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Wigner Distributions and light-front quark models Barbara Pasquini Pavia U. & INFN, Pavia in collaboration with Cédric Lorcé Feng Yuan Xiaonu Xiong IPN.

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Presentation on theme: "Wigner Distributions and light-front quark models Barbara Pasquini Pavia U. & INFN, Pavia in collaboration with Cédric Lorcé Feng Yuan Xiaonu Xiong IPN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wigner Distributions and light-front quark models Barbara Pasquini Pavia U. & INFN, Pavia in collaboration with Cédric Lorcé Feng Yuan Xiaonu Xiong IPN and LPT, U. Paris Sud LBNL, Berkeley CHEP, Peking U.

2 Outline Generalized Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distributions (GTMDs) Wigner Distributions Parton distributions in the Phase Space FT    b  Results in light-front quark models Quark Orbital Angular Momentum from:  Wigner distributions  Pretzelosity TMD  GPDs

3 Generalized TMDs and Wigner Distributions GTMDs 4 X 4 =16 polarizations 16 complex GTMDs (at twist-2) [ Meißner, Metz, Schlegel (2009)] Quark polarization Nucleon polarization x: average fraction of quark longitudinal momentum » : fraction of longitudinal momentum transfer k ? : average quark transverse momentum ¢ : nucleon momentum transfer Fourier transform 16 real Wigner distributions [Ji (2003)] [Belitsky, Ji, Yuan (2004)]

4 GTMDs Charges PDFs [ Lorce, BP, Vanderhaeghen, JHEP05 (2011)] Wigner distribution 2D Fourier transform GPDs TMFFs FFs Spin densities Transverse charge densities ¢ = 0 TMDs TMSDs

5 Longitudinal Transverse W igner D istributions [Wigner (1932)] [Belitsky, Ji, Yuan (04)] [Lorce’, BP (11)] QM QFT (Breit frame) QFT (light cone) correlations of quark momentum and position in the transverse plane as function of quark and nucleon polarizations  real functions, but in general not-positive definite  quantum-mechanical analogous of classical density on the phase space one-body density matrix in phase-space in terms of overlap of light-cone wf (LCWF)  not directly measurable in experiments needs phenomenological models with input from experiments on GPDs and TMDs GPDs TMDs GTMDs Third 3D picture with probabilistic interpretation ! No restrictions from Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations Quasi-probabilistic Fourier conjugate

6 LCWF Overlap Representation Common assumptions :  No gluons  Independent quarks Bag Model, LC Â QSM, LCCQM, Quark-Diquark and Covariant Parton Models [ Lorce’, BP, Vanderhaeghen (2011)] momentum wfspin-flavor wfrotation from canonical spin to light-cone spin invariant under boost, independent of P  internal variables: LCWF: [Brodsky, Pauli, Pinsky, ’98] quark-quark correlator ( » =0)

7 Canonical boost Light-cone boost Light-Cone Helicity and Canonical Spin LC helicity Canonical spin model dependent: for k ? ! 0, the rotation reduced to the identity

8 parameters fitted to anomalous magnetic moments of the nucleon : normalization constant [Schlumpf, Ph.D. Thesis, hep-ph/9211255]  momentum-space wf  SU(6) symmetry Light-Cone Constituent Quark Model  spin-structure: (Melosh rotation) free quarks Applications of the model to: GPDs and Form Factors: BP, Boffi, Traini (2003)-(2005); TMDs: BP, Cazzaniga, Boffi (2008); BP, Yuan (2010); Azimuthal Asymmetries: Schweitzer, BP, Boffi, Efremov (2009) GTMDs: Lorce`, BP, Vanderhaeghen (2011) typical accuracy of ¼ 30 % in comparison with exp. data in the valence region, but it violates Lorentz symmetry

9 Longitudinal Transverse  k T b?b? Generalized Transverse Charge Density fixed angle between k ? and b ? and fixed value of |k ? | [Lorce’, BP, PRD84 (2011)] U npol. up Q uark in U npol. P roton

10 Longitudinal Transverse fixed 3Q light-cone model = [Lorce’, BP, PRD84 (2011)] U npol. up Q uark in U npol. P roton

11 Longitudinal Transverse U npol. up Q uark in U npol. P roton fixed 3Q light-cone model = favored unfavored [Lorce’, BP, PRD84 (2011)]

