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Unit 2 Personal. Personal expression Personal preferences + feelings (likes and dislikes)+ values/beliefs= personal expressions Expressed through various.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Personal. Personal expression Personal preferences + feelings (likes and dislikes)+ values/beliefs= personal expressions Expressed through various."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Personal

2 Personal expression Personal preferences + feelings (likes and dislikes)+ values/beliefs= personal expressions Expressed through various forms such as blogs, journal entry, or movie reviews. Relate the stimulus to your life

3 Writing a personal expression Use some of the questions below to help you in making your personal expression. What do you think the text/material is about? What are the objectives? What are the themes? How do you feel about the topic/material? Can you relate it to your personal experience? How has it affected your opinion? How well did you enjoy the reading/viewing? What positive things can you say about the reading/viewing? What is your overall reaction to the reading/viewing? What would you change? Why?

4 Reading Time Read the story - A Cat in The Rain-Ernest Hemingway. Then answer the two questions below; 1.What is it about? 2.Identify two major themes in the story. 3.Which part of the story would you change and why? 4.Write your personal expression to the story in not more than 100 words.

5 Grammar Reboot Order of adjectives exercises Try answering the grammar questions below. 1. The house is __________________. a. large and white b. white and large c. large white 2. They live in a __________________ house. a. large and white b. white and large c. large white

6 2. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives? a. We took a ride on a blue, old Chinese bus. b. We took a ride on a Chinese, old, blue bus. c. We took a ride on an old, blue Chinese bus. 3. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives? a. I’d like three good reasons why you don’t like spinach. b. I’d like a good three reasons why you don’t like spinach. c. I’d like good reasons three why you don’t like spinach.

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