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Periodic Trends. Atomic Radii Defined by the edge of its orbital but since the edges are fuzzy, difficult to determine Atomic Radii – half the distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Trends. Atomic Radii Defined by the edge of its orbital but since the edges are fuzzy, difficult to determine Atomic Radii – half the distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Trends

2 Atomic Radii Defined by the edge of its orbital but since the edges are fuzzy, difficult to determine Atomic Radii – half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together


4 Atomic/Ionic Radii

5 Arrange the following groups in order of increasing atomic size: Rb, Na, Be Sr, Se, Ne Fe, P, O

6 Ionization Energy An electron can be removed from an atom if enough energy is used Ionization energy – the energy required to remove one electron from a gaseous neutral atom A + energy  A + + e -

7 Ionization Energy


9 Arrange the following groups in order of increasing first ionization energy: Rb, Na, Be Sr, Se, Ne Fe, P, O

10 Electron Affinity Electron Affinity – the energy change when an electron is added to a gaseous neutral atom, exothermic process A + e -  A - + energy


12 Electron Affinity

13 Order the atoms in each of the following sets from the least exothermic electron affinity to the most. N, O, F Al, Si, P

14 Electronegativity applies when an atom is in a compound NOT alone Electronegativity – measure of how strongly an atom attracts electrons when it is in a compound Fluorine (the most electronegative element) is assigned a 4.0 and then all the others were determined by comparison


16 Electronegativity

17 Predict some of the properties of element 117 (Uus): What will be its electron configuration? What element will it resemble most chemically? What will be the formula of the neutral binary compounds it forms with sodium, magnesium, carbon, and oxygen?

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