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Super bo y won (win) a gold cup came t o Changsha came (come) t o China.

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Presentation on theme: "Super bo y won (win) a gold cup came t o Changsha came (come) t o China."— Presentation transcript:


2 Super bo y








10 won (win) a gold cup

11 came t o Changsha came (come) t o China

12 music compe t i t ion


14 lis t en and answer: When ( 什么时候 ) did t he y come? The y came las t Wednesda y.

15 Wha t did Amy pla y ? She pla y ed t he flu t e.

16 Chant When,when, When did he come ? Came,came, He came last Saturday.

17 Chant What,what, What did she play ? Played,played, She played the flute.

18 Listen,then choose T or F. (1) Some American children came to China last week. (2) A boy won the gold cup. (3) Amy can play the flute too. F F T


20 When did she walk to school ? She walked to school a t half pas t seven. 7:30

21 He wa t ched TV a t seven o’clock. When did he wa t ch TV? 7:00

22 They had class a t eigh t o’clock. When did they have class ? 8:00

23 He pla y ed baske t ball. Wha t did he pla y ?

24 He pla y ed compu t er games. Wha t did he pla y ?

25 He played t he piano. Wha t did he pla y ?

26 Task: make a dialogue. A:What did you do last Sunday? B: I …

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