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Emerging Regional Spatial & Economic Planning Stephen Blair Director.

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1 Emerging Regional Spatial & Economic Planning Stephen Blair Director

2  Under Local Government Reform Act, 2014 significant reform of the local government sector, including the regional tier was introduced  Significant rationalisation of regional structures and reconfiguration of administrative areas  Changes introduced in phases following Local Elections in May, 2014, with all aspects effective from 1 st January, 2015  Within planning sphere reform sought to combine regional spatial planning with regional economic planning (RSES) and European Regional Policy

3  Old system of two Regional Assemblies & eight Regional Authorities abolished and replaced by three new Regional Assemblies: ◦ Southern Regional Assembly ◦ Northern & Western Regional Assembly ◦ Eastern & Midlands  Within each Assembly area the region is further subdivided into ‘Strategic Planning Areas’, which broadly equate to the NUTS III Regions


5 1. To co-ordinate, promote and support strategic planning and sustainable development of the region 2. To promote effective local government and public services in the region, in conjunction with the National Oversight and Audit Commission 3. To manage Regional Operational Programmes (ROPs) as well as monitor and make proposals in relation to the general impact in the region of all EU Programmes of Assistance 4. To prepare and oversee the implementation of Regional Spatial & Economic Strategies (RSES)

6  NSS / NPF  Other National Strategies/Plans  City & County Development Plans  Local Economic & Community Plans (LECP’s)


8  Over the next 16 months the DoECLG is to prepare a NPF to replace the NSS which was adopted in 2002.  What is different or new this time with regards to the national planning includes: ◦ Unlike NSS, NPF to be put on Statutory footing (Planning No. 2 Bill) ◦ NPF, as the names suggests is to be a framework, not a detailed plan (detail will to be found in regional strategies) ◦ Recognition that spatial planning must not be divorced from economic development and need to underpin NPF with an investment plan  The NPF will provide the strategic context for: ◦ - Planning at regional and local levels for Ireland’s requirements in relation to housing, commercial, office and industrial accommodation; ◦ - Preparation of new Regional Economic and Spatial Strategies by the three Regional Assemblies and the associated enhancement of the economic development focus of the local government sector.

9  The Action Programme for Effective Local Government ‘Putting People First’ (2012) set out a vision for regional government that would provide greater coherence between national policy making and local action, particularly in relation to spatial and economic development planning.  Thus each Regional Assembly has to prepare a Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES ), in tandem with the preparation of the NPF  The fundamental objective of the RSES’s is to: ◦ provide a long-term strategic planning and economic framework for the region to support the implementation of the National Planning Framework and the economic policies and objectives of the Government

10  The RSES will have to take account of identified infrastructure deficits and key investment and sectoral plans of Government departments and agencies  Specifically the regional strategies will be particularly aligned with the economic policy objectives of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, including the emerging Regional Jobs Action Plans and LECP’s at local level.  The need to provide for supporting social, healthcare, educational and environmental/recreational services will have to be considered  Each RSES will be developed initially at the level of sub-regional Spatial Planning Areas (SPA’s) and the overall strategy will contain specific policies & objectives for each SPA.  The preparation of RSES will involve both a top down and a bottom up approach, with extensive public consultations  RSES’s will have a six year remit, within a 12 year time horizon.

11  Some of the main opportunities the RSESs present include: ◦ Influence key decisions at National and Regional level ◦ Move away from separate physical planning and economic development objectives ◦ Move to integrated regional development and investment strategies ◦ Co-production between Assemblies and key stakeholders which set out:  Implementation procedures  Budgets  Defined delivery responsibilities  Better reporting/monitoring, including NOAC – 2 year reports

12  Getting Central Government ‘buy-in’  Timing – general election likely to occur at critical juncture  Iterative process with NPF – preparations for both NPF & RSES have to proceed in tandem, but certain NPF tasks will have to be completed to allow aspects of RSES to proceed  Getting the balance right - NUTS II, NUTS III and LG level spatial and economic planning  Addressing inter and intra regional disparities  Metrics, reporting and follow through.

13  The overall Objective is to have both NPF and RSES’s finalised by end of 2016  One of first tasks to be completed for the NPF which is critical for the RSES’s is the preparation of robust forecasts for demography, economic output, employment & key property development requirements for 2016-28 for both the State, regions and metropolitan areas. This is planned to be completed by end 2015  This will enable work on the regional strategies to progress throughout 2016  The adoption of the RSES is a ‘reserved function’ for the elected members of the three Assemblies

14 Thank you for your attention! Any questions?

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