document CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

7 CELP Proficiency Descriptors
Grade level band and ELP Standard number Proficiency descriptors at 5 levels of language from lowest (1) to highest (5) CELP Proficiency Descriptors CELP Proficiency Standard Handout B pps in the CELP Standards Document Proficiency descriptors look at the standards within a grade level and across language proficiency levels. For example, the descriptors show standard 1 at Kg, then standard2 at KG, then standard 3 and so on -this enables teachers to have an understanding of what is expected for a student at a given grade level, given his/her English language proficiency and it illustrates the continuum of what would be needed within a given standard for a student to go to the next level of English language proficiency CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

8 CELP Progressions CT is the first state in the ELPA 21 group to create a progressions document. Revisions were made collaboratively to ensure that the descriptors are linguistically and developmentally appropriate, as student progress through the grade level bands. Refer to pgs in the State of Connecticut English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards (2015) document. pg in CELP Standards document Progressions look at one standard from one grade level to the next. For instance, standard 1 and its proficiency descriptors for language proficiency level would be provided for Grade KG, then for grade 1, then grade 2, and so on. The progressions links the expectations for each standard across grade levels and across proficiency levels within each grade level (done by grade band) CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

9 Correspondence to Connecticut Core Standards
Language of the Common Core Work with SS Consultant CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

10 Old Paradigm Megan; the shared space of content and language used to be occupied by vocabulary and grammar CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

11 Typical structure of text
New Paradigm Discourse Text (complex text) Explanation Argumentation Purpose Typical structure of text Sentence structures ΔVocabulary practices Language Content As expectations for all students have increased and there is enhanced rigor across content areas, the “shared space” has grown. There are now more skills that an EL student needs to develop in order to be able to use language to access content CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

12 Typical structure of text
New Paradigm Content Text (complex text) Discourse Explanation Argumentation Typical structure of text Purpose Sentence structures ΔVocabulary practices Math Language Arts Science Social Studies Highlight our work with social studies Illustrates that the “shared space skills” are vital not just theoretically in education but within each content area CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

13 Correspondences to Connecticut Core Standards
Each CELP Standard for each grade level has correspondences to content area practices and Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in the Content Areas. The CELP Standards describe how language is used to support students who are engaged in content aligned to Connecticut Core Standards. Refer to pgs in the State of Connecticut English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards (2015) document. The practice standards that were used to identify the correspondences are the “big idea standards” that are the overarching themes in the content areas Committee work Practitioners looked at the supports to determine if they are practical and live CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

14 Correspondences to CCS
Content area practices Correspondences to CELP Standards While engaged in content area ‘practices,’ ELs will be using English in these ways within these particular CELP standards Maggie pps CELP Standards Document -matrix serves a quick view to illustrate the correspondences between certain CELP standards and content area practices CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

15 ELA Correspondences to CELP Standards Sample
Content area practices CCS Grade level standards Language proficiency descriptors--specific to CELP standard CELP Standard by grade band Megan Handout C Correspondences are by grade level NOT by grade band (except 9-10 and 11-12) CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

16 Linguistic Supports To support teachers and practitioners that may have limited knowledge of English Learners and their needs, there are the suggested linguistic supports. Available are suggested linguistic supports with links to definitions, examples, and videos that explain the supports at various levels of language and in various content areas. Refer to pg. 260 in the State of Connecticut English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards (2015) document. Maggie Handout E (PLUS Glossary Handout D/F) pps in CELP Standards Document Committee work Practitioners looked at the supports to determine if they are practical and live CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

17 Statewide Professional Development Plan
Session Topic Method of Delivery Offerings Timeframe Format and Content of the CELP Standards  CELP Standards Information Sessions Webinar- Self-directed learning 3 RESCs (EastConn, ACES, CREC), CAPELL, CAS, CABE, CEEDAR, NetStat, ConnTESOL, SERC for parent liaisons. On Demand, Online -Planning and development January 2015-May 2015 -Implementation of information sessions May November 2015 -Webinar October 2015 and ongoing Using the CELP Standards in Planning and Practice for K-12 English Learner Service Providers  Training of Trainers Modules Professional Learning Workshop Session All 6 RESCs, offer 2 sessions in the winter, and 2 sessions in the spring. Each session will cover two modules. -Planning and development of sessions September December 2015 -Implementation of TOT sessions at the RESCs: January 2016-June 2016 This is the next stage of the statewide ELP standards committee’s work; the development of these is in progress CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

18 Statewide Professional Development Plan
Session Topic Method of Delivery Offerings Timeframe Using the CELP Standards in Planning and Practice for K-12 General Educators  Training of Trainers Modules Professional Learning Workshop Session  All 6 RESCs, offer 2 sessions in the winter, and 2 sessions in the spring. Each session will cover two modules. -Planning and development of sessions September December 2015 -Implementation of TOT sessions at the RESCs: January 2016-June 2016  Using the CELP Standards to plan for the instructional needs of special populations of students  Professional Learning Workshop Sessions  All 6 RESCs, offer 3 sessions -Planning for webinar sessions: September 2016-October 2016 -Implementation of professional learning series at the RESCs 11/2016, 2/2017, 3/2017 CELP Standards for K-12 Administrators Webinar Series Self-directed learning On Demand, Online -Implementation of Webinar November 2016 and beyond

19 Questions Maggie (PLUS Glossary Handout D) pps in CELP Standards Document Committee work Practitioners looked at the supports to determine if they are practical and live CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

20 Thank You! Feel free to contact us with questions.
Megan Alubicki Flick ESL/Bilingual Consultant, CSDE Maggie Stevens Lopez Education specialist, ACES CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION


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