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AFFECTIVITY is the capacity to love people different from one’s own members. To what degree do you live friendship? How many friends have you got?

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4 AFFECTIVITY is the capacity to love people different from one’s own members. To what degree do you live friendship? How many friends have you got? And how many of them can you consider “close”? Self evaluation __P__

5 WILL is the capacity to take decisions in a mindful and autonomous way and to put them into effect, even in the hard and difficult moments. Who take decisions in your life? In which spheres of your life do you take decisions by yourself and in which ones are the others to decide for you? Are you able to keep your decisions or change them when you are “hard pressed”? Self evaluation__P__

6 FREEDOM is the capacity to make choices in a mindful way; to be able to choose if doing something or not and how doing it. Who chooses in your life? In which spheres of your life do you make choices by yourself and in which ones are the others to choose for you? When you choose on your own, are there any valid reasons that lead you to make the choice or do you choose on instinct? Self evaluation__P__

7 INTELLIGENCE is the capacity to know, understand, examine thoroughly and memorize several information coming from the surrounding world. What studies have you done so far? Are you satisfied? Do you think that you’re using your intelligence in an appropriate way? Self evaluation__P__

8 FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS with your family members: are the relationships that you have with your parents and brothers. Are they lived respecting your own and other’s autonomy? Do you still feel dependent on them? If yes, in which spheres of your life, except the affective one? Self evaluation__P__

9 FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS with your partner. Are they grounded on the dialogue, the intimacy and on a “pair project”? To what degree are you able to get over a clash? Self evaluation__P__

10 SOCIALITY is the capacity to stay with other people in a confident, composed, trustful and independent way, maintaining social relations marked with respect and collaboration. Self evaluation__P__

11 CORPOREITY is the relation that you have with your body based on the knowledge of your body, the acceptance, the care, the hygiene and the satisfaction of all its needs. Do you feel at ease “in your body”? Have you ever wished to have a different one? Self evaluation__P__

12 SEXUALITY is the relationship that you have with your male or female identity either in your personal life and in your family and social ones. Do you know your internal and external genital organs in an appropriate way? Self evaluation__P__

13 CREATIVITY is the capacity to invent, design and build or work out something new using the hands (objects) or the mind (written tests or art products). Self evaluation__P_

14 RELIGIOUSNESS is the capacity to answer to the important life questions: what’s the deep meaning of life? What’s the reason for living or dying? Does God exist? If yes, how can I meet him? Can I give a sense to my life, my actions and my becoming? Self evaluation__P__

15 ECONOMY is the capacity to produce things and services in order to get a salary to live decorously or the capacity to have a mindful and reliable relationship with money. Where does money I use come from (my work or my parents)? Self evaluation__P__

16 JOB is the relationship that you have with your daily job/course of studies. How do you live it? With pleasure or resignation? Which benefit do you get: just economical, just professional or both or none? Self evaluation__P__

17 CULTURE is the relationship that you have with the customs, social, religious and family traditions of a specific area. Is it a quiet or clashing relationship? Self evaluation__P__

18 FINAL EVALUATION At the end of each personal side description you got Self-evaluation. Write a score from 0 to 10 where 0 is the total absence of that personality side in your life and 10 means full presence of it. The intermediate numbers (from 2 to 9) mean partial presences or absences. Sum up all the sides scores and divide the total score by 14. You’ll get the average presence of these sides in your life. Total of the 14 sides_______ Average of the 14 sides______ Sides where I got the highest score______ Sides where I got the lowest score_______ Sides where I got a lower than 5 score____

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