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Time Management Outside the Workplace. Work vs. Non-Work Theoretically, 2/3 our our time is spent outside the workplace!

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management Outside the Workplace. Work vs. Non-Work Theoretically, 2/3 our our time is spent outside the workplace!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management Outside the Workplace

2 Work vs. Non-Work Theoretically, 2/3 our our time is spent outside the workplace!

3 Entries in Day Planners

4 Balancing Priorities

5 It has been said that people: Worship their work, Work at their play, and Play at their worship

6 Mary Kay Ash: “I like to work long hours, but if you have to lose your husband or family in the process, you’re doing things the wrong way. It is no fun to count your money by yourself.”

7 Hours Worked

8 The Working Women Source: Americans' Use of Time Project

9 1965 u The Sound of Music -- Academy Award for Best Picture. u The made-for-TV movie Cinderella was broadcast u Mary Tyler Moore won her second Emmy for portraying a stay-at- home mom u Laura Petrie, Samantha Stephens, etc. were all keeping tidy houses

10 1997 u Helen Hunt, starring as an overworked single mother with bad health insurance (and a mighty messy apartment), picked up the Oscar for Best Actress. u Female surgeons and an FBI agent in search of extraterrestrials were the television role models for young girls.

11 Why Have the Hours Women Work at Home Dropped? u Are husbands more sympathetic and helping around the house more? u Are we hiring people to do some of the work? u Are we eating out more? u Are we willing to live with a house not as clean?




15 The Man



18 The Working Man Source: Americans' Use of Time Project

19 Work Time at Home

20 Helping around the house




24 Hiring Help?? u Home cleaning services have quadrupled since 1965

25 Less Clean?? u Cleaning product sales declined 6.1% from 1992 to 1996 u Biggest household product growth area – products that mask smells, such as candles

26 How Important is Dusting? Source: Soap and Detergent Association Survey

27 Cleaning






33 Hours Spent Cooking Source: Americans' Use of Time Project

34 Female Time Spent on Household Tasks - Daily u Cooking – 57 minutes u Meal Cleanup – 7.7 minutes u Laundry – 18.4 minutes Source: Americans' Use of Time Project

35 It Will Get Worse!!

36 Consider scheduling: u At least one “family” priority daily – Play basketball with the children u At least one “self” priority – Read 15 minutes of Dickens

37 Home Management u Become CEO of the home - act like one u Create an office in the home – Desk – Filing Cabinet u Delegate at home

38 Establishing Control u Make four extra house keys u Purchase greeting cards for a year at a time u Establish a message center u Prepare a “secret” shelf of gifts u Have an emergency phone list u Prepare a Household Instruction Book (3 ring binder/plastic protector for the pages)

39 Kitchen Magic u Clear, Clean, Condense (remember the Pareto Principle) u Plan and post menus for one week - get all family members involved u Purchase groceries at off-hours

40 Kitchen



43 Kitchen Magic u Use daily planner to construct shopping list u Prepare food in advance u Add storage shelves - have a place for everything

44 Kitchen Magic u Store pots and pans at eye level u Store dishes you use daily away from the stove – So the person cooking will not interfere with the person setting the table

45 Closet Magic u Add additional shelves, rods and racks u Clean out what you don’t wear – Sort into three piles “For Sure” I will wear “Maybe” I will wear – store some other place “No” I will not wear - get rid of

46 Closet Magic u Don’t buy clothes on impulse, to fill time, or while under pressure u Stick to basic classics in clothing

47 Household Tips u Clutter causes confusion u Its easier to clean if everything has a place u Less is more u Use a portable kitchen timer all over the house – establish a time to accomplish a task, set the timer, then try to beat it

48 Organizing






54 Household Clutter



57 Household Tips u Consider if perfection is really need in housework u Do you do some household tasks out of habit? u Have five minute “clean-up” parties with all family members involved

58 Managing the home












70 Cleaning

71 Questions to Consider u Will it matter in 10 years? u What do I need more of in my life? u What do I need less of? u How can I make this simpler?

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