12 up quarkdown quark  left-right symmetry of distributions ! quarks are as likely to rotate clockwise as to rotate anticlockwise  up quarks are more concentrated at the center of the proton than down quark  integrating over b ? transverse-momentum density  integrating over k ? charge density in the transverse plane b ? [Miller (2007); Burkardt (2007)] Monopole Distributions favored unfavored

13 Proton spin u-quark OAM d-quark OAM Unpol. quark in long. pol. proton  projection to GPD and TMD is vanishing ! unique information on OAM from Wigner distributions fixed

14 [Lorce’, BP, PRD84(2011)] [Lorce’, BP, Xiong, Yuan:arXiv:1111.4827] [Hatta:arXiv:111.3547} Definition of the OAM OAM operator : Unambiguous in absence of gauge fields state normalization No infinite normalization constants No wave packets Wigner distributions for unpol. quark in long. pol. proton Quark Orbital Angular Momentum

15 [Lorce’, BP, Xiong, Yuan:arXiv:1111.4827] Proton spin u-quark OAM d-quark OAM Quark Orbital Angular Momentum

16 L z q = ½ - J z q L z q =2L z q =1 L z q =0L z q = -1 JzqJzq Quark OAM: Partial-Wave Decomposition :probability to find the proton in a state with eigenvalue of OAM L z eigenstate of total OAM squared of partial wave amplitudes TOTAL OAM (sum over three quark)

17 Quark OAM: Partial-Wave Decomposition OAML z =0L z =-1L z =+1L z =+2TOT UP0.013-0.0460.1390.0250.131 DOWN-0.013-0.0900.0870.011-0.005 UP+DOWN0-0.1360.2260.0360.126 0.620.1360.2260.0181 updown TOT L z =0 L z =-1 L z =+2 L z =+1 distribution in x of OAM Lorce,B.P., Xiang, Yuan, arXiv:1111.4827

18 Quark OAM from Pretzelosity model-dependent relation “pretzelosity” transv. pol. quarks in transv. pol. nucleon [She, Zhu, Ma, 2009; Avakian, Efremov, Schweitzer, Yuan, 2010] first derived in LC-diquark model and bag model valid in all quark models with spherical symmetry in the rest frame [Lorce’, BP, arXiv:1111.6069] chiral even and charge evenchiral odd and charge odd no operator identity relation at level of matrix elements of operators

19  No gluons  Independent quarks  Spherical symmetry in the nucleon rest frame the quark distribution does not depend on the direction of polarization Light-Cone Quark Models symmetric momentum wf spin-flavor wf rotation from canonical spin to light-cone spin non-relativistic axial chargenon-relativistic tensor charge spherical symmetry in the rest frame

20 Quark OAM  from GPDs: Ji’s sum rule  from Wigner distributions (Jaffe-Manohar)  from TMD model-dependent relation “pretzelosity” transv. pol. quarks in transv. pol. nucleon

21 GPDs Ji sum rule GTMDs Jaffe-Manohar LCWF overlap representation TMD total LCWFs are eigenstates of total OAM total For total OAM Conservation of transverse momentum:Conservation of longitudinal momentum sum over all parton contributions 0 1

22 what is the origin of the differences for the contributions from the individual quarks? transverse center of momentum Jaffe-Manohar Ji pretzelosity ??? ~ ~ Talk of Cedric Lorce’ OAM depends on the origin But if

23 Summary  GTMDs $ Wigner Distributions - the most complete information on partonic structure of the nucleon  Results for Wigner distributions in the transverse plane - non-trivial correlations between b ? and k ? due to orbital angular momentum  Orbital Angular Momentum from phase-space average with Wigner distributions - they are all equivalent for the total-quark contribution to OAM, but differ for the individual quark contribution - rigorous derivation for quark contribution (no gauge link)  Orbital Angular Momentum from pretzelosity TMD - model-dependent relation valid in all quark model with spherical symmetry in the rest frame  LCWF overlap representations of quark OAM from Wigner distributions, TMD and GPDs

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