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Presentation on theme: "DEAR SDD --> SIDDHARTA"— Presentation transcript:

Silicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research and Timing Applications Carlo Fiorini (Politecnico di Milano) Development of a soft X-ray detection apparatus, based on Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD), with high energy resolution and high background reduction for application in exotic atoms researches

2 Experimental requirements

3 Experimental requirements
Exotic atom e.m. position of K line (keV) (eV) Required precision  (eV)  (eV) hydrogen 6.46  160  200 ~ 5 ~ 10 deuterium 7.81  500  800 ~ 25 ~ 100

4 Working principles of the SDD

5 The classical PIN diode detector
The anode capacitance is proportional to the detector active area

6 The Semiconductor Drift Detector
The electrons are collected by the small anode, characterised by a low output capacitance. Anode Advantages: very high energy resolution at fast shaping times, due to the small anode capacitance, independent of the active area of the detector

7 The Silicon Drift Detector with on-chip JFET
JFET integrated on the detector capacitive ‘matching’: Cgate = Cdetector minimization of the parasitic capacitances reduction of the microphonic noise simple solution for the connection detector-electronics in monolithic arrays of several units

8 The integrated JFET Detector produced at the MPI Halbleiterlabor, Munich, Germany

9 Performances of the SDDs

10 Silicon Drift Detector performances
Quantum efficiency of a 300 mm thick SDD 55Fe spectrum measured with a SDD (5 mm2) at –10°C with 0.5 ms shaping time

11 Silicon Drift Detector Droplet or SD3
T=-30°C a τsh=1µs Canode= 50 fF (vs. 100fF conventional SDD)

12 Resolution in the line shift measurement

13 Spectroscopic resolution: detector comparison - 1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 A (cm-2) FWHM (eV) SDD PIN Si(Li) K keV line PIN Tsh=20us Si(Li) Tsh=20us SDD Tsh=1us

14 Spectroscopic resolution: detector comparison - 2
FWHMmeas of monoenergetic emission line 5.9 keV 1cm2 detector at 150 K SDD FWHM=140eV tshap =1ms Si(Li) FWHM=180eV tshap =15ms PIN diode FWHM=750eV tshap =20ms CCD FWHM=140eV tframe=1s

15 Measure of the line shift – ideal case *
The case: kaonic hydrogen, 200 cm2 detection system For 6000 events (~ 50 pb-1 ) Estimated peak position 6.3 keV, line width about 245 eV, peak shift about 160 eV Detection system based on SDDs * No background contribution considered

16 Background reduction

17 Timing with the anode signal
hn IK IA hn t IA tdr max

18 Timing resolution with SDD
A=0.1cm2  Tdrift = 70ns A=0.5cm2  Tdrift =350ns A= 1cm2  Tdrift =700ns With: r = 2kW/cm H = 450mm

19 Triggered acquisition
Kaon trigger Concidence windows Detected pulses Considered pulses X-ray pulse Background pulse tdr max

20 Background reduction with triggered acquisition
r =number of detected kaons per detected X-ray = 103 Br=background rate = 103 events/s Tw=sinchronization window Tw = r x t drift max = 103 x 1 ms = 1ms B = Br x Tw = 103 s-1 x 10-3 s = 1 S/B = 1/1

21 Signal/Background with CCD
·    Actual value of the S/B ratio measured with DEAR at DANE using CCDs S/B  1/ in kaonic hydrogen expected: S/B  1/ in kaonic deuterium

22 tdr max Timing with the prompt signal from the backplane hn IK IA hn t
Estimated time resolution: about 300 ns

23 Reliability of the detection set up

24 Monolithic array of Silicon Drift Detectors
Pixel area = 5 mm2 Total array area = 95 mm2

25 DEAR test setup (SDD) at the BTF
BTF e+/e - beam e+, e – g shower Pb plate Ti foil Zr foil SDD X-ray detector (4 chips prototype) Pb shielding S2 X-ray lines S1 scintillators

26 Operations: The first stage of the project of the new detector deals with the characterization of the SDD performances. The characterization concerns the finalization of trigger efficiency and energy resolution, as a function of background environment and time window. This information will fix also the dimension of the single cell. These measurements are planned to be performed with a prototype device. The answers coming from these tests will be used for the construction of the final detector array and associated electronics with optimal characteristics.

27 Beam conditions at BTF: BTF run period required:
Energy: varying between 50 ÷ 750 MeV Intensity: varying between 1÷ 103 e+/e- s-1 (preference is for positrons) tbunch :  10 ns; bunch frequency: 1 ÷ 49 Hz Gate window 0.1 – 1 ms BTF run period required: 2-4 weeks in the period June October 2003

28 The detector: 1 cm2 SDD prototype
Front-side: field strips, JFET Back-side: entrance window 65 rings, 1 cm2 area 280mm high-resistivity + 12mm epi-layer detector presently under test at Politecnico di Milano

29 Preliminary measurements
Leakage current ~ 3 room T Voltage divider threshold voltage ~ -50V for 8 rings ( 65 rings bias should be feasible with ~ - 400V)

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