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Waves Part 1 Basics What is a wave? A wave is a disturbance that carries energy through matter or space.

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2 Waves Part 1 Basics

3 What is a wave? A wave is a disturbance that carries energy through matter or space

4 Waves Themes These are some of the areas of interest that involve waves 1.Sight and vision 2.Sound and hearing 3.Communications 4.Medicine 5.Cooking 6. astronomy And more…………

5 The uses of waves 1.Microwave 2.Radar 3.Mobile 4.TV 5.Radio 6.CD 7.Music 8.Satellite 1.X-rays 2.Ultrasound 3.Gamma-rays 4.Fibre optics 5.Remote control 6.….. 7.…..

6 Waves The characteristics of waves Waves are 1.Regular patterns of disturbance 2.Made by vibrations They 3.Transmit energy 4.Do not transmit matter

7 Waves The two main types Transverse (b) 1.on a rope 2.on the surface of water 3.light Longitudinal (a) a spring 2.Sound longitudinal transverse

8 When a crowd does “ the Mexican wave ” at a sporting event, they are performing as a transverse wave The wave moves in a circle around the stadium, but the people move up and down Transverse Waves Waves Transverse particle motion

9 The motion of the particles in the medium is at a right angle to the motion of the wave as a whole

10 Waves Transverse particle motion

11 Waves Longitudinal The particles move in the same direction as the wave motion

12 Waves Terms – wavelength - longitudinal Compression (C) – rarefaction (R) λ CRCRCRCRCRCR =wavelength

13 Waves Terms – wavelength - transverse Crest (C) –Trough (T) T C CC λ =wavelength

14 Waves Terms – wavelength Wavelength The distance between two consecutive Crests or troughs Compressions or rarefactions

15 Waves Terms – amplitude - longitudinal Amplitude The maximum (biggest) disturbance or displacement.

16 Waves Terms - frequency Frequency The number of waves made or passing by in 1 second Unit – Hertz (Hz)

17 Waves Terms - speed Speed The distance a wave travels in one second. start1 second later

18 Waves Symbols and units unitsymbol amplitudemA wavelengthmλ or w frequencyHzf speedm/ss,v or c!

19 Waves Formula s,v or c -speed w or λ – wavelength s fλ

20 Waves on water

21 Waves Transverse waves on water – a side view Direction of travel Particle motion – not 100% correct!

22 Waves Transverse waves on water – from above = wave motion = crest = source Waves travelling out from the source

23 Waves spreading The previous slides show waves moving along a line. Waves can spread out moving across the surface of the sea ( 2 dimensions) or through space ( 3 dimensions)

24 Waves Light and sound Light 1.Transmits energy 2.Transverse 3.Does not need a medium – can travel through empty space Sound 1.Transmits energy 2.Longitudinal 3.Needs a medium – solid – liquid - gas

25 Wave Interactions-- Reflection Reflection is what happens when a wave strikes a surface or boundary Waves reflect at a free boundary At a fixed boundary, waves reflect and turn upside down

26 Waves Reflection -sound 1.Sound is reflected when it meets a boundary between two materials – air/brick. 2.Reflected sound can produce an echo.

27 Echo - reflection

28 Waves Reflection – spring waves Waves can be reflected at the fixed end of a spring.

29 Waves Reflection - light 1.Light is reflected when it meets a boundary between two materials – air/mirror – air/paper. 2.Light reflected by a mirror produces an image.

30 Waves Reflection – light - diagrams Reflection by a plane mirror

31 Waves Reflection – water waves - diagrams Water waves are reflected by barriers

32 Waves Refraction - light When waves pass from one medium into another, they are bending due to a process called refraction This is why a spoon looks like it is broken into 2 pieces when it is resting in a glass half-full of water

33 Waves Refraction – light - diagrams There is some reflection as well.

34 Waves Refraction- water waves – diagrams -1 When water waves pass from deep water to shallow water they slow down. The wavelength decreases. deep-fastshallow-slow

35 Waves Refraction- water waves – diagrams -2 deepshallow The direction changes as well – this is refraction

36 Waves Diffraction Waves spread when they 1.pass through a gap 2.go past an obstacle

37 Waves Diffraction – narrow slit Narrow slit – more diffraction

38 Waves Diffraction – wide slit Wide slit – less diffraction

39 Waves Diffraction – past an obstacle -1 Short radio waves – less diffraction Radio transmitte r No reception

40 Waves Diffraction – past an obstacle -2 Long radio waves – more diffraction Radio transmitte r reception

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