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Mentoring and Induction Journey to Excellence Iowa Training Model for Mentors of Beginning Educators.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring and Induction Journey to Excellence Iowa Training Model for Mentors of Beginning Educators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring and Induction Journey to Excellence Iowa Training Model for Mentors of Beginning Educators

2 “The sweetest path of life leads through the avenues of learning, and whoever can open up the way for another, ought to be esteemed a benefactor to humankind.” -David Hume, Scottish philosopher, 1711 - 1776

3 Introductions 1.Name 2.School/Location 3.Your teaching assignment 4.Beginning educator’s assignment


5 Introduction to Mentoring and Induction Overview Session Goals Journey to Excellence program overview Understand purpose of mentoring Iowa Teaching Standards/Criteria Board of Educational Examiners: Iowa Code of Conduct and Ethics

6 What is “Journey to Excellence?”

7 Linking the Stages of Concern and the "Bridge"Bridge"

8 The mere presence of a guide (mentor) does not improve teaching. “If mentors simply pass on their own teaching practices, regardless of whether they are effective or not, programs might tend to stifle innovation or the implementation of new approaches on the part of beginning teachers.” The Impact of Mentoring on Teacher Retention: What Research Says, 2004, Richard Ingersoll & Jeffrey Kralik

9 “…the mentor is a growth agent whose role is to develop self- reliant, reflective beginning educators, able to make effective instructional decisions as they strive for high performance for themselves and their students. Wellman & Lipton, 2006 Learning Focused Relationships 9


11 Mentoring and Induction programs Professional development designed to support best practices Evaluation of teachers Career paths with compensation levels 2001 Iowa’s Original Teacher Quality Legislation :

12 Iowa Mentoring and Induction Goals To promote excellence in teaching as described in the Iowa Teaching Standards To enhance student achievement To build a supportive environment for beginning educators To increase the retention of promising beginning educators To promote the personal and professional well being of classroom teachers To support continuous improvement and growth of beginning educators and mentors.

13 New professional norms of collaboration and on-going learning Improved teaching performance Increased student achievement 13 Why Induction ??

14 CHAPTER 83 TEACHER AND ADMINISTRATOR QUALITY PROGRAMS The goal of the teacher quality program is to enhance the learning, achievement, and performance of all students through the recruitment, support, and retention of quality Iowa teachers. The program shall contain specific strategies that include a mentoring and induction program for beginning teachers, teacher evaluations, and district and building support for professional development that includes best practice aimed at increasing student achievement.

15 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Student Achievement, Accountability and Professional Development Annual Report January 2011

16 Change in definition of “Teacher” under Teacher Quality Any individual who holds a practitioner’s license issued by the BOEE or a statement of professional recognition (SPR) issued by the BOEE, who holds a position that requires a license or SPR, and who is employed in a non-administrative position by a school district or AEA is now included in Teacher Quality programming. The statement of professional recognition can only be given to a person with a Bachelor’s degree or higher. 16 2007 Legislation: “Teacher” May 2007 School Leader Update - Legislative Edition

17 Initial Teaching License Conditional: Regional exchange Class B Temporary license to serve outside of endorsed area while completing requirements Class G Applicant does not hold a teacher license and has completed all requirements to serve as school guidance counselor with the exception of the practicum Intern Who are “Beginning Educators”??? It’s about your license…

18 Initial License, valid for 2 years 1.Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. 2.Completion of an approved teacher preparation program. 3.Completion of an approved human relations component. 4.Completion of requirements for a teaching endorsement. 5.Completion of the mandated tests in the state in which the applicant is currently licensed (graduates before Jan. 1, 2013) OR Completion of the Iowa mandated tests (graduates after Jan. 1, 2013). New testing requirements can be found on the Department of Education Practitioner Preparation & Teacher Education page. Department of Education Practitioner Preparation & Teacher Education page. 6.Meets the recency requirement of 6 college credits or teaching experience – either within the last 5 years. Renewable under prescribed conditions

19 Exchange License, valid for 1 year Not renewable 1.Must complete a teacher preparation program from a state approved and regionally accredited institution. Transcripts must be submitted to support. 2.Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. 3.Hold a valid teaching license in the state in which the teacher preparation program was completed. 4.No disciplinary action pending. 5.Completion of the mandated tests in the state in which the applicant is currently licensed (graduates before Jan. 1, 2013) OR completion of the Iowa mandated tests (graduates after Jan. 1, 2013). New testing requirements can be found on the Department of Education Practitioner Preparation & Teacher Education page. Department of Education Practitioner Preparation & Teacher Education page. 6.Has not completed all Iowa requirements for a teaching endorsement. Additional Information The applicant must meet any and all licensure deficiencies during the time frame of the license.

20 Class B license, valid 2 years Class B: If the teacher has half of the credits needed for an endorsement in a shortage area or two-thirds of the credits needed in a non-shortage area, they are eligible for a two- year Class B license. Temporary license to serve outside of endorsed area while completing requirements

21 Class G license, Guidance Counselor If a person has completed a baccalaureate degree and has completed all requirements of the school guidance counselor endorsement prior to the practicum or internship, the Class G license may be requested if the person receives the recommendation from the college official in the school guidance counseling program. The applicant is expected to complete all requirements for this endorsement within the term of this license. Upon completion of the requirements, the applicant must complete application materials, and be recommended by the recommending official of the institution at which the requirements have been completed.

22 No Dream Denied, January 2003 report of the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, Washington, D.C. Teachers are not “finished products” when they complete a teacher preparation program. Guided entry into teaching, via residencies and mentored induction, should become a standard feature of every high quality teacher preparation approach.

23 23

24 24 …are those people in our lives, who, through their deeds and work help us to move towards fulfilling our potential. Gordon F. Shea, Mentoring - A Guide to Basics

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